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Your Next Argument – Part 2: You Are More Capable Than You Think

August 4, 2017

Life can be unfair. But how far do we go to demand justice? If Christians are loving and forgiving, is it ever okay to sue someone? On Focal Point today, Pastor Mike Fabarez turns to God’s Word to explain what the scriptures teach about using the legal system. Join us for a thought-provoking edition of Ask Pastor Mike!

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Is This Part of God's Plan?

As a Christian, we are not promised that everything will go right for us all the time. In fact, we may face even more hardship, persecution and trials. But why would God allow this? Is this really His plan for me?

The presence of suffering and evil shouldn't extinguish our faith, it should strengthen it. Learn how you can gain assurance, strength and comfort amidst the pain of this world.

Be sure to request the book If God is Good... by Randy Alcorn with your generous donation this month.

Past Episodes

Ever felt left out?  Overlooked?  Maybe passed over unfairly?  It’s natural to feel deflated—especially when the undeserving appear to be winning. Today on Focal Point, Pastor Mike Fabarez dives into a message titled, “When Nothing Seems Fair.”  We’re turning to Psalm 73 for the encouragement to move from self-pity to renewed hope!    
August 3, 2017
Don’t you hate being kept in suspense?  In the days before DVR recording, you’d wait a whole week if your favorite show ended in a cliffhanging episode. But today on Focal Point, Pastor Mike Fabarez says unresolved issues don’t have to leave us wondering, “What happens next?” We’ll examine the Psalms to see how momentary injustice will ultimately play out.    
August 2, 2017
Watch out for quicksand!  First, it swallows your feet, then your legs, and before you know it, you’re in over your head. That’s what it might feel like when you’re sucked under by troubles! But today on Focal Point, Pastor Mike Fabarez says believers needn’t worry when trouble comes. He paints a picture of stability and protection, as we trust “A God in Control!”
August 1, 2017
When you’ve been in an accident, it’s a relief to find someone who actually saw what happened, to back your side of the story.  Having an eyewitness makes you feel supported, and validated.  Today on Focal Point, Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that when trouble comes for us, God sees it all!
July 31, 2017
It’s depicted in movies … in novels … and discussed among Christians and non-Christians alike.  But what exactly is “the Rapture”?  Friday on Focal Point, Mike Fabarez sits down for a conversation about the return of Jesus … and what we can expect on that day.  An eye-opening edition of Ask Pastor Mike … Friday on Focal Point!
July 28, 2017
Earthquakes …floods … wars.  The planet’s in turmoil!  Yet Jude reminds us to focus on  “him who’s able to keep you from stumbling!”  Christians aren’t immune from trouble … but we’ve got reasons for supernatural confidence!  Join Pastor Mike Fabarez today … for a different way to respond when the world is crashing around us.
July 27, 2017
Tightening of the chest, shortness of breath … better pay attention … it might be a heart attack!  When you put off dealing with pain, things could get worse.  That’s why todday on Focal Point, Pastor Mike Fabarez urges us to pay attention when God pricks your conscience.  Get first aid fast for convicted hearts … today on Focal Point!
July 26, 2017
Touching a teapot at full boil … can give you a nasty burn!  But what would happen if you ignored the heat?  That’s like ignoring the pain of conviction.  Pain serves a purpose—so why do we pretend it’s not there?  On Focal Point Today, Pastor Mike Fabarez offers up two better responses.
July 25, 2017
When that engine light on your dashboard blinks red, you’d be wise to get it checked out right away!  But what happens if you delay?  Today on Focal Point, Pastor Mike Fabarez says it’s similar to what happens when we ignore the discomfort of a “convicted heart.”  Hear the right response when God pricks your conscience
July 24, 2017
Yahweh … Jehovah … Adonai.  It seems like God has many different titles throughout the Bible.  So what is God’s real name?  Today on Focal Point, join Mike Fabarez for an insightful conversation about the significance of God’s names … and how God wants to be known.  It’s another edition of Ask Pastor Mike
July 21, 2017
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About Focal Point

Focal Point is the Bible teaching ministry of author and pastor Mike Fabarez. Focal Point explores and proclaims the depths of Scripture on its daily radio broadcast and is dedicated to clearly explaining the truth of God’s Word.

About Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mike Fabarez is the founding pastor of Compass Bible Church in South Orange County, California and has been in pastoral ministry for more than 30 years. He is committed to clearly communicating God’s word verse-by-verse and encourages his listeners to apply what they have learned to their daily lives.

Pastor Mike is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Talbot School of Theology (M.A.) and Westminster Theological Seminary in California (D.Min.).

Mike is heard on hundreds of radio programs across the country on the Focal Point radio program and has authored several books, including Raising Men Not Boys, Lifelines for Tough Times, Preaching That Changes Lives, Getting It Right, Praying for Sunday, and Why the Bible?

Mike and his wife, Carlynn, reside in Laguna Hills, California and they have three children, Matthew, John and Stephanie.

Contact Focal Point with Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mailing Address
Focal Point
P.O. Box 2850 
Laguna Hills, CA 92654