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God's Great Outdoors - Harold Knight

September 20, 2021

Gerry visits with one of the legends in the outdoor world, Harold Knight of Knight & Hale Game calls on this Trail To Adventure! Listeners will discover that David Hale who was a farmer, and Harold Knight a barber, got together to design, develop and market turkey calls. Giving one of these calls to an outdoor writer way back when there weren’t many turkeys to start with, created quite a stir. His article in an outdoor magazine drove in hundreds of phone calls to get one of their “turkey tubes” and it just went on from there. Both these men give all the glory to God for what has happened in their lives and they continue to praise Him as the years roll by. Harold also relates as a youngster he had a desire to shoot a goose. When that did happened, he found it had a Jack Miner band with a scripture verse on it!

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Wonder if this is something you can send to a person the Holy Spirit places on your heart - after you watch this segment from our website and that we've placed on YouTube. Jesus Christ's blood was shed to cover our sins and allow us to be with Him for eternity! Won't you pray who you might email this link to!


On this week’s Trail To Adventure! Program, Gerry is with professional outdoors writer, photographer and “Big Whitetail” legend, R.G. Bernier. Gerry met R.G. at his home in Standish, Maine. Known for his ability in tracking down big bucks in the snow, Dick Bernier has authored a tract called “A Deer Tracker’s Journey!” In this radio interview, the story of R.G.’s twice coming close to death is laid out for the listeners. In 1968 at the age of 9, he had open heart surgery to repair a defect there from birth. Also, in his college years, Dick worked with a touring evangelistic ministry team from Liberty University in Virginia. One March night the van hit ice and was t-boned by an 18 wheeler, causing Dick some very serious and life threatening injuries. But, God’s plan was to use these two close calls and R.G. Bernier’s deer hunt success over the years as a speaker at Game Dinner and outdoorsmen’s outreaches. So, in his printed tract and in front of groups of sportsmen Dick is sharing about the love of Jesus, the cross of Christ and blood that was shed to cover and forgive our sins, for an eternity with our Creator God!
September 13, 2021
On this week’s Trail To Adventure! treestand safety is the topic as Jay Everett from Hunter Safety Systems is this week’s guest. Gerry and Jay spend part of this interview talking treestand safety to help the listeners understand the importance of the topic and seriously consider their need to wear safety harnesses while hunting from an elevated platform. Statistics show that one out of three people that hunt out of a treestand will have an accident at some time in their life, with a number of these incidents being fatal. Jay relates facts on the safety harness and how their research reveals that most falls take place going up, getting into, coming out of and then descending to the earth. The goal of this program is to be sure that none of the listeners will become a part of the tragic statistic, on the negative side.
September 6, 2021
On this week’s Trail To Adventure broadcast Gerry is Joined at his home office/studio by an old friend, Arnie Wolf, with his grandson Aidan. Visiting Ohio from their home in Wisconsin he’s looking to tell the listening audience about a new outreach minister. Arnie is helping a couple turn there 240 acres of woods in to a location to share Christ through outdoor recreation. This old homestead in Philips, Wisconsin is being readied by Bob and Tammy Brandt and Arnie has come along side of them. There hoping is to bring in and mentor youngsters to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Launching this endeavor with a big educating event and open house is the topic to this week’s program. There is an invitation for others to join them with an outlay of the things the kids can do in God’s Great Outdoors.
August 30, 2021
Gerry is in Anchorage Alaska on this week’s Trail To Adventure! discussing his early years in life and growing up in the mountains of North Carolina and following his dad through the woods is how Dave Battle begins this interview. Remembering the other men who also were instrumental in his life and how one individual on a gravel mountain road impressed him to be more active in his relationship with Jesus Christ, because he had his Bible with him on the seat of his work truck. These days Dave is a wildlife biologist in Alaska and as he shares he is still learning about God’s creation every day. His reflection back to this time in his life can cause us to examine our own personal daily walk.
August 23, 2021
On this Trail To Adventure! a family tragedy is part of the story as the guest will give the listeners some real recreational water safety thoughts to consider. Kenny Ratliff begins this interview by describing great times in the outdoors with his dad and reflects on how he introduced him to spending time afield and stream. This later in his life became where he directed his vocation and passed up opportunities to wear a suit and tie to work. Kenny then goes into the story of how on Father’s Day some years back, and at the same time, the family was celebrating his dad’s and his youngest brother’s birthdays, something terrible happened. Kayaking on an area river, both of these two loved ones were taken home to be with the Lord because of a boating accident. A sad event to be sure, but one we can all learn from to be safe in our future recreation on the water.
August 16, 2021
This week’s Trail To Adventure! interview has Gerry at the Ark Encounter with Ken Ham, Founder of Answers In Genesis and the Creation Museum. Located in Williamstown, Kentucky, Gerry’s guest shares about being a school teacher in Australia and liked how he was challenged on creation vs. evolution and what the Bible said on the issue. This led to Ken’s passion to present the truth of the book of Genesis and the real facts of what science reveals about God’s universe and our earth. Ken unveils how studies done by Answers In Genesis discovered why people doubt God’s Word, because of evolution and “the millions of years” yet there are many items people can learn to use to defend God’s Word. A trip to see the Ark that is the size as described in God’s Word can make the Bible become real and possible in a visitor's eyes!
August 9, 2021
This week’s interview is with Mark Looy as he shares about the Answers in Genesis ministry and Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. A great way to evangelize those who come to visit and Mark relates about this apologetic ministry focusing on the importance of the first book of the Bible. The two also talk about the Ark Encounter located 40 miles away from the Museum in Williamstown, Kentucky. This life size exhibit’s having a fantastic draw of visitors, with a high number of attendees needing a relationship with their Creator God. These attractions are an hour’s drive from God’s Great Outdoors Family Fun Fossil Hunt’s in August. This happens in Ohio and Dr. John Whitmore, who teaches young earth geology at Cedarville University, comes and shares with the fossil hunters, discussing the proof Noah’s flood.
August 2, 2021
Dr. John Whitmore, who teaches geology and paleontology at Cedarville University, is this week’s Trail To Adventure! guest. John shares with the listeners an overview of the years that God’s Great Outdoors has been doing their Family Fun Fossil Hunts is how Dr. John Whitmore starts off in this interview. John and Gerry discuss this August event that occurs each year in Ohio, a little over an hour from The Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter in the Cincinnati area. John shares about the fossils that are everywhere, and the fact that attendees of the hunt can keep what they find of these once ocean-dwelling animals. This location is loaded with these fossils and the place is wheelchair and stroller accessible so the entire family can take part!
July 26, 2021
On this week’s Trail To Adventure! a trip to the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky is the location where Gerry connects with dinosaur sculptor, and musician, Buddy Davis. Buddy shares about adventures that he has had hunting dinosaur bones, plus what the Bible say about animals we now call dinosaurs. He explains how his years of making a living doing taxidermy work, led him to begin sculpting life-size dinosaurs, many of which are viewed at the Creation Museum by those visiting. Buddy also explains what the Creation Museum and Answers In Genesis is about and how it introduces visitors to the Book of Genesis. He relates how the Bible is the most important book in our lives as it directs us to a personal relationship with the Creator God, Jesus Christ.
July 19, 2021
On this Trail To Adventure! interview, a visit to Dr. John Whitmore’s office at Cedarville University in Ohio, Gerry got to meet Dr. Steve Austin. As an undergrad geology student at Washington State, Dr. Austin was able to explore probably the most significant geological event in the 20th century, the eruption of Mt. Saint Helen’s. This was a turning point for him as he was able to watch and discover firsthand how this catastrophe affected the landscape, including a creation of a one-fortieth scale of the Grand Canyon, in only one day. During this time Dr. Austin switched from a Christian “old earth” geologist, to a “young earth” geologist, believing the biblical account of 6000 years of earth’s age. All from seeing layer upon layer of earth that was laid down by volcanic eruptions in minutes, not hundreds of thousands of years as he had been taught.
July 12, 2021
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About God's Great Outdoors

Join us on The Trail to Adventure a weekly 25-minute radio program that takes you on the journey to meet with well-known Christians who enjoy the outdoors.

About Dean Hulce

Dean Hulce was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where he spent every weekend in the woods or on the water with family and friends.  After graduation he married his highschool sweetheart Linda.  They have two boys and 5 grandchildren. 

Dean has written for several hunting and fishing magazines over the last 25 years. He has guided  hunters and fisherman as well as run hunting fishing camps from South Texas to Alaska and many states and provinces in between.  In the last 10 years Dean has written a daily devotional that goes out to thousands each day. He had published 5 devotional books, using hunting stories to bring a message to people.  He has traveled across the USA speaking to groups, spreading the gospel through outdoor experiences.

Dean has no doubt that God has prepared him his entire life for his position with God's Great Outdoors Ministry 

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God's Great Outdoors

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