
While many of us affirm the truth that God made the world and that it displays his handiwork, and while some of us go so far as to say that it is God’s strategic source of “general revelation” to mankind, it is unfortunate that most of us take so little time to utilize God’s creation as a catalyst for worship. David states that “the heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of his hand… day after day they pour forth speech and night after night they display knowledge” (Ps.19:1-2).

That was not just a theological assertion for David, it was most often a stirring prompt to pray, sing and worship the Creator. In Psalm 8 for instance, David recognizes the various ways God’s greatness is seen in the created order (from the stars and the moon to the varieties of herds, birds and fish) only to frame his observations with heartfelt praise: “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth” (vv.1, 9).

While the world is often enamored with God’s creation, yet failing to honor the Creator (Rom.1:25), let us not miss the daily opportunity given to us through the sunsets, constellations or crisp ocean air to specifically and sincerely praise the Creator whose craftsmanship is on perpetual display.

-- Pastor Mike

Focal Point May 2022 offer

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