Family Talk

Dr. James Dobson

Museum of the Bible: Preserving and Interacting with God’s Word

November 3, 2023

According to Hebrews 4, the Word of God is alive, active, and sharper than any double-edged sword. With the opening of the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. in 2017, Christians have the opportunity to learn more about the narrative, history and impact of the Word. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews Steve Green, president of Hobby Lobby and chairman of the Museum of the Bible, to discuss the incredible journey that took place from the museum’s inception to its grand opening.

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Introducing the Dobson Culture Center
The purpose of the Dobson Culture Center is to help families and individuals live Scripturally-rooted lives and to engage culture with a biblical worldview, exposing darkness and exalting the light of Christ (Ephesians 5:11; Colossians 1:28). Learn more and receive weekly updates from the Dobson Culture Center. Sign up for the "Lighting Up Culture" report and stay updated on issues that matter to your family.


1 John 4:18 says that perfect love casts out fear and there is no fear in love. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his enlightening discussion with Danny and Sheri Silk, as they warn that love and fear cannot co-exist within a marriage if it is to succeed. Discover how they turned their own marital shortcomings into a ministry devoted to building loving and flourishing relationships.
November 2, 2023
Whether you’re a male or female, young or old, we all long to be in a relationship where we feel safe to love and be loved. But how do two people who come from wildly different backgrounds make their marriage work? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews author Danny Silk and his wife, Sheri, on the subject of building and maintaining healthy relationships. Learn more of their story of how they turned their volatile marriage into a beautiful union under God. 
November 1, 2023
According to Pastor John MacArthur, there is no greater indicator of a corrupt and abandoned society than when that society will not tolerate anger against sin. On today’s edition of Family Talk, John concludes his moving message about the Lord’s wrath on America. Romans 1:21 says, “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Never has there been a time more demanding of our prayers, to plead for “the word of the living God to be proclaimed across this nation!”
October 31, 2023
It is no secret that our country has been sliding into moral decay with unnatural atrocities. On today’s classic edition of Family Talk, Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church, gives a powerful sermon, revealing God’s truth from the writings in Romans chapter 1. He explains the haunting parallels between our society today and the wicked depravity of humanity that is written about in the Bible. Be aware and take a stand for the Lord’s truth. We must worship the Creator, not the things of this world.
October 30, 2023
You have heard it said that the Lord works in mysterious ways. On today’s classic edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his heartwarming conversation with Emily Colson and her dad, the late Chuck Colson, about her extraordinary life with her autistic son, Max. Never underestimate the power of God to answer your prayers in the most unorthodox ways. Luke 18:17 says, “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 
October 27, 2023
According to Psalm 127:3, “Children are a heritage from the Lord.” Oftentimes, parents of children who have special needs experience a unique joy and perspective that other parents may never encounter. On today’s classic edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews Emily Colson and her dad, the late Chuck Colson, about Emily’s son, Max, who has autism. 
October 26, 2023
According to Ken Harrison, the chairman and CEO of Promise Keepers, masculinity is the definition of all the positive aspects of being a man. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews Ken about the biblical definition of manhood and his book, Rise of the Servant Kings: What the Bible Says About Being a Man. Learn more about God’s truth and how it is in direct opposition of the cultural lie which claims masculinity is toxic.
October 25, 2023
According to Kim Meeder, God sometimes allows us to go through the valley of the shadow of darkness because He is going to call us to help others find their way through unthinkable tragedies. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his inspiring conversation with Kim, as they discuss the incredible testimonies that surround her and her husband, Troy. Through the founding of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Bend, Oregon, Kim and Troy have led hundreds to the redeeming love of Jesus Christ.
October 24, 2023
At the tender age of nine, Kim Meeder tragically became an orphan in the blink of an eye. On today's edition of Family Talk, discover how Kim found indescribable solace in the presence of her new horse and learned that God loves her unconditionally. As an adult, the Lord led Kim to replicate the Christian healing she experienced by founding Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Bend, Oregon, where she pairs rescued horses with broken children. 
October 23, 2023
On today’s edition of Family Talk, Gary Bauer concludes his vital discussion with Dr. Owen Strachan about his latest book entitled, The War on Men: Why Society Hates Them and Why We Need Them. Learn more about what you can do to keep God’s truth alive in a culture that continues to chastise men and villainize their roles. Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” 
October 20, 2023
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Introducing the Dobson Culture Center
The purpose of the Dobson Culture Center is to help families and individuals live Scripturally-rooted lives and to engage culture with a biblical worldview, exposing darkness and exalting the light of Christ (Ephesians 5:11; Colossians 1:28). Learn more and receive weekly updates from the Dobson Culture Center. Sign up for the "Lighting Up Culture" report and stay updated on issues that matter to your family.

About Family Talk

Family Talk is a Christian non-profit organization located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Founded in 2010 by Dr. James Dobson, the ministry promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development. Since its inception, Family Talk has served millions of families with broadcasts, monthly newsletters, feature articles, videos, blogs, books and other resources available on demand via its website, mobile apps, and social media platforms.

The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI) is a Christian non-profit organization located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Founded initially as Family Talk in 2010 by Dr. James Dobson, the ministry promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development. Since its inception, Family Talk has served families with broadcasts, monthly newsletters, feature articles, videos, blogs, books, and other resources available on demand via its website, mobile apps, and social media platforms. In 2017, the ministry rebranded under JDFI to expand its four core ministry divisions consisting of Family Talk, the Dobson Policy and Education Centers, and the Dobson Digital Library.

Dr. Dobson's flagship program, "Family Talk," is aired on more than 1,300 terrestrial radio outlets and numerous digital channels that reach millions of people each month.

About Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson is the Founder and President of Family Talk, a nonprofit organization that produces his radio program, "Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk." He is the author of more than 30 books dedicated to the preservation of the family, including The New Dare to Discipline, Love for a Lifetime, Life on the Edge, Love Must Be Tough, The New Strong-Willed Child, When God Doesn't Make Sense, Bringing Up Boys, Marriage Under Fire, Bringing Up Girls, Head Over Heels and, most recently, Your Legacy: The Greatest Gift.

Dr. Dobson served as an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California School of Medicine for 14 years and on the attending staff of Children's Hospital of Los Angeles for 17 years. He has been active in governmental affairs and has advised five U.S. presidents on family matters. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California (1967) in the field of child development. He holds 17 honorary doctoral degrees, and was inducted in 2008 into The National Radio Hall of Fame. Dr. Dobson recently received the following awards: Winston Churchill Lifetime Achievement Award from the Faith & Freedom Coalition (2017), Daniel Award from AZ Christian University (2016), and the Defender of Life Award from the Justice Foundation (2015).

Dr. Dobson is married to Shirley and they have two grown children, Danae and Ryan, and two grandchildren. The Dobsons reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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