FamilyLife Blended®

Ron L. Deal

Good News About Your Marriage

July 6, 2016
Being optimistic about the future of your marriage, improves your marriage.

Featured Offer

The 2024 Summit on Stepfamily Ministry
The 2024 Summit on Stepfamily Ministry will be hosted at The Hope Center in Plano, Texas. This two-day event on October 10 & 11 will equip you and your team to minister more effectively to blended families.


Some people are easy to love; others…not so much.
July 5, 2016
We are dissolving our political bonds; we are now thirteen United States of America.
July 4, 2016
Sometimes, the best way to avoid a conflict is to just drop it. No, I’m not talking about avoiding. Avoiding just postpones conflict, it doesn’t resolve it. I’m suggesting that not everything is worth a conflict. The biblical proverb warns, “Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out.” Look, not everything is a hill to die on especially if your marriage or family is already stressed. If you can be generous with mercy, let it go.
July 1, 2016
Hey co-parents, for the sake of your kids find a way to do business.No, you may not be a couple any more, but you’re still raising your kids together. Cooperation between homes is a must. But it’s tough after a broken relationship and that’s an important distinction. Talk about parental things not personal ones. Parental topics include Johnny’s health, school matters, and managing his social media time. Separate the old marital pain from the current parenting matters. Ask God to help you set aside your personal hurt so you can be the best possible parent.
June 30, 2016
Meddling mother-in-law? What if you have a meddling ex-wife-in-law?   While dating, Nicole never anticipated how intrusive Tom's ex-wife would be. At first, Sharon seemed focused on being a mother so Nicole assumed once she and Tom married, Sharon would stop her late-night texts and unannounced visits. She was wrong. Nicole had an unrealistic expectation and she minimized Sharon’s behavior. Here’s the point: to marry a divorced person is to gain a mother-in-law and a father-in-law and an ex-spouse in law. Be sure you understand that when you say, “I do.”
June 29, 2016
Want your friends to like who you love? Be careful what you say.   Proverbs 17 in the Bible says, “Whoever covers (or forgives) an offense seeks love. But he who repeats a matter separates close friends.” Letting go of something that hurts you is an act of love that restores the relationship. But telling others about the offense can turn them against the one you love; so, keep the matter private. In a stepfamily, a parent should not tell their children negative things about the stepparent. Rather, share reasons why you love the stepparent so they will, too. 
June 28, 2016
His kids have a TV in the bedroom and hers don’t. Now they’re a family so now what? Two parents in a blended family having two sets of rules and not knowing which to choose is pretty common. The solution? First, get on the same page. You can’t have two standards for kids living in the same home. Second, ask yourself what’s developmentally appropriate and what’s good parenting? In this situation, pediatricians agree that a TV in a kid’s bedroom is not a good idea. Sometimes, common sense makes the parenting choice. But no matter what, always be unified in leading your family.
June 27, 2016
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The 2024 Summit on Stepfamily Ministry
The 2024 Summit on Stepfamily Ministry will be hosted at The Hope Center in Plano, Texas. This two-day event on October 10 & 11 will equip you and your team to minister more effectively to blended families.

About FamilyLife Blended®

FamilyLife Blended® provides  biblically-based resources that help prevent re-divorce, strengthen stepfamilies, and help break the generational cycle of divorce.

About Ron L. Deal

Ron L. Deal is the Director of blended family ministries at FamilyLife®, and is the author/coauthor of the books The Smart StepfamilyThe Smart Stepdad, The Smart Stepmom, Dating and the Single Parent, and The Remarriage Checkup. Ron voices the FamilyLife Blended short feature and is one of the most widely read authors on stepfamily living in the country. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist who frequently appears in the national media, including FamilyLife Today® and Focus on the Family, and he conducts marriage and family seminars around the countryRon and his wife, Nan, have been married since 1986 and have three boys.

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