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May 26, 2023

We’ve all seen the statistics. It seems like divorce is just about as common as marriage, even among believers. Pastor Mike Fabarez has a heart-to-heart chat about getting through the heartache of a collapsing marriage. No matter what your marriage looks like today, there’s help and hope!

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Ever Wonder About the Spiritual Realm?

Supernatural beings-both good and bad-fascinate us because they are surrounded by mystery. What do they look like? Are they sent to protect us? Are they even real, and should we be afraid?

It turns out God has already answered our questions about angels and their fallen counterparts, demons. Discover what Scripture has to say about the spiritual realm.

Be sure to request the book Everything the Bible Says About Angels & Demons with your generous donation this month.


In order for any marriage to be healthy, both parties must be willing to accept their inevitable differences. One-sided relationships, without give and take, just don’t work! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how compromise truly reflects the image of Christ. Rather than digging in our heels, we need to learn to compromise!
May 25, 2023
When you stand with your spouse in front of the altar, you can hardly imagine being more in love. But once the mundane routine of day-to-day life settles in, married life isn’t always so picturesque! Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals how sacrifice and perseverance can produce a healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime.
May 24, 2023
At one time or another, we’ve all wished our spouse would think and act just like we do. Life seems easier when we get our way! But it’s hardly a recipe for a healthy marriage. Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages married couples to celebrate their differences and grow in harmony.
May 23, 2023
Marriage is an intimate bond between one man and one woman. So, most of the time getting a third party involved means trouble! But there is someone who should be invited into the relationship—God! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why the same principles found in the relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit also form the foundation for a healthy marriage.
May 22, 2023
Kids today have access to a virtual “Pandora’s box” of tech-driven entertainment. And many parents struggle to establish and enforce reasonable limits. Pastor Mike Fabarez and his wife, Carlynn, discuss dating, social media, and videogames, and explain how parents can navigate around the pitfalls of today’s technology.
May 19, 2023
If you were a coach preparing for a crucial game, you would study footage of your players and your opponents to develop a game plan for success. Good leaders are strategic! Pastor Mike Fabarez is helping us strategize for our most important leadership role: parenthood.
May 18, 2023
President Lincoln famously said, “All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” A beautiful reminder that as parents, our decisions and example don’t just affect our kids in the moment, but for a lifetime. Pastor Mike Fabarez discusses the profound spiritual impact parents have on their children.
May 17, 2023
Most of us love hearing stories about our family history: what our grandparents and great-grandparents did, where they lived, and what they accomplished. Pastor Mike Fabarez discusses how parents can pass along a legacy of godliness to their children.
May 16, 2023
Pick up any contemporary parenting book and you’ll likely find tips to build up your child’s self-esteem. We’re constantly told we need to nurture their strong self-identity. But is stroking their little egos really the best thing we can do as parents? Pastor Mike Fabarez turns to God’s word for counter-cultural instructions on raising “gospel-receptive” kids.
May 15, 2023
How can we protect our kids from life’s dangerous pitfalls and still prepare and equip them to handle these challenges on their own? The temptation for many parents to hover over their children and guard them against any harm is understandable. But is it effective? Pastor Mike Fabarez and his wife, Carlynn, talk about the trap of “helicopter parenting.”
May 12, 2023
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About Focal Point

Focal Point is the Bible teaching ministry of author and pastor Mike Fabarez. Focal Point explores and proclaims the depths of Scripture on its daily radio broadcast and is dedicated to clearly explaining the truth of God’s Word.

About Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mike Fabarez is the founding pastor of Compass Bible Church in South Orange County, California and has been in pastoral ministry for more than 30 years. He is committed to clearly communicating God’s word verse-by-verse and encourages his listeners to apply what they have learned to their daily lives.

Pastor Mike is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Talbot School of Theology (M.A.) and Westminster Theological Seminary in California (D.Min.).

Mike is heard on hundreds of radio programs across the country on the Focal Point radio program and has authored several books, including Raising Men Not Boys, Lifelines for Tough Times, Preaching That Changes Lives, Getting It Right, Praying for Sunday, and Why the Bible?

Mike and his wife, Carlynn, reside in Laguna Hills, California and they have three children, Matthew, John and Stephanie.

Contact Focal Point with Pastor Mike Fabarez

Mailing Address
Focal Point
P.O. Box 2850 
Laguna Hills, CA 92654