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Saul: Fighting God – Part C

February 8, 2024

In church, we often sing about the “amazing grace that saved a wretch like me.” But do we fully understand the hopelessness of our situation without Christ? Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges you to recall the moment when you finally reached the proverbial “end of your rope” and reached up towards your savior. It’s a lesson about true, biblical conversion.

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Featured Offer

Is This Part of God's Plan?

As a Christian, we are not promised that everything will go right for us all the time. In fact, we may face even more hardship, persecution and trials. But why would God allow this? Is this really His plan for me?

The presence of suffering and evil shouldn't extinguish our faith, it should strengthen it. Learn how you can gain assurance, strength and comfort amidst the pain of this world.

Be sure to request the book If God is Good... by Randy Alcorn with your generous donation this month.

Past Episodes

Most of us think we’re pretty “good” people, but the uncomfortable truth is that even unconverted hearts can obey the commands of Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains the crucial difference between our external conformity to the rules of Christianity and our internal conversion to Christ.
February 7, 2024
Before Saul became the beloved Apostle Paul, he was a raging persecutor of Christians, hunting men and women from city to city as they attempted to flee—up until the moment he met Jesus. Pastor Mike Fabarez takes a closer look at the conversion of Saul to help us see our own pre-Christian rebellion.
February 6, 2024
Before ascending into heaven, Jesus left Christians with a substantial task in the form of the Great Commission. So what must we do to advance the gospel? Pastor Mike Fabarez describes how Christians can effectively share the gospel and lead others to Christ.
February 5, 2024
When it comes to prayer, some Christians say we should always take a position of authority, declaring things in the name of Christ! So, is that a biblical standpoint? On this edition of Ask Pastor Mike, Pastor Mike Fabarez presents a balanced and biblical view of our role in prayer.
February 2, 2024
When the Ethiopian official asked Philp to explain what he was reading from the prophet Isaiah, he immediately responded by being baptized. He was convinced that Scripture is reliable! In this episode, Pastor Mike Fabarez provides an important clarification about the reliability of Scripture and why you can confidently and courageously identify with Christ!
February 1, 2024
You’ve probably noticed that the cost of following Christ is going up. As the culture turns against the Bible and those who adhere to a biblical worldview, it’s going to take more and more courage to be identified with Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez urges us to stand up and be identified with Christ!
January 31, 2024
Benjamin Franklin mused that “time lost is never found again.” So how are you using your time? Are you investing in intentional and thoughtful Bible study or are you squandering your time on short-lived, personal entertainment? Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages you to take the time to read doctrinally-sound Christian books to boost your Bible knowledge!
January 30, 2024
How well do you know the Bible? Just enough to get by, or are you plumbing the depths of Scriptures? Pastor Mike Fabarez highlights the excellent example of Philip, who was not a preacher but was still called on to answers questions about Scripture.
January 29, 2024
After years of praying and anticipating a family, many couples struggle through the heartache of an empty home. So what encouragement does the Bible offer for those without children? Pastor Mike Fabarez conducts a sensitive conversation about the topic of infertility on a special edition of Ask Pastor Mike.
January 26, 2024
While more people identify as atheist or agnostic, many still struggle with questions about their purpose and existence. Do your friends and coworkers know you’re available to answer their questions about God? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how you can engage people in conversations about Christ and why you need to see yourself as a “Bible Guide.”
January 25, 2024
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About Focal Point

Focal Point is the Bible teaching ministry of author and pastor Mike Fabarez. Focal Point explores and proclaims the depths of Scripture on its daily radio broadcast and is dedicated to clearly explaining the truth of God’s Word.

About Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mike Fabarez is the founding pastor of Compass Bible Church in South Orange County, California and has been in pastoral ministry for more than 30 years. He is committed to clearly communicating God’s word verse-by-verse and encourages his listeners to apply what they have learned to their daily lives.

Pastor Mike is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Talbot School of Theology (M.A.) and Westminster Theological Seminary in California (D.Min.).

Mike is heard on hundreds of radio programs across the country on the Focal Point radio program and has authored several books, including Raising Men Not Boys, Lifelines for Tough Times, Preaching That Changes Lives, Getting It Right, Praying for Sunday, and Why the Bible?

Mike and his wife, Carlynn, reside in Laguna Hills, California and they have three children, Matthew, John and Stephanie.

Contact Focal Point with Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mailing Address
Focal Point
P.O. Box 2850 
Laguna Hills, CA 92654