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Sin and Unrighteous Behavior, Part 2

February 25, 2016
It’s three in the morning. You’re deep in sleep. Suddenly, a shrill alarm jolts you. It’s the smoke detector sensing thick black smoke. Would you be annoyed? Or grateful? Well, Mike Fabarez says we should be grateful for the way our conscience warns us of spiritual danger. Listen to Thursday’s Focal Point.
References: Romans 1:29-32

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Past Episodes

These two maxims are always true. One, sin creates problems. Two, sin creates problems for other people. Today on Focal Point, Mike Fabarez exposes the anatomy of sin. And this issue is critical for us! In order to defeat sin’s destruction in our lives we need to understand where it comes from.
February 24, 2016
A person can spend countless hours filling his mind with biblical truth––poring over Scripture, and still have very little victory over sin in his life. So what’s the key to letting the power of God’s word influence our lives? Bible teacher Mike Fabarez addresses this critical issue and more on today’s Focal Point!
February 23, 2016
When it comes to our physical health, when symptoms of illness appear, we have to get to the root cause. In order to heal, a proper diagnosis is needed. It’s the same with our spiritual health, and the root cause always traces back to sins like unholy thinking. Mike Fabarez addresses these important issues today on Focal Point.
February 22, 2016
Through the ages, many different people have offered their opinions about what Hell is or isn’t. But what does God say about Hell? That’s what matters. Well, for starters, Hell is real according to the Bible––but does anyone good ever go there? That’s the question posed on our Ask Pastor Mike program.
February 19, 2016
It’s been said that, the heart of the matter is the heart. And when the Bible speaks of the heart, it refers to whatever drives our will and passions. Today on Focal Point, pastor and teacher Mike Fabarez shows us how to conduct a heart examination to effectively check the sin in our lives.
February 18, 2016
The Apostle John’s warning speaks to us through the ages: “Do not love the world nor the things in the world.” Today on Focal Point, Mike Fabarez sums up the difference between living for the world and living for the Lord. Stir up your passion for loving God, listen to Pastor Mike when he teaches from Romans––today on Focal Point.
February 17, 2016
It’s sobering to realize that God allows us to make rebellious choices. That he allows us to pursue what we will. Yet––as the writer of Ecclesiastes said, “God will bring every act to judgment.” On today’s Focal Point, Mike Fabarez lays out the consequences of sin and unbelief.
February 16, 2016
There’s a proverb that says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” This stands as a caution to us all––because the thoughts we nurture in our hearts, can become our reality. Today on Focal Point, Mike Fabarez cautions us to guard our hearts!
February 15, 2016
The word “love” is used to express many different sentiments. Some say they “love” broccoli. Others say they “love” football. Some say, “I love you” to a girl they never intend to marry. What’s with the word love? Today on Focal Point, Mike Fabarez examines love in its various forms. Listen today to Ask Pastor Mike!
February 12, 2016
How can you tell a mature Christian when you see one? Be careful! Looks can be deceiving. But there is one predominant mark that rises to the surface in mature believers and that’s obedience. Today on Focal Point, Mike Fabarez reminds us that genuine believers take God’s Word seriously and don’t make excuses for disobedience.
February 11, 2016
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About Focal Point

Focal Point is the Bible teaching ministry of author and pastor Mike Fabarez. Focal Point explores and proclaims the depths of Scripture on its daily radio broadcast and is dedicated to clearly explaining the truth of God’s Word.

About Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mike Fabarez is the founding pastor of Compass Bible Church in South Orange County, California and has been in pastoral ministry for more than 30 years. He is committed to clearly communicating God’s word verse-by-verse and encourages his listeners to apply what they have learned to their daily lives.

Pastor Mike is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Talbot School of Theology (M.A.) and Westminster Theological Seminary in California (D.Min.).

Mike is heard on hundreds of radio programs across the country on the Focal Point radio program and has authored several books, including Raising Men Not Boys, Lifelines for Tough Times, Preaching That Changes Lives, Getting It Right, Praying for Sunday, and Why the Bible?

Mike and his wife, Carlynn, reside in Laguna Hills, California and they have three children, Matthew, John and Stephanie.

Contact Focal Point with Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mailing Address
Focal Point
P.O. Box 2850 
Laguna Hills, CA 92654