Guidelines For Living

Harold Sala

Learn To Live Above Your Circumstances

September 14, 2023

“Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful.  Honour and recognition in event of success.”  So read the advertisement that the famed explorer, Sir Earnest Shackleton, was said to have posted when seeking a crew for the ill-fated South Pole bound voyage of his ship, the Endurance.  Historians have argued as to whether or not Shackleton really placed the advertisement but what is sure was that bitter, cold, long hours of complete darkness were indeed, the constant companions of the 27 men who ultimately escaped the shipwreck.  Shackleton became a hero for saving the lives of his men by keeping up their spirits through days made up of 17 hours of utter, frigid darkness.

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Deeper With God: What is God Asking of Me?
Do you want to grow closer to God? Start this study to learn how to know God more.


 "God if you will just get me out of this mess, I'll…"   Have you ever said those words?  Or possibly it was, "God, let's make a deal…."  It may have been when you were in the military, the shells were exploding, and you wondered whether a bullet had your name on it.  It may have been when your car was skidding down the icy slope, out of control; or when a typhoon came screaming across the South China sea and was headed directly for your island.  It may have been when rebels were about to invade your village, murdering the elderly and children, raping and abusing the women.
September 13, 2023
When you are in a pit, and it is so dark that the only time rays of sunlight filter into your prison is at high noon, you don't play games with God.  You don't tell him what a nice person you are, or how much you have done for His cause.  You go one-on-one with God, pleading your case, asking Him to intervene for you.
September 12, 2023
Have you ever worked the night shift?  Getting used to the schedule isn't much fun.  It means eating supper and going to bed when everybody else is eating breakfast and getting ready for the day.  Days and nights are reversed.  It means sleeping when others are awake, working when others are playing, watching the moon instead of the sun, working in the dark instead of the day.  It's different.  Not everybody can take it.  Too lonely, too dark, too much of a difficult thing. 
September 11, 2023
"Dear Dr. Sala," writes a friend, "Would you have any suggestions to help people who have reached their eighties and feel they have nothing to live for?  I admit feeling very useless at times.  I am 82, in a wheel chair, and have little energy."
September 8, 2023
He rowed alone across the Pacific Ocean 8,990 miles but fell short of his goal 33 miles away.  Peter Bird attempted to become the first man to single- handedly row from San Francisco in the United States across the Pacific.  He almost succeeded, but approaching the east coast of Australia's Great Barrier Reef, Bird encountered stormy weather and choppy seas.  He was looking for a passage through the coral.  Actually, he was within one nautical mile of the reef when he had to radio for help fearing that he could not make it.
September 7, 2023
It was 3:00 in the afternoon on one of the last days of July, 1941 when the men of Block 14 were digging gravel outside the Auschwitz concentration camp.  Suddenly the sirens began to shriek and German sentries shouldered their guns.  There had been an escape.  Silently the men of Block 14 prayed that the escapee had not been from their block.  That evening their worst fears were confirmed.  The missing prisoner had been from Block 14.  The entire camp was punished and received no evening meal, which usually consisted of a dried piece of bread and some cabbage soup or gruel.
September 6, 2023
Long ago a poet remarked that birds can fly and we cannot because birds have perfect faith and we do not.  Aeronautical engineers will tell you that it is impossible for birds to fly because of the way they are made; but birds, not knowing that they cannot fly, rise to heights above.
September 5, 2023
When I asked Fred Whiteman how old he was, he replied, "I'm 47 on the outside, 31 on the inside.  I've had more trouble that most senior citizens, and I still look at life through the eye of a child."  What kind of an answer is that?  Chronologically, Fred had seen 47 birthdays.  Within his chest cavity beat the heart of a man 31 years old--the result of having had a heart transplant.  Has Fred really seen more trouble than most senior citizens?
September 4, 2023
In 1947, a shepherd boy by the name of Mohammed Ab Dib, from the Ta-Amir Bedouin tribe, was allegedly searching for lost sheep when he tossed a rock into the mouth of a cave near the Dead Sea. That evening as he sat around the campfire with his older brothers, Mohammed told how he had heard an evil spirit which he thought had been disturbed by a rock he had thrown into the cave as he searched for a lost goat.
September 1, 2023
They called him, "The Gentleman Bandit." Few robbers were ever more kind to their victims. He would rob people, then mail the pictures of children and grandchildren back to their home addresses. After pulling a gun and informing the victim that it was a robbery, on several occasions his heart would be touched by their stories of hardship if they lost their money, and he would put his gun in his pocket and walk away. On one occasion a man was so frightened that he sustained a heart attack, and the kind bandit called for an ambulance. He went so far as to sympathetically call the homes of victims, to see if they had recovered from the fright of being robbed.
August 31, 2023
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Deeper With God: What is God Asking of Me?
Do you want to grow closer to God? Start this study to learn how to know God more.

About Guidelines For Living

Start your day with hope, confidence, and purpose by listening to the Guidelines for Living daily devotional with Harold Sala! This 5-minute program offers insightful teaching from God’s Word and practical application for living out your faith in the day-to-day. Strengthen your relationship with Jesus by adding this short devotional to your daily routine.  Guidelines for Living is the longest running five-minute program in Christian radio!  

About Harold Sala

Speaker, author and Bible teacher, Dr. Harold Sala founded Guidelines in 1963 and pioneered the first 5-minute Christian program on radio.  Dr. Sala holds a Ph.D. in biblical text and has taught at conferences, seminars and churches the world over.  An author of over 60 books published in 19 languages, his most recent release is 40 Unstoppable Women (Rose Publishing).



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