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Boasting in God, Part 2

April 20, 2023

What would be the result if this  increasingly took place—if we who follow Jesus Christ were being transformed into his likeness? Would the people who visit our churches notice?

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Is the Bible true?

Christians believe the Bible is divinely inspired and essential for teaching, correction, and spiritual growth, but there is often a gap between this belief and actual practice. This gap is partly due to academic skepticism about the Bible's reliability and the argument that using the Bible in modern, post-literate society is unnecessary.

This article addresses the following 10 questions…

Is the Bible true?

Is the Bible historically accurate?

Is the Bible scientifically compatible?

Is the Bible ethically acceptable?

Why do you believe the Bible is true?

Can you be a scientist and also believe in the Bible?

Can you have a high view of reason and still also believe in the Bible?

What could you do today to start finding out about the truthfulness of the Bible?

What new areas of your life could you submit to the truth claims of the Bible?

Does the Bible promote intolerance?


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The Bible-teaching ministry of Dr Josh Moody. At God Centered life, our passion is the gospel, our vision is all generations living for God. Listener supported. Partner with us at

About Josh Moody

Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life. He was an associate fellow of Jonathan Edwards College, Yale University (2007-2011), and his Cambridge University doctorate in Theology was published in 2005. Pastor Josh grew up south of London, became a follower of Jesus in the Church of England, was an undergraduate at Cambridge University where he was president of the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union. He is married to Rochelle, and they have four children.

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