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Do You Have Your Grace Glasses On?

March 20, 2025
If you’re living under grace, you might wonder if the Old Testament is even relevant now. A recent caller asked if the Old Testament is still important, or if it just adds confusion.

In this thought-provoking video clip, I highlight several profound insights we discover in the Old Testament.

Listen now and discover how the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, comes alive like a 3-D movie when you view it through “grace glasses”!

We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.

You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here:

Connect with Dr. Andrew Farley here:
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Download a FREE excerpt of my new book ‘Gospel Zero.’

What if the apostles were alive today? What if they had social media, podcasts, and a front-row seat to the chaos of modern Christianity? What would they say?

Buckle up. Gospel Zero: Reclaiming the Radical Message of Grace is here to shake the religious world like an over-caffeinated prophet. Bestselling author Andrew Farley and renowned storyteller John Lynch echo the voices of God’s messengers in the 21st century – delivering fiery, blistering, and hilarious letters to the modern church.

Download your free excerpt today and get ready to rethink everything you thought you knew about faith, forgiveness, and freedom!

Past Episodes

What is the Trinity? How do we know the Trinity is an accurate view of God if the Bible never actually uses that terminology? Peter called in to our radio program to ask this, because his son – who recently became a believer – asked him about the Trinity.In this episode, I address the idea of the Trinity, using Scripture to support it. I hope this helps you clarify in your mind what is definitely a challenging concept!We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: with Dr. Andrew Farley here:Facebook:
March 13, 2025
If we’re totally forgiven, then is God’s grace a “license to sin”? And doesn’t it seem like so many believers are sinning just fine without this “license”? Does God’s grace somehow inspire us to sin even more?Mike called in from North Carolina to ask these important questions. In this short episode, I share my thoughts with Mike and highlight the two sides of the Gospel coin.We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: with Dr. Andrew Farley here:Facebook:
March 6, 2025
Scripture tells us that the “day of the Lord” will come like a thief in the night. But the uncertain timing of Christ’s return and the final judgment can leave us uneasy, wondering if we’re truly prepared.Many think of readiness as a checklist of activities or behaviors. But if being prepared required action on our part, Christianity would be a pretty scary proposition! Thankfully, the New Testament reveals that believers are ready, and it’s not because of what you’re doing.Check out this episode and discover why you can live with anticipation and confidence that you are fully prepared for the return of Christ!We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: with Dr. Andrew Farley here:Facebook:
February 27, 2025
Paul tells us everyone who belongs to God has the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9). John tells us everyone who has eternal life has Jesus (1 Jn. 5:12). And Ephesians says we’ve been blessed with every spiritual blessing.So is “getting the Holy Spirit” really a second blessing that occurs later? This was John’s question when he called in to our radio program. In this short episode, I share the simple truth about being baptized in the Holy Spirit.We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: with Dr. Andrew Farley here:Facebook:
February 20, 2025
Trudy from Utah heard in a sermon recently that God looks at her “as if” she’s righteous. It gave here the impression that God is faking Himself out when it comes to her.Is God only pretending you are righteous? Or has a fundamental transformation occurred within you that actually made you righteous? Is your righteousness merely “imputed” (credited) or has it been “imparted” (given) to you?We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: with Dr. Andrew Farley here:Facebook:
February 13, 2025
Ever wondered if God is disciplining you when life takes a downturn? Maybe you’ve lost your job, faced health issues, or struggled with temptation and thought, “Is this God trying to teach me a lesson?”In this eye-opening episode, I dive into what God’s discipline truly is and how it differs from punishment. You’ll learn why bad circumstances aren’t God’s way of dealing with your sins and how His discipline fits seamlessly into our everyday lives.Listen and be encouraged that you can welcome God’s discipline, not fear it.We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: with Dr. Andrew Farley here:Facebook:
February 6, 2025
Are some sins “bigger” than other sins? Are there small sins? Lesser sins? This was Tyler’s question when he called in to our radio program.I hope my response to Tyler is an encouraging reminder to you today of the finished work of Jesus Christ.We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: with Dr. Andrew Farley here:Facebook:
January 30, 2025
Linda heard recently that if she submits to God, then her circumstances will submit to her prayers. She called in to find out if there’s any truth to the idea.In this short clip, address Linda’s question and talk about the fallacy of manipulating God.We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: with Dr. Andrew Farley here:Facebook:
January 23, 2025
The permanence of your salvation is an important truth we’ll never stop proclaiming at The Grace Message. (Sadly, there are still far too many teaching you can lose your salvation!)Recently, two back-to-back callers asked if “once saved, always saved” is really true. In a unique twist, I shared the Bible passages used by those who think salvation can be lost and revealed their true context. The bottom line: Believing in temporary salvation is calling God a liar!I also shared numerous Scriptures that prove nothing, including your sins, can separate you from God’s love. Watch this short clip now and celebrate that your salvation has been secured forever!We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: with Dr. Andrew Farley here:Facebook:
January 16, 2025
In Matthew 5, Jesus said whoever practices and teaches the commands of the Law will be called great in the kingdom of Heaven.But we Christians are not under the Law. And are we really ranked from least to greatest in Heaven?These were Tim’s questions when he called in about the Sermon on the Mount. In this short clip, I share the radical and liberating truth about Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 5.We hope you enjoyed this episode. Since we're a nonprofit organization, episodes like these are only made possible by friends like you.You can help us continue sharing God's message of grace with the world here: with Dr. Andrew Farley here:Facebook:
January 9, 2025
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About Good Call

Join us on Good Call - a podcast in which Pastor Andrew Farley answers theological questions from live callers, helping them break free from lifeless religion and rest freely in God’s grace. For more content like this, visit


About Dr. Andrew Farley

Dr. Andrew Farley is devoted to helping people better understand the grace of God and helping them live in the freedom that comes from a true understanding of Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross. He seeks to challenge the way people look at God, and themselves, through practical, scriptural insights about God’s forgiveness, living under grace and what a new identity in Christ really means.

Andrew is the author of Zondervan’s debuted #1 bestseller on Amazon, The Naked Gospel, in addition to serving as lead pastor of Church Without Religion in Lubbock, Texas. He is also the president of The Grace Message. His mission is to help people better understand the grace of God and see them enjoy freedom. He previously served as a professor of linguistics at the University of Notre Dame and Texas Tech University

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Bridgeville, PA 15017


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