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The Truth About Christmas Part 4a

December 24, 2010
Self-centered living sure is prevelant! That’s the way of the world, and that’s easy to see at Christmas time. This month the vast majority have been more concerned about getting the latest and greatest toy to put under the tree than they are about Christ. But as Christians, we’re to live and think differently. We’re to live for the glory of God, but do our actions show that? Pastor Mike Fabarez will stress today that Christmas is all about the glory of God and not about us. Welcome to our special Christmas Eve edition of Focal Point. Pastor Mike is taking us through his series, “The Truth About Christmas,” and here today we seek to bring glory God’s way. 
References: Luke 2:14

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With all the chaos and trouble in our world, it would be easy for some to worry and lose hope. But because of Jesus, we don’t have to, nor should we. Christ came to bring peace to our hearts, and to provide peace with God. As we learned last time on Focal Point, Christ’s first coming didn’t promise peace on earth. We’re going to have conflict in the world until Jesus returns. And maybe even conflict at the Christmas dinner table. Pastor Mike Fabarez is going to take us to the Gospel of Luke on this Thursday, as we uncover the “Truth about Christmas.” 
December 23, 2010
Peace on earth, good will toward men, no war, and good feelings... is that what Christmas is all about? Well, not really. But that’s what is pitched to us isn’t it? We really shouldn’t expect wars and conflicts to cease this Christmas. What we can experience is peace with God, and we’ll tell you how today on Focal Point.  Pastor Mike Fabarez is in the middle of his series, “The Truth About Christmas,” which in essence is dispelling a few myths commonly associated with Christmas. We’re about to unpack the peace promise from the angels to the Shepherds.
December 22, 2010
We’re in the midst of a special week of broadcasts here on Focal Point. This week we’re bringing you the Truth About Christmas. It’s a series Pastor Mike Fabarez has put together which is designed to dispel a few myths centering around Christmas. As you look at the increasing conflict between nations and people, maybe you’re left wondering, “Where’s the promised peace on earth?” As we’re about to see, Christ’s first coming really didn’t promise it, but when He returns He will establish a permanent peace. 
December 21, 2010
This week leading up to Christmas we’ll be dispelling some myths related to various aspects of Christmas. From the guy in the mall getting pictures with kids, to the decorations on homes and in stores, to the Christmas cards we receive... virtually everywhere you look these days you see Santa Clause. The story is familiar to many of you no doubt, but what you might not be so familiar with is the real story of Saint Nicholas. As we learned last time, he was a generous, sacrificial giver who reflected the love of Christ. He was actually a pastor! Mike says his life is one worth considering, and emulating. And in this world full of bad examples, it’s nice to have a good example to follow isn’t it? 
December 20, 2010
Today we’re going to kick start a new series called, “The Truth About Christmas.” And throughout the series, Mike is going to dispel a few myths that relate to aspects of Christmas. So what’s the deal with Saint Nicholas? Maybe you’ve wondered if it’s appropriate for Christians to incorporate Santa into their Christmas celebration. Well after we get to know the real Saint Nicholas, you just might be pleasantly surprised by the good example of godly character He provides us with. We’ll bring the mythical character into our discussion too.
December 17, 2010
We’re glad you could be with us as we bring you the conclusion to a special Christmas message called, “Christmas and Worldly Heroes.” If you joined us yesterday, you know that Pastor Mike is taking a much different approach by not focusing on Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus, but rather zeroing in on the villains of the story... King Herod and his sons that followed after him. It’s an interesting take and one we think you’ll benefit from. Opposition to the work of God is still very much present today. Let’s shed some light on Matthew, chapter two and see how to be better prepared for this increased opposition and antagonism against us and the truth.
December 16, 2010
Most of us are pretty familiar with the details of the Christmas story. Baby Jesus born in a manger, Shepherds watching over their flock who encounter an angel, wise men bring gifts, and so on. Today we’re going to take a fresh approach to the Christmas story by focusing on one particular person that played one of the more crucial roles in the events surrounding the birth of Christ. We’re not talking about a shepherd or an angel. Rather, we focus on the villian in the story, King Herod.
December 15, 2010
Have you ever wondered if you can really know for sure you or your loved one’s are saved? The Bible actually tells us that we can know, and it’s by looking for change in our lives. Pastor Mike Fabarez says that there should be three changes in a Christian’s life, and we’ll look in detail at a couple of those today on Focal Point. The first as we saw last time was a change on the inside. We’ll take notice of the other two as we finish up Mike’s Gospel series today, and you might want to find your place in First John as we’ll be there for the most part.
December 14, 2010
Can you think of a person who claims to be a Christian, and yet there are virtually no good works in their life, and really their life hasn’t changed a bit? Perhaps that even describes where you’re at today? If that’s the case, warning signs should go up. Today on the broadcast we enter part five of our Gospel series, and we turn our attention to good works. Now as we’ll see, it’s important that we get this all straight, so please pay close attention to what Mike has to say from God’s Word. When a person is genuinely saved their life changes inside and out.
December 13, 2010
Repentance has almost become a forgotten word in the modern day church, but it is very much a part of the Gospel message. Last time on Focal Point, Pastor Mike Fabarez stressed that repentance and faith are both a work of God, and not something we can drum up on our own. And with that as a backdrop, we’ll spend some time today discussing what repentance is all about. Then we’ll transition to the other component of our response to the Gospel, and that’s faith. We hear that term tossed around quite a bit these days, but do we understand what biblical faith is? Here now to encourage us to rely on Christ and nothing else for forgiveness, is Pastor Mike once again.
December 10, 2010
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About Focal Point

Focal Point is the Bible teaching ministry of author and pastor Mike Fabarez. Focal Point explores and proclaims the depths of Scripture on its daily radio broadcast and is dedicated to clearly explaining the truth of God’s Word.

About Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mike Fabarez is the founding pastor of Compass Bible Church in South Orange County, California and has been in pastoral ministry for more than 30 years. He is committed to clearly communicating God’s word verse-by-verse and encourages his listeners to apply what they have learned to their daily lives.

Pastor Mike is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Talbot School of Theology (M.A.) and Westminster Theological Seminary in California (D.Min.).

Mike is heard on hundreds of radio programs across the country on the Focal Point radio program and has authored several books, including Raising Men Not Boys, Lifelines for Tough Times, Preaching That Changes Lives, Getting It Right, Praying for Sunday, and Why the Bible?

Mike and his wife, Carlynn, reside in Laguna Hills, California and they have three children, Matthew, John and Stephanie.

Contact Focal Point with Pastor Mike Fabarez

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Focal Point
P.O. Box 2850 
Laguna Hills, CA 92654