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God's Great Outdoors - Karley Kroontje

May 8, 2017

This week’s Trail to Adventure! is in Webb, Iowa which is just a little northeast of Sioux Rapids as Gerry visits with Karley Kroontje, one of the youth who came to hunt turkey this spring with her dad William. Gerry was there as speaker for the weekend’s event sponsored by the Special Youth Challenge of Northwest Iowa. This is a ministry for disabled or terminally ill girls and boys to get them afield for turkey in the spring and deer in the fall. Though Karley wasn’t able to bag a turkey on this hunt she was successful in the fall of 2016 shooting a buck, on her first ever hunt. The ministry supplies all needed for hunters and their families with the goal of sharing the Creator God, Jesus Christ with all at the event. Contact Phil Driver of Special Youth Challenge of Northwest Iowa at (712) 390-4480 to bring a youth!

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Wonder if this is something you can send to a person the Holy Spirit places on your heart - after you watch this segment from our website and that we've placed on YouTube. Jesus Christ's blood was shed to cover our sins and allow us to be with Him for eternity! Won't you pray who you might email this link to!

Past Episodes

The interview on this Trail To Adventure! is with Tim and Isaac Jones at the Rushing Wind Retreat Center, in Ontario, Canada. This fly-in adventure fishing camp is a place where men can invite friends and relatives to join them for the five days. Also, there are couples retreats that have helped restore marriages and seen changed lives for eternity. This up to date location is a once in a life time adventure you can take someone on where they’ll have the Creator God speak to them by way of the outdoors, speakers and the fellowship of others! Tim Jones is on the Board of Directors of the ministry of God’s Great Outdoors. Tim, Gerry and Isaac reflect on the many ways God can speak through personal relationships and His Creation, so why not use this for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
May 1, 2017
This Trail To Adventure! interview was interrupted several times by “Rufus” a calf bison (buffalo) that was hanging around this week’s guest, Larry Chamberlain. The baby bull was rejected by its mother, so being bottle fed it bonded to Larry the owner of Medicine Bow Buffalo Ranch and the critter felt he had to join us. Larry told of this areas part in our nation’s history, as it is located in Douglas, Wyoming along the Oregon Trail. He spoke of a time the ranch had to expand its operation to include buffalo. Health benefits to humans consuming this animal’s meat and the considerations of dealing with these massive creatures are explored as well. Reflecting on Larry’s contact with Gerry was out of a desire to have tracts, bookmarks and Gospels of John to present to hunters needing a relationship with the Creator!
April 24, 2017
Gerry visits with one of the legends in the outdoor world, Harold Knight of Knight & Hale Game calls on this Trail To Adventure! Listeners will discover that David Hale who was a farmer, and Harold Knight a barber, got together to design, develop and market turkey calls. Giving one of these calls to an outdoor writer way back when there weren’t many turkeys to start with, created quite a stir. His article in an outdoor magazine drove in hundreds of phone calls to get one of their “turkey tubes” and it just went on from there. Both these men give all the glory to God for what has happened in their lives and they continue to praise Him as the years roll by. Harold also relates as a youngster he had a desire to shoot a goose. When that did happened, he found it had a Jack Miner band with a scripture verse on it!
April 17, 2017
This week’s Trail To Adventure! is at a Game Dinner at Skidway Lake Baptist Church in Prescott, Michigan. Gerry is joined by this outdoor outreach ministry team’s leader, Gary Moore who heads up the evangelistic event. After sharing about how he became involved in outdoor activities with his dad, Gary reflects on discovering the effectiveness of doing some form of sportsmen’s meal to bring in unsaved people to get them under the hearing of the Word. Skidway Baptist Church’s event has some very special dishes they present to the local community, all with the hopes of having a platform from which to share the Gospel. Gerry saw and tasted some things at this Michigan Game Dinner he’d not experienced before, but best of all, there were a number of life changing decisions made!
April 10, 2017
The Trail To Adventure! is in North Augusta, Georgia and Gerry is joined by Dr. Bill Brown who teaches at the online program at Liberty University. Bill was formerly at the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary where he taught Evangelism and Church Planting. During Bill’s years of being a pastor in Alaska, and the things that he learned on how to reach men, he relates these strategies to Gerry and the listeners. Growing up in an outdoor family, and experiencing the numerous outdoor interests that men from his congregation desired to do, allowed him to formulate a plan and program to reach the unchurched in the community where one lives. Dr. Bill Brown shares how on some Sundays, he had more men in his church as a pastor in Alaska then women, which is unheard of in most churches because he geared up for men!
April 3, 2017
The interview on this Trail To Adventure! is with the owners and operators of Rushing Wind Retreat Center. Arnie & Dee Wolf share with Gerry on how God worked it out in their lives to own this facility. It’s a once in a life time adventure you can take someone on where they’ll have the Creator God speak to them by way of the outdoors, speakers and the fellowship of others! This couple also talks about all the aspects of the facility, as they work to set the stage for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. This fly-in adventure fishing camp is a place where men can invite friends and relatives to join them for the five days. Also, there are couples retreats that have helped restore marriages and seen changed lives for eternity.
March 27, 2017
On this Trail To Adventure we’ll meet someone who makes his living related to God’s great outdoors. Dave Battle lives in Anchorage, Alaska and was raised to believe in Jesus, the Bible, and creation, as he was immersed in experiencing it with his father. However, in his college years everything he was being taught as he studied to become a wildlife biologist was telling him, not only was evolution a fact but there wasn’t even a God necessary for life to exist. Yet, one day in class, an eye-opening look at how each skull he was required to examine and study from the different animal species revealed that they had to have been both intricately and intelligently designed for that animal to exist at all as the precise location of these many openings was proof positive.
March 20, 2017
Gerry visits the Antler King’s office in Black River Falls, Wisconsin on the way home from speaking at a Game Dinner in Hudson, MN on this week’s Trail To Adventure! The guest is Todd Stiddleburg who shares how he stepped out in faith to go full time with this deer nutrition, feed and food plot business he has started in business 1987. Todd left a great position with a very large company, giving up some really good perks to make the move, but he knew God was with him and family as they made this life altering transition. His Savior Jesus has been there at every turn, even the day when their home and the attached Antler King office burned to the ground. Our God is always faithfully!
March 13, 2017
This week’s interview has Gerry at the Ark Encounter with, Ken Ham, Founder of the Answers In Genesis and the Creation Museum. Located in Williamstown, Kentucky, Gerry’s guest shares about being a school teacher in Australia and liked how he was challenged on creation vs. evolution and what the Bible said on the issue. This led to Ken’s passion to present the truth of the book of Genesis and the real facts of what science reveals about God’s universe and our earth. Ken unveils how studies done by Answers In Genesis discovered why people doubt God’s Word, because of evolution and “the millions of years” yet there are many items people can learn to use to defend God’s Word. A trip to see the Ark that is the size as described in God’s Word can make the Bible become real and possible in a visitors eyes!
March 6, 2017
On this week’s Trail To Adventure! Gerry joins up with Joni Eareckson Tada in Xenia, Ohio as the two relive the memory of Joni’s close encounter with a large black bear on a camping trip. Marshmallows as it turns out was all the bear was after at this hair raising encounter. Also discussed is how Ken, Joni’s husband, is using fishing as a way of reaching out to men who need Jesus, or need their relationship with the Creator God brought to a deeper level. Additionally, Joni tells about the special summer camps they have across the nation for physically and mentally disabled young people and adults. Her call is for men who might be willing to come along side these people and be volunteers at these summer events.
February 27, 2017
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About God's Great Outdoors

Join us on The Trail to Adventure a weekly 25-minute radio program that takes you on the journey to meet with well-known Christians who enjoy the outdoors.

About Dean Hulce

Dean Hulce was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where he spent every weekend in the woods or on the water with family and friends.  After graduation he married his highschool sweetheart Linda.  They have two boys and 5 grandchildren. 

Dean has written for several hunting and fishing magazines over the last 25 years. He has guided  hunters and fisherman as well as run hunting fishing camps from South Texas to Alaska and many states and provinces in between.  In the last 10 years Dean has written a daily devotional that goes out to thousands each day. He had published 5 devotional books, using hunting stories to bring a message to people.  He has traveled across the USA speaking to groups, spreading the gospel through outdoor experiences.

Dean has no doubt that God has prepared him his entire life for his position with God's Great Outdoors Ministry 

Contact God's Great Outdoors with Dean Hulce

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God's Great Outdoors

P.O. Box 414

Powers, MI 49874

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