Guidelines For Living

Harold Sala

Finding Jesus In The Modern World

December 23, 2022

For a few well-deserved minutes, sit back and relax, and ponder how different things might have been if Jesus Christ had been born in today's world instead of the first century Palestine. Naturally, any event today of even minimal importance is a media happening; and who would deny that the best way to get sensational coverage is to claim something is supernatural, out of the ordinary, perhaps even bizarre, and what would be more "news worthy" than the allegation that God has actually become man, to say nothing of the interesting angle that a baby is born without a human father.

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Deeper With God: What is God Asking of Me?
Do you want to grow closer to God? Start this study to learn how to know God more.


It has now been documented. Research polls indicate that Christmas is more popular than Easter. Surprised? It seems to me that a lot of research only certifies the obvious. That’s like asking people whether they prefer going to a baby dedication or christening, or a funeral. Of course, Christmas is more popular. And why not?
December 22, 2022
The month of December and depression seem to go together! Ask any counselor, any pastor, anyone who has staffed a suicide hot line, and they will tell you that the number of people fighting depression accelerates during the month of December. "It's the weather," some say. "No, it's too much alcohol at the Christmas party," another chirps in. But I suspect that it is something deeper than the weather or the amount of alcohol which is consumed--both of which undoubtedly contribute to the problem.
December 21, 2022
Annoyed by the fact that his company had to be closed for Christmas and Easter, a certain man who was an atheist was complaining that Christians seem to have all the holidays. He mentioned Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Good Friday and All Saints Day, adding, “We who are atheists have no holidays at all.” “Oh, yes you do,” rebutted a friend, “April Fool’s Day.”
December 20, 2022
There is a difference between expressing thanks for something and being genuinely grateful for it. For example, let's suppose you are a craftsman and you agree to do a certain amount of work for so much money, and you fulfill your obligation. The work is done within the prescribed period of time and you do it well. When you fulfill your contract you are paid. Common courtesy demands that you respond, saying, "Thank you!" as you pick up the check in the brown manila envelope and take your tools home.
December 19, 2022
The air was hot and heavy as the temperature and the humidity hovered around the 100° mark. A young politician, longer on rhetoric than good sense, droned on and on, wiping beads of perspiration from his forehead as he jabbed the air with his handkerchief to accent his point.
December 16, 2022
Amy Carmichael, a missionary leader in India, said that her mission--the Dohnavur Fellowship--had a rule for conversation: "The absent one must be safe among us." That was her way of reminding people that to talk about another person in a derogatory or degrading way in their absence when we would never say the same thing in their presence takes unfair advantage of the person. "The absent one must be safe among us..."
December 15, 2022
You never know what to expect when a child opens his mouth! He may embarrass you; he may amuse you; or he may say something that reveals wisdom beyond his years.
December 14, 2022
How far will an individual go just to get someone to listen? Take for example the man who robbed a bank near our office. He had no sooner asked for the money, which was placed in a brown paper bag, then he sat down on the floor and started to cry; and he kept on crying until the police arrived. You see, he has two children who needed physical help, and he was willing to go to prison for someone to hear his furtive cry for help.
December 13, 2022
"Dear Dr. Sala," writes a listener, "I'm 26 years of age, and at this point in my life, I have such an empty feeling. I'm a member of a Baptist Church (which I haven't been to for at least a month). I'm trying to reach for something but I don't know what!! I'm spiritually weak. Is there a time in our lives when we become stumped--you don't know which way to go? If you are able to answer these questions, please reply."
December 12, 2022
When he went to war in 1941, his brother told him, "Be strong!"  And for 30 years, Hiroo Onoda, a Japanese soldier, was strong!  He refused to quit fighting. Even when the war was over, he kept on hiding, running, sabotaging the enemy, striving to be as strong as was humanly possible.
December 9, 2022
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Deeper With God: What is God Asking of Me?
Do you want to grow closer to God? Start this study to learn how to know God more.

About Guidelines For Living

Start your day with hope, confidence, and purpose by listening to the Guidelines for Living daily devotional with Harold Sala! This 5-minute program offers insightful teaching from God’s Word and practical application for living out your faith in the day-to-day. Strengthen your relationship with Jesus by adding this short devotional to your daily routine.  Guidelines for Living is the longest running five-minute program in Christian radio!  

About Harold Sala

Speaker, author and Bible teacher, Dr. Harold Sala founded Guidelines in 1963 and pioneered the first 5-minute Christian program on radio.  Dr. Sala holds a Ph.D. in biblical text and has taught at conferences, seminars and churches the world over.  An author of over 60 books published in 19 languages, his most recent release is 40 Unstoppable Women (Rose Publishing).



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