As I study the history of theological controversies, cults, and denominationalism, I am coming to the conclusion that most if not all of the divisions inside and outside of Christian orthodoxy are a result of the incipient inability of men to deal with the incomprehensible mysteries and apparent paradoxes of determinism-free will, faith-works, unity-particularity, heart-hands, and the individual-corporate relationship with God. Pride inevitably presses men to say too much and over-systematize in their theologies. For example, when pride gets way out of hand, and somebody rejects the tension of the the unity and particularity in the Trinity, we get the extremely wayward Arians.
Those holding the paradoxes in proper tension, humbly acknowledging the mysteries will be first in the kingdom. I guess what I'm trying to say is the last shall be first. He that humbleth himself (in the epistemological sense) shall be exalted.
Meanwhile, the humanist philosophers have never answered the problem of the unity and particular or the determinism/indeterminism conundrum. They answer the impossibilities with incoherencies. We explain impossibilities with incomprehensibilities. You can be proud and self-contradictory on the one hand, if you want to be a humanist and abandon Christian orthodoxy. Otherwise, you can humble yourself and acknowledge the incomprehensibilities.
Crazy worldviews produce crazy consequences. That principle cannot be better illustrated than with Elon Musk, the richest man in the world and the man who’s got the ear of the most powerful man in the world. We dissect the Musk worldview, ultimately the same atheistic worldview as Douglas Adams and Richard Dawkins. We discuss the limitations of science, as well the internal incoherence of a materialist, deist/atheist worldview. There is no basis for any meaning in life, but Elon Musk still grasps at his straws — hoping against hope he will find it someday, within the confines of the universe itself.
This program includes:
1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Trump to Pursue Death Penalty for Violent Criminals, Georgia Allows Christian College Students Financial Aid, U.S. Life Expectancy Rises)
2. Generations with Kevin Swanson