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God's Great Outdoors - Rob Wynalda

February 20, 2017

Now this week's Trail to Adventure! is at the Archery Trade Association Show, and this event is in Indianapolis, Indiana. Gerry visits Rob Wynalda the President of a company called Fourth Arrow that makes several outdoor/hunting products to increase one’s success in the field. Gerry’s at the Wyndscent booth as Rob relates how effective their deer scent distribution system is and how long it lasts in a hunting situation. Rob shares how he came to receive Christ and how the team at Fourth Arrow operates with values that stem from a biblical worldview. This family business’ first and primary stakeholder is Jesus. They recognize their purpose is to Glorify God in all that is said and done every day!

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Wonder if this is something you can send to a person the Holy Spirit places on your heart - after you watch this segment from our website and that we've placed on YouTube. Jesus Christ's blood was shed to cover our sins and allow us to be with Him for eternity! Won't you pray who you might email this link to!

Past Episodes

Listeners will be moved to consider evangelistic outdoor outreach events on this week’s The Trail To Adventure! It’s a visit to a Pennsylvania church and this program’s guest interview is with Pastor Neal Wintermute. The two men’s discussion is about the church’s mission and how their game dinner is seeing men come to Christ each year. Pastor Wintermute shares with Gerry the different things that the church has tried and is doing in relation to this annual outdoor outreach. One thing is for sure, they are well aware of the fact that everything they do throughout the year, including the game dinner, needs to be bathed in prayer from the day of planning to completion. Getting to know about the different ideas God’s Great Outdoors shares on the “How to” of outdoor outreach events has help them on their way.
February 13, 2017
On this Trail To Adventure! this week, Gerry interviews one of the outdoor sports world’s legends at the ATA show in Columbus, Ohio. Pro fisherman and television host, Jimmy Houston, shares about his old friends from the early days of tournament fishing when the sport was just getting started, and how they have remained close friends. Jimmy also talks about relationships, and the ability for him to be able to share truths from the Bible with people he encounters because of his position in the outdoor industry. He gives away a Bible each year that he has personally used during the twelve months of Bible study and reading entirely through the Bible, which he has done for over 40 years. His challenge to the listeners is to be in God’s Word each and every day!
February 6, 2017
As Gerry visits with this week’s guest Keith Cline the two men are at the Rushing Wind Retreat Center in Ontario, Canada during a couple’s marriage event. Keith tells how as a rural mail carrier in north central Nebraska, he listens to God’s Great Outdoors while running his route. Hearing of the couples fishing retreats, he asked his wife Lori if she’d want to go “up there” for their 35th wedding anniversary. “Yes!” was her answer and booking, they landed the honeymoon cabin “to boot!” Keith also shares about the Special Youth Challenge deer & spring turkey hunts he is a part of in Nebraska and takes place in other locations across the nation. Put on for disabled and terminally ill youngsters, the ministry is seeing youth and adults come to Jesus Christ. Plus, Keith relates on the Select Arrow Ministry that allows him to speak across the country on Isaiah 49:2, “…he made me into a polished arrow…” and how God shapes us all.
January 30, 2017
On this Trail To Adventure! Gerry’s in Petersburg, KY and connected with this week’s guest Robert Smith. Robert’s story is about being blessed by God on an all-day whitetail deer hunt where only a half hour before dark he shot a monster buck. No ordinary deer, this typical ten pointer harvested on November 11th of 2000 with his rifle in northern Kentucky became a new state record buck. Robert, realizing that the Creator is truly the “Lord of the harvest” was thankful for this animal. Being what he calls “a meat hunter” when it came to the antlers value, it wasn’t a big deal. When an antler collector offered to buy the set, Robert knew the money could be used for an upcoming mission’s trip his church youth group was taking to Jamaica. Selling them was giving back to God, resulting in salvations abroad!
January 23, 2017
On this Trail To Adventure! this week’s interview takes place during a Fisher’s of Men Retreat at Rushing Wind Retreat Center in Ontario, Canada. The guest Jeff Swan reveals how skeptical he was the first year attending, as his church group had labeled the event a “mission’s trip”. He thought “Yeah, it’s really all about fishing, I’m sure!” But, did he discover how wrong he was and how God spoke to both he and his wife, the first year they attended. This is an outreach that is changing lives for eternity and listeners may consider this as something for those in their lives too! Jeff also reflects the importance of being the kind of man or women that God wants us to be.
January 16, 2017
The program on this week’s The Trail To Adventure! is at an archery event located in Ohio with a chapter of Christian Bowhunters of America, The Lord of the Harvest Archery Club, and its chapter chairman, Mike Peters. Christian Bowhunters of America has been ministering now for well over 25 years bringing Christ Jesus to the archery world. Mike shares about the many different activities that he and the others in this local chapter do to build relationships with the people in the archery arena around them, as others are across the USA. Mike also talks about how he and his family got started in this ministry, and their annual whitetail deer hunt in southeast Ohio called The Trophies of Grace Whitetail Deer Hunt.
January 9, 2017
On this Trail To Adventure! Gerry visits with and interviews Ron Vining from Polestar Outdoors as the two connected in Nebraska. This is a ministry that takes young people on hunting and fishing trips in lieu of their parents, who have no idea how to do outdoor activities or are not in their lives, yet the kids, want to get started. This outreach was started in Powell, Wyoming where Ron lives, but has expanded to other areas in the USA and is making a difference in the lives of these young people, as the program is set up to present the Gospel. Also, the ministry will include the parents if they want to take part and learn how to do these activities, so one day they can join their children on the adventures.
January 2, 2017
On this Trail To Adventure! Jim Mustoe, the founder of The World Wide Christian Scuba Divers Organization, and Gerry visit together discussing outdoor ministries that have come about over the years. The idea is to provide Christians looking to reach people who enjoy time in God's creation with the way and the tools to provide the ability to help win others to receive Jesus Christ as their Creator God and Savior. Jim Mustoe shares with Gerry about his early years in life, love of the outdoors, and walk with the Lord. Jim also tells how the Lord impressed on him the idea to write a pamphlet called "Jesus is the Regulator of Our Life." Also, God led him to start this worldwide ministry to scuba divers.
December 26, 2016
It has become a Christmas tradition in the upper part of Michigan before you get to the Mackinaw Bridge, to hear commercials from Jay’s Sporting Goods that are bringing people to tears and having them contact this outdoor-related business. This week’s interview is with co-owner Jeff Poet and store manager Mark Copeland as they share about these radio spots that have absolutely nothing to do with selling products. What they are all about is, combating the political correctness of wishing folks a “Happy Holiday” and sharing how Christmas is about the baby Jesus who was born in a manger 2000 years ago and has changed countless millions of lives.
December 19, 2016
On this Trail To Adventure! Gerry visits with Steve Chapman in Nashville, TN as the two reflect on Steve’s first book “A Look at Life From a Deer Stand”, released back in 1996, yet is still going off of bookstore shelves as it has been reprinted many times. Meeting a need of women who wanted something for their male loved ones actively involved in the outdoors, (specifically hunting) but which also had a spiritual impact and would change lives. Steve also discusses how important outdoor ministry can be in reaching the man and the impact that it can have on the family. Steve hopes his new book “A Look at Life From a River Bank” will also help more men become trophies of grace for the Creator God Jesus Christ.
December 12, 2016
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About God's Great Outdoors

Join us on The Trail to Adventure a weekly 25-minute radio program that takes you on the journey to meet with well-known Christians who enjoy the outdoors.

About Dean Hulce

Dean Hulce was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where he spent every weekend in the woods or on the water with family and friends.  After graduation he married his highschool sweetheart Linda.  They have two boys and 5 grandchildren. 

Dean has written for several hunting and fishing magazines over the last 25 years. He has guided  hunters and fisherman as well as run hunting fishing camps from South Texas to Alaska and many states and provinces in between.  In the last 10 years Dean has written a daily devotional that goes out to thousands each day. He had published 5 devotional books, using hunting stories to bring a message to people.  He has traveled across the USA speaking to groups, spreading the gospel through outdoor experiences.

Dean has no doubt that God has prepared him his entire life for his position with God's Great Outdoors Ministry 

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God's Great Outdoors

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Powers, MI 49874

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