Guidelines For Living

Harold Sala

Is Your Life Spiritually Bound?

January 19, 2023

When Jesus was accused by the Pharisees of casting out demons by the power of the devil, He countered with a question: “If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then,” he asked, “can his kingdom stand?” (Matthew 12:26). As He often did, Jesus had asked a rhetorical question which forced a decision. He followed with another hard-to-answer question, “how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can rob his house” (Matthew 12:29). “Bind the strong man,” is another translation.

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Deeper With God: What is God Asking of Me?
Do you want to grow closer to God? Start this study to learn how to know God more.


The difference between an oak and a bonsai--apart from their size--is the root system. Whereas the bonsai may be interesting, perhaps even curiously captivating, it is the oak that has strength which endures the test of time and is there after the fire, the drought, and the storm.
January 18, 2023
The Dead Sea is five times saltier than ocean water; and consequently, it’s almost impossible for someone to drown in it.  A certain visitor to the area, not knowing this, fell off a pier into the water and wildly began to flail his arms and legs because he couldn’t swim. 
January 17, 2023
There's a bit of doggerel which says, "Three moves are as good as a fire," and anyone who has packed his possessions more than twice in a given year mumbles to himself, saying things such as, "What in the world am I keeping this for?" Nonetheless, you keep that old stuff--just in case you might need it some day.
January 16, 2023
William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, was once asked. “What’s your secret?” Booth thought pensively for a moment and said, “God has had all there was of me!” Few can really say that. But some can, with all honesty and candor. One of my spiritual heroes, Dwight L. Moody, could have said the same thing. He was known for the declaration, “The world has yet to see what God will do with a man fully consecrated to Him. I will strive to be that man.”
January 13, 2023
A certain farmer, deeply touched by the revival which had taken place in his community, decided to dedicate a section of his farm to the Lord. Choosing a piece which was somewhat marshy and not terribly productive, he felt reasonably smug in his decision. After all, he had done something for the Lord, and he didn’t expect the cost to be very great.
January 12, 2023
On his sickbed prior to his death, the British preacher, Charles Spurgeon, said, “If you do not wish to be full of regrets when you are forced to lie still, work while you can. If you desire to make a sickbed as soft as it can be, do not stuff it with mournful reflections that you wasted time when you were in health and strength.” I suppose it is only natural that when you get to the place Spurgeon described that you have some regrets. You can no longer climb that mountain or swim the lagoon. Neither can you jump stairs two at a time or run and leap across the meadow.
January 11, 2023
"Every man should keep a fair-sized cemetery in which to bury the faults of his friends," wrote Harriet Ward Beecher. Most of us, however, never get to the cemetery with those faults. We gunnysack them. We file them away in our memory banks, we store them in the closet; and then when the time is right, we marshal them and use them as weapons and clubs to wreak vengeance upon our enemies.
January 10, 2023
When General James Edward Oglethorpe said to John Wesley, “I never forgive,” Wesley answered, “Then I hope, sir, that you never sin.” Why did Wesley say that? Because sooner or later, you do sin, you say something you ought not to have said, you do something that hurts someone, perhaps someone you love, and you need to be on the receiving end of forgiveness.
January 9, 2023
Before they put astronauts aboard the spacecrafts that were sent to the moon, scientists used a rather elaborate system to keep the missiles on the right path in space. It seems that, in spite of their great accuracy, the missiles would deviate from the correct trajectory and wander off course. The slightest deviation would, of course, cause them to go hurtling off in space forever, and miss the moon entirely. To correct the deviation, scientists installed receivers in the rockets. From Cal‑Tech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a message would be radioed through space to the missile. The receiver aboard the spacecraft would translate the message, causing the great retro-rockets to fire for a precise number of seconds to correct the course of the space missile gone astray.
January 6, 2023
In one of his plays, William Shakespeare wrote, "There is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will." What the great poet of England was saying is that the hand of God guides us, and, at times, His guidance overrides the human will.
January 5, 2023
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Deeper With God: What is God Asking of Me?
Do you want to grow closer to God? Start this study to learn how to know God more.

About Guidelines For Living

Start your day with hope, confidence, and purpose by listening to the Guidelines for Living daily devotional with Harold Sala! This 5-minute program offers insightful teaching from God’s Word and practical application for living out your faith in the day-to-day. Strengthen your relationship with Jesus by adding this short devotional to your daily routine.  Guidelines for Living is the longest running five-minute program in Christian radio!  

About Harold Sala

Speaker, author and Bible teacher, Dr. Harold Sala founded Guidelines in 1963 and pioneered the first 5-minute Christian program on radio.  Dr. Sala holds a Ph.D. in biblical text and has taught at conferences, seminars and churches the world over.  An author of over 60 books published in 19 languages, his most recent release is 40 Unstoppable Women (Rose Publishing).



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