Grace Thoughts

Tim Kelley

Hope Deferred – A Look at Depression 1

March 14, 2022
Depression is more common than we could imagine. And people we would never expect suffer from it. If you are suffering from depression - you are not alone. The reasons are many. I pray this message will give you hope – especially during this holiday season.

Featured Offer

Thinking with God
"Thinking with God" is a non published collection of messages that Tim Kelley, Grace Thoughts host, taught in a small and private setting. These CD's were never posted on the Website or made available to the general public until now. "Thinking with God" answers 2 distinct questions: What is God like and How does God Think? It is impossible for us, as believers, to think clearly in our Christian life without addressing these vital questions. (The audio quality is reflective of the small setting in which these were recorded.)   6 CD Set$25.00 Donation - includes shipping and handling


We have a hope in heaven and a hope in Jesus. The Hope of heaven wipes out the fear of death. We are promised an eternal existence that we cannot fathom. We are promised that we will never die! We pass from death to life; absent in the body present with the Lord. Our last breath on earth will be our first in heaven. We have a hope that those whom we've lost are in a state of unspeakable joy, peace and bliss - and someday we will be with them again.
March 11, 2022
We have a hope for Mercy - the loving kindness of God. It is mercy that buys back lost years, heals damaged emotions and restores soundness to troubled minds. It is a hope that my pain will not be wasted; that God will turn it into good, He will work an exceeding weigh of His own glory in me.
March 10, 2022
Christmas and hope cannot be separated. The Jews had waited 1000's of years for their Messiah. Who was going to set them free from the Romans? What they didn't understand was that their messiah was not a deliverer from man, but from sin. When you take away hope, you take away the heart of the man. Christmas is our symbol of Hope, as well as the entire world, they just don't know it.
March 9, 2022
We look to meet our needs, hopes and desires by a formula of a well-ordered life. But God is often not in this formula - or only a part of it. Sometimes we are left with nothing - just God - He designs it this way. Will that be enough?
March 8, 2022
Have we ever really evaluated our Christian life? Have we ever actually stated to God - 'You know God, You are part of my life, but not really its focus.' Be honest with God and yourself - call it for what it is.
March 7, 2022
Our relationship with our Bible will determine the quality of our Christian life and experience. Our furtherance in our faith will be dependent on how honest we are with God and ourselves.
March 4, 2022
Ingredients of an Earthquake Prayer Life include Praise and Thanksgiving. It takes the focus off of me and places it on Christ. If - while in the depths of your pain, frustration or deepest needs, you glorify God with all your heart - God will enlarge your heart.
March 3, 2022
Ingredients of an Earthquake Prayer Life include confession – clear the air. We live our lives under the surveillance of man when it should be under the surveillance of God. For the Christian, sin cannot affect our union with Christ, but it can hinder our Communion.
March 2, 2022
When you speak about prayer to another believer, there is often a hint of dissatisfaction in their lack of consistency or inability to pray. I read the books and biographies, but none of them helped me pray; they just condemned me because I did not pray like them or enough. This message will be about what has worked for me — best I can do. I hope it is a spring board to a Christian experience that you never though could be real.
March 1, 2022
God cannot reveal himself to me without my being in a place of awe and reverence with him. True fear of God imparts humility because it shows our smallness. Power and victory, joy and peace, come with a willful subordination to the plan of God.
February 28, 2022
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Featured Offer

Thinking with God
"Thinking with God" is a non published collection of messages that Tim Kelley, Grace Thoughts host, taught in a small and private setting. These CD's were never posted on the Website or made available to the general public until now. "Thinking with God" answers 2 distinct questions: What is God like and How does God Think? It is impossible for us, as believers, to think clearly in our Christian life without addressing these vital questions. (The audio quality is reflective of the small setting in which these were recorded.)   6 CD Set$25.00 Donation - includes shipping and handling

About Grace Thoughts

Grace Thoughts with Pastor Tim Kelley is dedicated to proclaiming the simple, age-old message of Grace - the complete Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe not only that this is still a relevant message; it is indeed the only message. Grace Thoughts will help you take the message of the Cross and make it practical for today's diverse challenges.

About Tim Kelley

Tim Kelley, at the age of 18, surrendered his life and heart to Jesus Christ. After receiving his degree in Biblical Studies, he relocated to St. Petersburg, Florida. In July of 1989 he became the senior pastor of Grace Connection Church and launched a local radio broadcast called “Grace Thoughts”, a daily radio program broadcast in the Tampa Bay region and is now heard at Pastor Kelley is now in his 33th year in public ministry here in the Tampa Bay area. He is an avid sports fan of the Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, and the Boston Celtics. As you may have guessed, our pastor grew up in New England in the Plymouth Mass. area. Pastor Kelley’s two greatest and heartfelt passions are teaching and preaching a clear gospel of God’s grace and its impact in our daily lives, as well as his love and compassion for people (even if they are not New England Fans).  Pastor Kelley has a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies and is currently pursuing a second Masters in Counseling, graduating in May 2013.  He is happily married to his beautiful wife of 27 years, Peggy. They have one child at home, Sadie Lynne.  Their beautiful daughter Hannah Grace, in February 2012, went home to be with the Lord, due to a firearm mishap after a church service. Pastor Kelley and Peggy have started the Hannah Grace Foundation in memory of their daughter, which raises funds for the housing, care and education of children and young adults, here locally in the Tampa Bay region, throughout America as well as the third world.


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Grace Thoughts
P.O. Box 41734
St Petersburg, FL 33743
