
Hell. No one likes to think about it. The world attempts to dilute its force by using the word as an expletive or as an impertinent adjective. But much like tax day or a set of dire medical test results, not thinking about it or making light of it, doesn’t change its reality.

While the biblical data on hell may be denied by the world and now even large portions of the church, it would do us well as Christians to take heed to what the New Testament has to say about the pending judgment of God on an unbelieving world. It is hard to acquire the proper motivation for biblical service or gospel evangelism until we accept the sobering words of Christ regarding sin’s eternal consequences.

Attempting to dismiss the clear teaching of Scripture on this topic because it doesn’t fit our preconceived notions of God, or because we deem the whole concept archaic or severe will not do if we are going to let God define himself and if we claim his word to be the final arbiter of truth. We must grapple with this doctrine as we would any other, allowing it to shape our thoughts and our behavior. It will undoubtedly drive us to a deeper appreciation for grace and a more zealous involvement in advancing the cause of Christ.

-- Pastor Mike

Focal Point May 2022 offer

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