Generations Radio

Kevin Swanson

Shall I Support My Son’s Piercings? - When Eli’s Sons Come Out

October 17, 2017

When Eli’s sons come out with their particular sexual orientation, should Eli have supported them? We take a look at the Focus on the Family counsel for families who children “come out” and announce their proclivity towards homosexual lusts. We also answer the question regarding whether parents should support a young man who wishes to pierce his ears. What shall we say to parents who want to encourage their sons in effeminacy?

This program includes:

1. Generations with Kevin Swanson

2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Bill Hybells Hands Lead Pastor Position to Woman, Bowe Bergdahl Pleads Guilty in Military Court, Supreme Court Rejects Ten Commandments)

Featured Offer

Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.


Post-modern Americans are looking to breathe life into the “dead institutional church” by shifting to the home church movement. So many of these movements come and go, like a flash in a pan. Should you join another trendy church movement or add another program to your existing church, or seek the Holy Spirit to breathe life into the spiritually anemic whatever we have right now? We take a look at Francis Chan’s new house church approach on this edition of the program. This program includes: 1. Generations with Kevin Swanson 2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Attorney General Sessions Argues for Freedom for Christian Bakers, Trump Visits Values Voters Summit, Twitter Censors Pro-Life Congresswoman)
October 16, 2017
Hollywood is filled with corruption, but why do people choose to ignore the sinful behavior of many actors and directors? In this edition of Generations, Kevin Swanson and Steve Vaughan address the wickedness that has started to seep out of the screens and into the lives of actual people. We are reminded that sin will always be found out, including the sin of big Hollywood directors. Hopefully, this realization will bring us to cry out for the saving power of Jesus Christ in our lives. This program includes: 1. Generations with Kevin Swanson 2. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (The U.S. Is Pulling out of UNESCO, Recent Wildfire Considered Worst Fire in CA History, South Carolina Appears Ready to Ban All Abortions)
October 13, 2017
What do you say about young boys who want to “do their nails” and act and speak in an effeminate way? The world does its best to put a gloss on homosexuality and effeminacy. Even Christians are trying their hardest to remove the shame of homosexuality. But, there is a grace in shame. We discuss the various ways that the Christian church today fails to love homosexuals, with Tim Bayly. This program includes: 1. Generations with Kevin Swanson 2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (How North Korea Christians are Surviving, Romania Works on Ban for Same-Sex Marriage, Canada has Euthanized 2,149 Persons in First Year)
October 12, 2017
Does better “education” make for a more secular state, AND a more prosperous state? Why are the better “educated” states almost always “blue” liberal and more atheistic? Did Charles Darwin really contribute anything substantial to science? We demonstrate how secular education is actually destroying education and human society. This program includes: 1. Generations with Kevin Swanson 2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Members of Pro-Life Group Told to Leave Coffee Shop, Michelle Qureshi to Continue Her Husband's Ministry, NRA Faces Criticism)
October 11, 2017
Those rejecting God’s law are now providing defenses for polyamory and incest. Evangelicals have come together to make a statement on homosexual marriage and attraction. We take a close look at the Nashville Statement that stops short of calling homosexual attraction a sin. We break down the compromising views on homosexuality, which for some reason gets more of a break than other sins in our society today. This program includes: 1. Generations with Kevin Swanson 2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Wildfires in California Claim 1500 Structures, California Governor Signs Transgender Pronoun Newspeak Bill, Supreme Court to Hear Christian Baker’s Case on December 5th)
October 10, 2017
Cryptocurrencies have grown to a $100 billion business just since 2011. Computer-generated coins like Bitcoin have increased in value from $30 in 2013 to $4200 this week. Some economists see it as a gigantic Ponzi-scheme, second only to Social Security in its success. Do we agree? Is it better than the unbacked money churned out by the Federal Reserve Bank? What makes a currency, and is Bitcoin treated as a currency or a commodity investment? These are important questions. But then we ask the question. . .should we really be involved in fractional reserve banking, given the Exodus 22:26 principle? This program includes: 1. Generations with Kevin Swanson 2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Obamacare Abortifacient Funding Requirement Removed, Are There Dangers in Halloween?, More Evidence on Abortion-Breast Cancer Connection)
October 9, 2017
The media is befuddled. What possible motive is behind the Las Vegas rampage? How could anybody (with or without a police record) kill 58 random, innocent persons? How can good come out of these tragedies? What does this say about the nature of man? These events shake the nation. In fact, God is shaking this nation. Fifty years ago, the F.B.I. referred to the perp’s father as psychopathic. What about the sins of the fathers as mentioned in Exodus 20:4? Are the sins of the father really visited upon the 3rd and 4th generation? This program includes: 1. Generations with Kevin Swanson 2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Puerto Rican Hospitals in Serious Trouble, Fourth Hurricane to Hit Southern States, Little Richard Repents of His Homosexual Past)
October 6, 2017
The Amish are seen as quaint, religious, peaceful, and other worldly to the modern. After five hundred years in black hats and the blue dresses, what effect has it borne on the Christian faith they claimed to have upheld? We interview Joseph Graber, the producer and director of a film on the Amish people. Joseph Graber and his family came out of an Amish sect, and became active in Christian ministry elsewhere. What was it like in the Amish community, and what happens when folks leave it? This program includes: 1. Generations with Kevin Swanson 2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Scotland's Anglicans Disfellowshipped over Homosexuality, Man Preaching Repentance Holds Up London's Train System, Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Passes House of Representatives)​
October 5, 2017
The Mennonite church has appointed its first lesbian as a head pastor. You know the church is in trouble when it is shattered to a hundred layers of brokenness, and nobody wants to admit it. In fact, they’re all out in the front yard celebrating. Where did the obliteration of manhood begin? The church and the family are the victims. This program includes: 1. Generations with Kevin Swanson 2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Samaritan Purse’s Relief Efforts in Puerto Rico, Anthony Weiner Needs to Cry out for God’s Mercy, Real Hero Stories Emerge from Las Vegas Rampage)
October 4, 2017
The End of the World didn’t happen last week . . . but now David Meade says it’s coming in October. We agree with one thing. The end of the world is coming. But it may not be in October. We review the string of adventists, cults, and eschatology whack-jobs that have emerged on the scene over the last 170 years. What is a healthy eschatology? What is a good balanced approach to the end times discussion? This program includes: 1. Generations with Kevin Swanson 2. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (59 Killed in Las Vegas Mass Shooting, Germany Starts Officiating Same-Sex “Weddings”, Fifth Planned Parenthood About to Close in Iowa)
October 3, 2017
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Featured Offer

Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.

About Generations Radio

Heard in all 50 states and over 60 countries around the world, Generations Radio brings a fast and fresh perspective to issues touching Christian families. From cultural commentary and movie reviews to education and homeschooling, Generations Radio has it every day - all from a distinctively biblical worldview

About Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson is the host of Generations Radio and a homeschool father of five children. Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 1970's, Kevin went on to run for US Senate and has since traveled around the US and world speaking on the family, education, and biblical worldview. As the Director of Generations with Vision, Kevin has a passion for faith, family, and freedom in the 21st Century.

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