FamilyLife Today®

Dave and Ann Wilson

Should You Try To Be 'Perfect?' David & Meg Robbins

July 10, 2024

Harder, faster, better, stronger.' Are you constantly striving to be better? Perfect? David and Meg Robbins share their growth from perfectionism to grace.

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Is perfectionism impacting your marriage? Your parenting? Listen to part 2 of Faith Chang's conversation with Dave and Ann Wilson on perfectionism's impact on your family — and practical ways to find grace and peace in imperfection.
July 9, 2024
Struggling with perfectionism and anxiety in your relationship with God? The peace God offers can feel elusive. Join Faith Chang and hosts Dave and Ann Wilson for a discussion on how to recognize perfectionism, its spiritual impact, and how to move towards God's peace and freedom.
July 8, 2024
How does childhood trauma echo in our adult lives? When an adult's parents got divorced, it can still impact them decades later— from their relationship with stepparents, to blended family dynamics, and ongoing healing. Jim Ramos, founder of the men's ministry "Men in the Arena," describes his challenging upbringing. Listen in for hope in navigating the complexities of family life and pursuing personal growth, community support, and a steadfast faith.
July 5, 2024
Jesus invites those with intellectual disability to meet Him in His Word. But churches aren't always as equipped to lay out a feast for them, as they are for those without obvious disabilities. Paul and Jill Miller's journey with their daughter, Kim, led to creating interactive Bible studies for individuals with disabilities. Join hosts Dave and Ann Wilson as they hear about the impact disability ministry can have on churches and families. Will they be fed at your church?
July 4, 2024
What do difficult days, disability, and donkeys have in common? They're all pathways to finding Jesus, according to Jill and Paul Miller. They joined Dave and Ann Wilson on this episode of FamilyLife Today to discuss the ups and downs of their journey -- including the joy and hardship of parenting a child with disabilities and the wonder of living on a farm, which inspired Jill's devotional.
July 3, 2024
So you want to lead? Dr. Gary Chapman, best-selling author of The 5 Love Languages series, believes leadership within the family must be servant leadership. How does that play out in marriage and parenting? Building upon the traits discussed in part one of this series, join FamilyLife Today hosts Dave and Ann Wilson for another insightful discussion with author Gary Chapman. Will you choose to lead towards a healthy family?
July 2, 2024
You're hungry for a strong, healthy family. What if there were a tried and true recipe—with 5-key ingredients—to get you there? In this conversation Dr. Gary Chapman, best-selling author of The 5 Love Languages® series, shares the insights and observations he's gleaned—both from his own four-decade marriage and from years of working with families. Join hosts Dave and Ann Wilson for part one of this conversation and learn how to build the chef's kiss happy-bonded-family you long for!
July 1, 2024
Do you ever ask yourself, "What's my purpose in life?" Are you actually fulfilling your role in life? Barbara Rainey questioned who she was after leaving leadership roles at work and in a church. She shares how she was able to cope with disappointment and actually find hope.
June 28, 2024
Ever found yourself praying earnestly, pleading with God for healing, or even questioning why a relationship hasn't been restored? Barbara Rainey faced a health scare that caused her to question her connection with God. She opens up about her disappointment with God and her journey toward healing and reconciliation.
June 27, 2024
Relating to a bitter person can feel exhausting, even defeating. How can you love them without losing your happiness...or sanity? Author Stephen Viars weighs in.
June 26, 2024
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About FamilyLife Today®

FamilyLife Today® is a weekday podcast featuring fun, engaging conversations that help families grow together with Jesus while pursuing the relationships that matter most.

About Dave and Ann Wilson

Dave and Ann Wilson are co-hosts of FamilyLife Today©, FamilyLife’s nationally-syndicated radio program.

Dave and Ann have been married for more than 40 years and have spent the last 35 teaching and mentoring couples and parents across the country. They have been featured speakers at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember® since 1993, and have also hosted their own marriage conferences across the country.

Dave and Ann helped plant Kensington Community Church in Detroit, Michigan where they served together in ministry for more than three decades, wrapping up their time at Kensington in 2020.

The Wilsons are the creative force behind DVD teaching series Rock Your Marriage and The Survival Guide To Parenting, as well as authors of the recently released books Vertical Marriage (Zondervan, 2019) and No Perfect Parents (Zondervan, 2021).

Dave is a graduate of the International School of Theology, where he received a Master of Divinity degree. A Ball State University Hall of Fame Quarterback, Dave served the Detroit Lions as Chaplain for thirty-three years. Ann attended the University of Kentucky. She has been active with Dave in ministry as a speaker, writer, small group leader, and mentor to countless women.

The Wilsons live in the Detroit area. They have three grown sons, CJ, Austin, and Cody, three daughters-in-law, and a growing number of grandchildren.

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