Focus on the Family Parenting Podcast

Jim Daly

A Short Guide to 'The Talk'

May 20, 2021

You are the best person to teach your child important truths about God's design for sexuality. John and Danny offer encouragement to parents who are anxious about having 'the talk.'

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John and Danny offer practical advice for teaching your child a Biblical view of sexuality. Find us online at Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY.Get the Launch Into the Teen Years Kit with your donation of any amount: more episode resources: you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:
May 18, 2021
It can be really difficult not to react in anger when your kids repeat frustrating behaviors. John and Danny offer a helpful perspective on whining and complaining.Find us online at Or call 1-800-A-FAMILY.Get the book "Triggers: Exchanging Parent's Emotional Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses" with your donation of any amount: more episode resources: you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:
May 13, 2021
John and Danny offer advice to help parents discover the root cause of their anger. Find us online at Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY.Get the book "Triggers" with your donation of any amount: more episode resources: you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:
May 11, 2021
Parenting is a marathon, and it's helpful to keep the end goal in mind: you're preparing your kids for adulthood. John and Danny discuss the dangers of believing your primary job is to make your child happy. Find us online at Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY.Get the book "GIST: The Essence of Raising Life-Ready Kids" with your donation of any amount!: more episode resources: you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:
May 6, 2021
John and Danny discuss the importance of giving your kids both encouragement and honest feedback, and in finding a middle ground between them. Find us online at Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY.Get the book "GIST: The Essence of Raising Life-Ready Kids" for your donation of any amount: more resources: you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:
May 4, 2021
There's so much conflicting advice on the internet about correcting your child's misbehavior – but what does the Bible teach about godly discipline? John and Danny offer practical, Bible-based advice.Find us online at or call 1-800-A-FAMILY.Get Dr. David Clarke's book "Parenting is Hard and Then You Die" for your donation of any amount: more episode resources: you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:
April 29, 2021
If you're a mom or a dad, you're the best person to show your kids that following God is more than going to church on Sunday mornings. John and Danny describe how to encourage your child's faith from an early age.Find us online at or call 1-800-A-FAMILY.Get Dr. David Clarke's book "Parenting is Hard and Then You Die" for your donation of any amount: more episode resources: you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:
April 27, 2021
During the teen years, girls need their parents' affirmation more than ever. John and Danny discuss how dads can encourage their daughters and help them develop a healthy identity. Find us online at Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY.Get Today's Featured Resource, "Launch into the Teen Years Kit": More Episode Resources: If you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:
April 22, 2021
It's normal for pre-teens to start experiencing more intense feelings or for their self-confidence to take a nosedive. John and Danny discuss how to help your teen navigate mood swings and emotional changes. Find us online at Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY.Get the resource, "Kit: Launch into the Teen Years": more episode resources: you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:
April 20, 2021
If you look for them, you can find opportunities to share the gospel every day. John and Danny discuss how to pass an evangelistic mindset on to your kids.Get the book "Love Where You Live" for your donation of any amount: More Episode Resources: you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback:
April 15, 2021
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About Focus on the Family Parenting Podcast

Need help raising your kids? The Focus on Parenting Podcast provides tried and true parenting advice to help your children thrive.

About Jim Daly

Jim Daly is President of Focus on the Family. His personal story from orphan to head of an international Christian organization dedicated to helping families thrive demonstrates — as he says — "that no matter how torn up the road has already been, or how pothole-infested it may look ahead, nothing — nothing — is impossible for God."

Daly is author of two books, Finding Home and Stronger. He is also a regular panelist for The Washington Post/Newsweekblog “On Faith.”

Keep up with Daly at

Contact Focus on the Family Parenting Podcast with Jim Daly

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Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 
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(800) A-FAMILY (232-6459)