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The KJV - 400th Year Anniversary

February 10, 2011
The Greatest Best Seller of All Time

No other book has sold more copies in any language than the King James Version of the Bible. For 350 years it held sway over every other translation of the BIble in the Christian world. Dr. Leland Ryken, author of the new book "The Legacy of the King James Bible," explains the history, the strength, and the abiding influence of the great Reformation Bible. In the year 2011, we commemorate the anniversary of this book. What translation of the BIble would you use for your children's education and training? Do translations matter? Kevin Swanson encourages parents to educate their children in the language, the worldview, the gravitas, and the ideas conveyed in the King James Bible.

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Taking the World for Jesus

This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.


Preparing Sons for MarriageYoung people today engage in what is known as "dating."  Some are more familiar with the term "hooking up."   Some parents raise their children to play around, and to fill their hours with fun and games, and maybe even a little fornication here and there. . . and they destroy their social systems, quickly.But serious parents are asking the basic question, "How do I raise my son to take on the responsibilities of adulthood?"  In this segment, Kevin Swanson interviews Scott Brown on this important question.   Scott explains how he prepared his son economically, spiritually, and theologically to be a man, a husband, and a father.
February 9, 2011
These Aren't Your Mother's SchoolsSchools everywhere are cracking down on children, turning these institutions into little Nazi camps. Children in Texas are issued misdemeanor citations for disturbing the class or ruckusing in the playground. One little girl is put on detention for bringing a paring knife in her lunch box. With increased anarchy and the breakdown of character in the classrooms, expect more tyrannical controls. But should conservatives delight in the attempts to keep order in these classrooms, or should we oppose these rules? Kevin Swanson compares schools in the 1950's to schools in the 2010's using a humor piece from the web, on this issue of Generations.
February 8, 2011
Interview: Dr. Wayne GrudemWith the rampant growth of big government, socialism, homosexual politics, and the dissolution of the family, it seems as if this may be a good time in the history of the west to crack the book and see what God says about all of these things. So Kevin Swanson interviews Dr. Wayne Grudem on his new comprehensive tome, “Politics – According to the Bible.” Dr. Grudem covers five different perspectives on the relationship of faith and civil government, and addresses a host of salient issues including taxation, welfare, environmental fascism, abortion, and freedom.
February 7, 2011
Interview: Joseph StephenSuppose that Karl Marx, Gloria Steinem, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and others had it wrong when they put together our present social systems. Is it possible that there is more in Scripture than you thought to direct family and life in the 21st Century? You may be surprised how much the Bible says about . . .well, everything. Author Joseph Stephen from Australia explains the idea of the Sufficiency of Scripture, in an interview that covers his book by the same name.
February 4, 2011
“By This Men Shall Know that You Are My Disciples” Apparently, a church squabble in North Carolina got a little out of hand.  News reports had it that it took 30 officers from 5 agencies to get a handle on it.  Kevin Swanson reviews some of the common reasons for church splits, and gives a general rule of thumb for distinguishing between camels and gnats.  It takes a little wisdom to separate out the majors from the minors, and love really does play off on truth.
February 3, 2011
Gay Lessons in Math and Science ClassesProgressive education keeps progressing, as the gods of the marketplace speak of pigs with wings and other beautiful things.  Now they incorporate “gay” indoctrination into the math and science classes.  GWB’s daughter Barbara is also endorsing homosexual marriage out in New York.   Kevin Swanson reviews Kipling’s poem, “Gods of the Copybook Headings,” and limps up to explain it once more.  The education systems really do provide a cultural and socio-political direction.   But will we use the pragmatism of Dewey, the metaphysics of Aristotle, or the education program of God found in the book of Proverbs?
February 2, 2011
Get Back to What God SaysAmerica is on track with Greece, Ireland, and Spain, when it comes to its debt.  In three years, the nation has racked up almost 30% of the total debt accumulated in 222 years.   We are coming to the end of the debt game.  We pulled out of the Great Depression with a war, with more debt, with an expanding economy (thanks to technology, huge birth rates, capital from other developing nations, and a robust national character).   Technology isn't adding anything substantial to our GDP anymore as it did in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.  Our birth rates have imploded.  We have soaked China, Japan, and other nations for their capital, and they aren't likely to lend to us as they have in the past.  And we have 10X the percentage of Americans who live off of the government (as did in the 1930's).  We are approaching the end game.  It's time to build our micro economies on the principles of the Bible.  That's the essence of this interview with Stephen Beck, author of the book "A Father's Stew."  What adjustments need to be made in your family right now, to build back a biblical economy in your home?
February 1, 2011
Correcting Social, Political, and Personal SinsIn his waning years, Billy Graham regrets his involvement with "politics." Meanwhile, Joel Osteen uses the "S" word when asked about homosexuality. It's a "sin," but he doesn't want to offend anybody by that. But should Elijah and John the Baptist have gotten involved in correcting the political and personal sins of the day? Also, Kevin Swanson compares Obama's State of the Union address with George W. Bush's State of the Union address from 2008 looking for a dime's difference between them.
January 31, 2011
What Fathers Can Do to Help their Daughters Get Married With the nuclear family now making up less than half of American households, there are still a few of us pulling for our children getting married and forming more “nuclear families.” But how are our daughters getting married? At one time, they would attend college to get the M.R.S. degree. But that isn’t happening as much as it used to in the 1970’s and 1980’s. So now what?What is a father’s role in his daughter’s life after she graduates from high school? And how do we create a social situation in which our daughters would be likely to marry the right person? Again, the Generations program addresses some of the most critical issues relating to the transitioning of our sons and daughters into adult life.
January 28, 2011
Sexual Freedom to Sexual NihilismKevin Swanson takes a look at Pop-culture, and sees signs of hope. Pop-culture is degrading fast, but it is also losing its centralized grip on the nation. But the major issue remains the disrespect for human life and the increased abortion rates (as reported by the Gutenmacher Institute).
January 27, 2011
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Heard in all 50 states and over 60 countries around the world, Generations Radio brings a fast and fresh perspective to issues touching Christian families. From cultural commentary and movie reviews to education and homeschooling, Generations Radio has it every day - all from a distinctively biblical worldview

About Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson is the host of Generations Radio and a homeschool father of five children. Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 1970's, Kevin went on to run for US Senate and has since traveled around the US and world speaking on the family, education, and biblical worldview. As the Director of Generations with Vision, Kevin has a passion for faith, family, and freedom in the 21st Century.

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