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Rodney Johnson

March 7, 2011
When Gerry visited a church in Hornbeck, LA where he was speaking, he interviewed Rodney Johnson who coordinated this event. Rodney shares with Gerry about the preparations to make this kind of outreach happen, and how the key ingredient is prayer. Game dinners are a powerful way to reach men in the community, and Rodney shares stories of changed lives.
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God's Great Outdoors Friends,
Wonder if this is something you can send to a person the Holy Spirit places on your heart - after you watch this segment from our website and that we've placed on YouTube. Jesus Christ's blood was shed to cover our sins and allow us to be with Him for eternity! Won't you pray who you might email this link to!

Past Episodes

This week's program is with the editor of Bow Hunter magazine, Dwight Schuh. Dwight shares about the difficultly he had in becoming an outdoor writer and how God used that in his life to help him see his need for a relationship with Jesus Christ. Dwight relates how it was clear that after making this decision, little by little, he noticed his opportunities in the writing world began to take a turn. He can clearly see where God’s hand was evident, including the time he was charged by a bull moose that he shot on a hunting trip.
February 28, 2011
Knight and Hale game calls is probably one of the best-known game calling businesses in the outdoor industry. Gerry interviews one of the two founders, David Hale.  They discuss how we are without excuse in God’s creation not to see that there is a great creator God. The two talk about The Great Commission, and discuss the many ways that outdoorsmen can be reached with the love of Jesus Christ in order to keep them from the flames of Hell.
February 21, 2011
The topic is game dinners and outdoor outreach to people in our circle of influence on this week’s program. Gerry interviews Pastor Craig Mickey, and he discusses how their church got started doing these outreaches.  He shares how it has allowed him to build relationships with unsaved people in the community who would not otherwise go to church. Their efforts are paying off as they are seeing sportsmen come to Christ through their events.
February 14, 2011
Hank Parker joins Gerry and shares with the listeners his fishing career, his television show on fishing, and his co-hosting with his two sons on the TV show for hunters “Hank Parker 3D”. Hank also tells of his dad’s alcoholism, conversion to Christ, horrific death in a car accident, and how he left a note in his Bible requesting that the pastor preach a salvation message at his funeral if he died because both of his boys were on their way to Hell.
February 7, 2011
This week Gerry meets with Dave Szott, who is the chaplain for the New York Jets. Dave and Gerry talk about the Fathers to Future Men Pheasant Hunt, the boys who attend, and the abuse they have gone through. Dave relates the story in his life of dealing with their oldest son, Shane, and the severe disabilities with which he was born. It is a reminder that God’s Word doesn’t say IF we are going to have difficulties, but WHEN, and how His grace can carry us through.
January 31, 2011
Extreme bow hunter, Ray Howell, shares with Gerry about his dad leaving the family when he was 5 years old, and the effects it had on him, including jail time, in his testimony. Ray relates how a social worker took him hunting with his boys.  This began a journey that transformed his life to the point where he eventually prayed to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior.  Ray now ministers to numerous children across North America through the ministry he started called “Kicking Bear”.
January 24, 2011
The ministry of Table in the Wilderness is the topic of this week's interview with the founder and director, Dan Wahlgren.  Dan shares how the ministry got started in Laramie, WY, and the many other mission fields he was involved in before God led him to this western state. The topic of the numerous ministry outreaches and numerous ways TWM is reaching young people and adults includes the evangelistic antelope hunt Gerry had joined them on when they did this interview.
January 17, 2011
Gerry visits with professional baseball player, Mike Timlin, at the Fathers to Future Men Hunt for pheasants in Wessington, SD. Mike shares about how his dad left before he was born, the impact that had in his life, and how he was able to rise above this sad situation. Mike shares a powerful story about one of the boys who came on the hunt.  After making life-changing decisions, he decided against the suicide he was planning that very next week.
January 10, 2011
This week's interview is with professional baseball first baseman Adam LaRoche. Adam and Gerry talk about his time on the TV show "Duck Commander" where he joined Phil Robertson and the family for a Duck Commander Sunday. This type of adventure brings people into church who won't normally come in for a regular Sunday service. Adam also talks about the TV show he is part owner of "The Deer Commander", and how he is trying in his life to use everything he does as a witness for Jesus Christ.
January 3, 2011
This week's program is a look back at a day when Dan Ryks should have died in the ice-cold water of the St. Croix River in Minnesota. Dan was thrown from his boat a hundred yards out, heavily laden with winter clothes, and he did not have his life jacket on. He could not return to the boat as it was going in “death circles” at full speed and he knew he would be cut to pieces. When he realized his situation he knew that only God could save him and that’s how he prayed. Beating all the medical odds, Dan is alive today to tell the story of how God answers prayer and made Himself much more real in Dan's life.
December 27, 2010
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About God's Great Outdoors

Join us on The Trail to Adventure a weekly 25-minute radio program that takes you on the journey to meet with well-known Christians who enjoy the outdoors.

About Dean Hulce

Dean Hulce was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where he spent every weekend in the woods or on the water with family and friends.  After graduation he married his highschool sweetheart Linda.  They have two boys and 5 grandchildren. 

Dean has written for several hunting and fishing magazines over the last 25 years. He has guided  hunters and fisherman as well as run hunting fishing camps from South Texas to Alaska and many states and provinces in between.  In the last 10 years Dean has written a daily devotional that goes out to thousands each day. He had published 5 devotional books, using hunting stories to bring a message to people.  He has traveled across the USA speaking to groups, spreading the gospel through outdoor experiences.

Dean has no doubt that God has prepared him his entire life for his position with God's Great Outdoors Ministry 

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God's Great Outdoors

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