
So many Christian virtues orbit around the “stick-to-itiveness” of the biblical word “perseverance”. To be patient or long-suffering, to look to the future with steadfast hope or “wait on the Lord”, to endure trials or persistently pray – these all relate to this fundamental godly trait called perseverance. To exercise biblical perseverance is to “hang in there” with strength and persistence when our flesh, our inclinations or our restlessness are telling us not to.

In today’s popular quest to be authentic or “real”, many people are quick to react to their feelings which cry for some kind of change or course correction when biblical wisdom would call for perseverance. Much of this reactionary Christian living is based on the false assumption that every chapter of our lives should be filled with exciting new experiences or fresh challenges.

Often the godly challenge is to persevere in “doing good”, even when our feelings are craving an adjustment. Much of the harvest of “good” is lost when our restlessness calls the shots (Gal.6:9).

--Pastor Mike

Focal Point May 2022 offer

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