Focus on Israel

Laurie Cardoza-Moore

Genesis Curse

July 5, 2024

In Genesis 12:3 God states his blessing for those who bless His people and His land as well as the curse for those who go against His people. How has this prophecy played out through history and even today?

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Kanye and the Impact of Antisemitism on Our Jewish Friends - Free Resource
Some have dismissed Kanye’s comments as the rants of a person with serious mental health issues.For centuries, the Jewish people have sustained the verbal and physical blows from those who falsely accuse them of all of society’s ills. Proclaiming Justice to The Nations has fought antisemitism and lies about Israel at home and coast to coast. Get your free resource today!


This program focuses on the unique relationship that America has with Israel. The past and present relationship of these long allies holds many surprises and connections.To support this ministry financially, visit:
June 28, 2024
The UN was established out of the ashes of the Holocaust and WW2 and voted to establish the state of Israel in 1947. That UN is long gone and unfortunately has now become a bastion of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment. Issues relating to the state of Israel, the Palestinian people and other aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict occupy an undue amount of debate time, resolutions and resources at the United Nations.To support this ministry financially, visit:
June 21, 2024
This program looks in depth at the political basis for the birth of Israel and also explains that international law gives Israel the right to the land it won during it’s wars of survival. The political and legal basis is traced from the Balfour Declaration of 1917 to multiple UN resolutions. Featured interview with Dr. Arieh Eldad, a member of the Knesset.To support this ministry financially, visit:
June 14, 2024
Written history shows much evidence for the ancient state of Israel and show a Jewish presence in the Land of Israel for over three thousand years Much like archeology, historical writings provide a valuable link between Israel's past and present.To support this ministry financially, visit:
June 7, 2024
Israeli archeologists Dr. Hagi Amitzur and Doron Spielman show and explain evidence in the Golan Heights and the City of David that show the two thousand plus year evidence of Israel. The show explores the hard evidence in the rocks and ruins throughout Israel that show a Jewish presence there for over three thousand years.To support this ministry financially, visit:
May 31, 2024
Rabbis and pastors present scriptural basis for the establishment of the Jewish state. More and more discoveries are made each year that prove the Bible to be not only a holy text but a true historical book of amazing and miraculous events. It is a book written to Israel, for Israel and about Israel.To support this ministry financially, visit:
May 24, 2024
Today, many churches are coming against God's land and His people. Many mainline churches are actually coming out against Israel in very anti-Semetic and completely un-Biblical manners.To support this ministry financially, visit:
May 17, 2024
Looks closely at the new anti-Semitism, which is based upon an anti-Israel anti-Zionist rhetoric. . It emanates from the far-left, radical Islam, and the far right, and tends to manifest itself as opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel.To support this ministry financially, visit:
May 10, 2024
In 329 A.D. Roman Emperor Constantine declared a formal split between Christians and Jews stating that, Let us, then, have nothing in common with the Jews. Constantine's Sword, refers to Constantine's transformation of the cross into a symbolic sword infusing a spirit of violent intolerance into the development of Christianity. A spirit of intolerance that struck hard at Jewish communities all across the European continent.To support this ministry financially, visit:
May 3, 2024
Will we forget 9-11 and disregard the threat of Islamofacism? Are we doomed to repeat history? To stand with Israel is truly in our best interest, as a weakened Israel means emboldened Islamist regimes and the spread of radical Islam. This does not bode well for America and it’s allies. Features the documentary short, Lest We Forget.To support this ministry financially, visit:
April 19, 2024
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Featured Offer

Kanye and the Impact of Antisemitism on Our Jewish Friends - Free Resource
Some have dismissed Kanye’s comments as the rants of a person with serious mental health issues.For centuries, the Jewish people have sustained the verbal and physical blows from those who falsely accuse them of all of society’s ills. Proclaiming Justice to The Nations has fought antisemitism and lies about Israel at home and coast to coast. Get your free resource today!

About Focus on Israel

PJTN educates, advocates, and moves to activate Christians, Jews and all people of conscience in building a global community of action and prayer in support of Jews and Israel.  We are engaged in winning the ideological, social, moral and spiritual battle for the mind of this generation.

About Laurie Cardoza-Moore

Laurie Cardoza-Moore is a respected “go to” voice on the frontlines of battle for the ideological, social, moral and religious mind of this generation.  As Special Envoy to the United Nations for human rights and anti-Semitism on behalf of 44 million Christians, to her leadership in statehouses through PJTN’s anti-Semitism Awareness Resolution, Laurie is a tireless advocate.

A home schooling mother of five, Laurie Cardoza-Moore’s original “wake-up call” was the discovery of anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, and anti-American content in her children’s textbooks.  The revelation of the early seeds of indoctrination of America’s children began her quest to bring awareness and change through every avenue she could reach:  Legislative, media, advocacy, and ultimately the development of PJTN programs and documentaries that are shared and educate on a mass level.   PJTN programming in support of Israel today reaches over 950 million potential viewers on a regular basis through a network of close to two dozen TV affiliates and satellite broadcasters.

Laurie has been appointed, awarded and recognized by her peers for her leadership, including:

  • The President’s Council of The National Religious Broadcasters, (NRB)
  • The “Top 100 People Positively Impacting Israel” by the Algemeiner
  • An Honorary Doctorate Degree in Theology from the Latin University of Theology
  • The “Friend of Israel Award” by The Center For Jewish Awareness
  • The “Goodwill Ambassador to Israel Award” given by Israel Consul General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

Contact Focus on Israel with Laurie Cardoza-Moore

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