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Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America - II

February 2, 2021

Raised by communist parents, David Horowitz was once a strong voice for the American Left in the 1960s. But after awakening to the evil it was doing, this Jewish writer went on to embrace American exceptionalism birthed from Protestant Christianity. Horowitz, author of Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, explains that the real reason for the visceral hatred of Donald Trump is because he threatened the Left's agenda. 

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Past Episodes

With the inauguration of President Joe Biden and the Democrats taking control of both chambers of Congress, American Christians need to prepare for the imposition of a radical leftist agenda. Best-selling author David Horowitz, once himself an adherent of liberal policies, reveals why leftist doctrine is a bankrupt worldview. In his book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, Horowitz warns that if this liberal administration is allowed to kill off American Judeo-Christian values, then our freedoms could be next.
February 1, 2021
Pastor Samuel Rodriguez came down with a case of COVID-19, but he believes that his emphasis on taking care of his body and living a healthy lifestyle created a firewall that kept him asymptomatic. He says that Christians likewise need to make the effort to fortify their marriages and keep family relationships healthy. He talks with co-host Dr. Tim Clinton about how to thrive in your walk with God, especially in these trying times. 
January 29, 2021
Pastor Samuel Rodriguez describes how the world is divided into three types of people. Using the biblical narrative as metaphor, he believes that we are either enduring Egyptian bondage, wandering in the desert, or thriving in the Promised Land. Today, Pastor Sammy, author of From Survive to Thrive, contends that the majority of people are in perpetual survival mode. He challenges Christians not to be content with merely eating manna in the desert, but rather seeking milk and honey!
January 28, 2021
The late Florence Littauer grew up with her family in three small rooms behind her father’s general store during the Great Depression. She vividly remembered once overhearing a customer tell her mother, “It's a shame there's no hope for your children!” Thankfully, Florence’s father, who had the gift of encouragement, built her up into a great woman and world-renowned Christian leader. Proverbs 18:21 declares that “Life and death is in the tongue.” On this edition of Family Talk, Florence explains that our words should be like silver boxes with bows on top.
January 27, 2021
When Skip Heitzig was a teenager he ran afoul of the law, but his mother always covered him with her unconditional love. On today’s edition, this now senior pastor of Calvary Church in Albuquerque explains how even his mother’s unfailing love pales in comparison with God’s infinite love.
January 26, 2021
As a teen growing up in Southern California in the 1960s, Skip Heitzig strayed mightily in the haze of a lost culture. But miraculously, on his 18th birthday, he watched a Billy Graham crusade on TV and committed his life to Christ. Today, he is pastor of Calvary Church in Albuquerque. On this edition, Skip discusses his new book, Biography of God, and expands upon the two big questions he had long wrestled with: “Does God exist?” And if He does, “Is it possible to know Him?”
January 25, 2021
The world in which we live teaches us that we are merely the sum of our sensations. Today’s generation is making a choice between nihilism—the belief that life is meaningless—and values that are grounded in Scripture. On this part two edition, Dr. Bill Bennett, author of the best-selling Book of Virtues, warns that the popular culture is having a corroding effect, leading to the loss of innocence. 
January 22, 2021
Popular culture has seduced Americans with the false promise that seeking happiness instead of God’s will should be life’s goal. The message is that if you’re not happy, then find a new religion, a new spouse, or even a new family. On today’s broadcast, Dr. Bill Bennett asserts that having a healthy marriage and family depends upon an unflinching commitment, especially when times are tough. 
January 21, 2021
For Christian men to be spiritual leaders in their homes, they need to possess the fear of the Lord. That’s one of the fundamental messages shared by Ken Harrison, chairman of Promise Keepers men’s ministry. On today’s edition, Ken and co-host Dr. Tim Clinton candidly discuss the lure of pornography, along with finding true intimacy with your wife, and the necessity of praying together as a couple.
January 20, 2021
Through the unconditional love of a horse and God’s mercy, Kim Meeder’s hope was restored after tragically losing her parents when she was only nine years of age. On this part two edition, Kim describes how Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch pairs rescued horses with hurting kids to create healing where once there was only brokenness. She also relates an emotional story of how God used her to save a drowning man, and describes the spiritual application of sharing Christ with unbelievers before they perish.
January 19, 2021
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About Family Talk

Family Talk is a Christian non-profit organization located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Founded in 2010 by Dr. James Dobson, the ministry promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development. Since its inception, Family Talk has served millions of families with broadcasts, monthly newsletters, feature articles, videos, blogs, books and other resources available on demand via its website, mobile apps, and social media platforms.

The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI) is a Christian non-profit organization located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Founded initially as Family Talk in 2010 by Dr. James Dobson, the ministry promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development. Since its inception, Family Talk has served families with broadcasts, monthly newsletters, feature articles, videos, blogs, books, and other resources available on demand via its website, mobile apps, and social media platforms. In 2017, the ministry rebranded under JDFI to expand its four core ministry divisions consisting of Family Talk, the Dobson Policy and Education Centers, and the Dobson Digital Library.

Dr. Dobson's flagship program, "Family Talk," is aired on more than 1,300 terrestrial radio outlets and numerous digital channels that reach millions of people each month.

About Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson is the Founder and President of Family Talk, a nonprofit organization that produces his radio program, "Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk." He is the author of more than 30 books dedicated to the preservation of the family, including The New Dare to Discipline, Love for a Lifetime, Life on the Edge, Love Must Be Tough, The New Strong-Willed Child, When God Doesn't Make Sense, Bringing Up Boys, Marriage Under Fire, Bringing Up Girls, Head Over Heels and, most recently, Your Legacy: The Greatest Gift.

Dr. Dobson served as an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California School of Medicine for 14 years and on the attending staff of Children's Hospital of Los Angeles for 17 years. He has been active in governmental affairs and has advised five U.S. presidents on family matters. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California (1967) in the field of child development. He holds 17 honorary doctoral degrees, and was inducted in 2008 into The National Radio Hall of Fame. Dr. Dobson recently received the following awards: Winston Churchill Lifetime Achievement Award from the Faith & Freedom Coalition (2017), Daniel Award from AZ Christian University (2016), and the Defender of Life Award from the Justice Foundation (2015).

Dr. Dobson is married to Shirley and they have two grown children, Danae and Ryan, and two grandchildren. The Dobsons reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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