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Redeemed From Your Heavy Burden

April 7, 2023

It’s difficult to imagine how terrible life was for the Israelite slaves forced to carry heavy bricks in Egypt thousands of years ago. But their wretched condition gives us a picture of the crushing burden that has been lifted through the power of Christ’s resurrection. Pastor Mike Fabarez presents a weighty reminder of the reason to celebrate this Easter.

Featured Offer

Ever Wonder About the Spiritual Realm?

Supernatural beings-both good and bad-fascinate us because they are surrounded by mystery. What do they look like? Are they sent to protect us? Are they even real, and should we be afraid?

It turns out God has already answered our questions about angels and their fallen counterparts, demons. Discover what Scripture has to say about the spiritual realm.

Be sure to request the book Everything the Bible Says About Angels & Demons with your generous donation this month.


It’s tempting to think we’ll have plenty of time to figure out a solution to our sin problem later. But the reality is, you and I don’t know when that day will come. Eternity may start sooner than you expect! Pastor Mike Fabarez shares a sobering reminder that judgement is coming. Are you ready?
April 6, 2023
We hear a lot about getting what we deserve. However, few of us truly understand what our actions would earn us. Contrary to popular belief, the Bible says what we really deserve is death! But thanks to Jesus, we don’t have to receive our just rewards! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains the meaning and purpose of propitiation.
April 5, 2023
Many Christians picture themselves as independent, capable people. But in the Bible, Christ-followers are often compared to sheep—and it’s not exactly a compliment. Sheep are stubborn, rebellious, and prone to wander off. So, what is God trying to tell us? Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us why we should follow the Good Shepherd.
April 4, 2023
Jesus wasn’t the only person who claimed to be God. But Jesus is the only one who backed up his claim with an audacious prediction: that he would die, be buried, and be raised to life again! Pastor Mike Fabarez examines the bold assertion of Jesus Christ and asks: What’s your Resurrection Response?
April 3, 2023
When a person becomes a Christian, do they enter into a full-access relationship with God? Or do some Christians have the special privilege of a deeper connection? Pastor Mike Fabarez talks about how we relate to God in our Christian experience. The topics are Christian Mysticism and “spiritual formation.”
March 31, 2023
Financial trouble, broken relationships, and health problems drive us to our knees and closer to God. But comfort and success can do just the opposite! Prosperity tends to make us complacent and reluctant to obey God. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that we must never allow comfort to keep us from costly obedience.
March 30, 2023
Most Americans live in unprecedented comfort and prosperity. Even if you don’t feel rich, compared to the rest of the world, you’re at the top. But all that wealth comes with the temptation to trust in money instead of God. Pastor Mike Fabarez delivers a cautionary tale from the life of King David about the Hazards of Prosperity.
March 29, 2023
Most of us are pretty good at assigning blame for bad things that happen. But when something good occurs, who gets the credit? Are you quick to thank God and others? Pastor Mike Fabarez teaches from Second Samuel chapter 22, where David demonstrates the grateful attitude God wants us to have.
March 28, 2023
Did you wake up today and thank God you had a bed to sleep in? Or food on the table? It sounds simple to “count your blessings,” so why is it difficult to stay focused on the good things? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares practical steps to help you reframe your day and keep track of God’s goodness.
March 27, 2023
As followers of Christ, we’re called to reach our world with the gospel. But how can we connect with non-believing friends without being negatively influenced by them? And how do we know if it’s time to break off that relationship? Pastor Mike Fabarez sits down to answer your questions about friendships with non-Christians.
March 24, 2023
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About Focal Point

Focal Point is the Bible teaching ministry of author and pastor Mike Fabarez. Focal Point explores and proclaims the depths of Scripture on its daily radio broadcast and is dedicated to clearly explaining the truth of God’s Word.

About Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mike Fabarez is the founding pastor of Compass Bible Church in South Orange County, California and has been in pastoral ministry for more than 30 years. He is committed to clearly communicating God’s word verse-by-verse and encourages his listeners to apply what they have learned to their daily lives.

Pastor Mike is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Talbot School of Theology (M.A.) and Westminster Theological Seminary in California (D.Min.).

Mike is heard on hundreds of radio programs across the country on the Focal Point radio program and has authored several books, including Raising Men Not Boys, Lifelines for Tough Times, Preaching That Changes Lives, Getting It Right, Praying for Sunday, and Why the Bible?

Mike and his wife, Carlynn, reside in Laguna Hills, California and they have three children, Matthew, John and Stephanie.

Contact Focal Point with Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mailing Address
Focal Point
P.O. Box 2850 
Laguna Hills, CA 92654