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The Paper Clips Project

June 5, 2022

The importance of teaching the horrors of the Holocaust has never been more vital than now. With the continuing rise of antisemitism, we must always remember where such atrocious actions and hideous mindsets lead. Only by remembering can we say, Never Again.

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Taking Back America's Children

“Taking Back America’s Children” outlines concerns about the current state of the U.S. educational system, arguing that there is a deliberate effort to undermine American values, history, and cultural foundations. The key points include: The History, The Challenge, and The Solution how parents, grandparents, and patriots can unite to reclaim control over the educational system, resisting efforts that are seen as damaging to the nation’s foundational values. This document urges a return to traditional American values in schools and emphasizes the need for active involvement to prevent what it sees as a harmful shift in educational content and influence.

Past Episodes

A leading textbook publisher in America, Pearson, is "waging a bloodless revolution in American schools." Our children's textbooks are literally being rewritten to indoctrinate and erode the foundations of our country was founded upon.
May 29, 2022
Textbooks have become weapons to indoctrinate our children with anti Judeo-Christian,   anti-American and antisemitic rhetoric. Our children's textbooks are literally beingrewritten by Islamists, eroding the foundations of our Judeo-Christian faith and its virtues.    
May 22, 2022
Today it is imperative that Christians understand the strategies to win the media war for Israel in this complex digital age. During the PJTN media summit, several experts explained how we must educate and ignite the next generation to join this important war for Israel and our nation.
April 3, 2022
With the rise of antisemitism and anti-American forces, how could peace be possible in the Middle East? At the PJTN media summit, a panel of top leaders and professionals discussed the changes we can and must make to preserve our values and beliefs for the next generation.
March 27, 2022
One thing that few people associate with Israel is American football. American football has become an unusual unifier of the people in Israel with Jews, Christians and Muslims all playing together as teammates.
March 20, 2022
Many people don’t realize that all the biggest superheroes such as Superman, Batman, Spiderman and the Marvel Universe were created by Jewish Americans and immigrants. It’s a marvelous trip through the mythical world of superheroes and their relationship to the Jewish saga.
March 13, 2022
In October of 1965, Pope Paul VI promulgated the first document in Catholic history to focus on the relationship between Catholics and Jews. Both leaders and experts gathered at the UN to discuss the passing and realization of this historic document.
March 6, 2022
The prophet Jeremiah prophesied that “You shall yet plant vines on the mountains of Samari.” Tommy Waller and HaYovel are helping to fulfill this ancient prophecy through Israel advocacy, in both church and state in their home countries.
February 27, 2022
Prejudice and violence against Jews has been the longest running hatred in Earth’s history. The United Nations Human Rights Violations Conference examines the problem of antisemitism through the eyes of experts from around the world.
February 20, 2022
The finer points of ancient Jewish Wisdom are defined by Rabbi Shalom Denbo author of the Seven Traits which he considers are the keys to unlocking our full potential as human beings. And although this timeless wisdom was first taught to our Jewish brethren, we can use it to attain more clarity, dispel inner doubts and pursue a vision of living up to the infinite potential that God has planned for us.
February 13, 2022
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About Focus on Israel

PJTN educates, advocates, and moves to activate Christians, Jews and all people of conscience in building a global community of action and prayer in support of Jews and Israel.  We are engaged in winning the ideological, social, moral and spiritual battle for the mind of this generation.

About Laurie Cardoza-Moore

Laurie Cardoza-Moore is a respected “go to” voice on the frontlines of battle for the ideological, social, moral and religious mind of this generation.  As Special Envoy to the United Nations for human rights and anti-Semitism on behalf of 44 million Christians, to her leadership in statehouses through PJTN’s anti-Semitism Awareness Resolution, Laurie is a tireless advocate.

A home schooling mother of five, Laurie Cardoza-Moore’s original “wake-up call” was the discovery of anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, and anti-American content in her children’s textbooks.  The revelation of the early seeds of indoctrination of America’s children began her quest to bring awareness and change through every avenue she could reach:  Legislative, media, advocacy, and ultimately the development of PJTN programs and documentaries that are shared and educate on a mass level.   PJTN programming in support of Israel today reaches over 950 million potential viewers on a regular basis through a network of close to two dozen TV affiliates and satellite broadcasters.

Laurie has been appointed, awarded and recognized by her peers for her leadership, including:

  • The President’s Council of The National Religious Broadcasters, (NRB)
  • The “Top 100 People Positively Impacting Israel” by the Algemeiner
  • An Honorary Doctorate Degree in Theology from the Latin University of Theology
  • The “Friend of Israel Award” by The Center For Jewish Awareness
  • The “Goodwill Ambassador to Israel Award” given by Israel Consul General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

Contact Focus on Israel with Laurie Cardoza-Moore

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P.O. Box 682711
Franklin, TN 37068-2711
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