Family Talk

Dr. James Dobson

A Place Called Heaven: Surprising Truths About Eternity

June 7, 2023

Have you ever wondered what Heaven will be like? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews his friend, Dr. Robert Jeffress, to discuss his book, A Place Called Heaven: 10 Surprising Truths About Your Eternal Home. The two men also talk about age-old topics such as near-death experiences, what our jobs will be in Heaven, and who will be there. Philippians 3:20-21 says, “But our citizenship is in Heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.” 

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Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” On today’s edition of Family Talk, co-host Gary Bauer and his guest, Tom Rose, conclude their discussion on the imperative need to teach our children the biblical principles and values that our country was founded upon. Lest we forget that on this very day, in 1944, America and the allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy on what is known as D-Day, to preserve the freedom and liberty we all too often take for granted. We must never forget the brave and selfless soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting against an evil force who sought to conquer and control the world. 
June 6, 2023
You may have heard the saying, “knowledge is power.” To know our history, both good and bad, we need to have an understanding of the sacrifices and sufferings our ancestors endured, in order to truly appreciate the freedoms and privileges we have today. On today’s edition of Family Talk, co-host Gary Bauer and his guest, Tom Rose, discuss the vital importance of parents teaching their children about the values and history of America. Referencing Moses’ speech to the Israelites after escaping Egyptian captivity, Bauer and Rose stress, “We cannot be a good, free, or noble people if our children don’t know our story!” 
June 5, 2023
On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his discussion with author Nancy Blake about the effects of her first husband’s addiction to pornography on their lives. She reveals the shame she lived through during that time, and how that kept her in bondage to the lie that she was to blame for her husband’s struggles. Share in the victories that Nancy experienced by remaining faithful to God and how He, in turn, blessed her with a wonderful new husband and life. 
June 2, 2023
When you hear the word addiction, you may not immediately think of pornography. Do not be fooled! It can be every bit as addictive and destructive as any drug or alcohol, and much harder to detect. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson welcomes Nancy Blake, author of Betrayed, to the program. Nancy warns of the terrible dangers of pornography, and how it destroyed her first marriage. Listen as she shares how God walked her through this terrible time, and what she is doing to help others who are facing this addiction. 
June 1, 2023
Without biblical truth, there is no compass to guide us in the way we are to live. Ephesians 6:12 says, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Del Tackett gives a moving presentation about our society and the spiritual war against God’s design—specifically, human sexuality. In a culture that wants to base facts on feelings, now is the time for Christians to “speak truth in love” to those around us. 
May 31, 2023
Winston Churchill once said, “United we stand. Divided we fall. Divided the dark ages return. United, we can save and guide the world.” On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton continues his conversation with Retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin, to discuss the historic D-Day, which occurred on the shores of Normandy on June 6, 1944. Due to the bravery of the men and women almost 80 years ago, Dr. Clinton and Gen. Boykin remind listeners that we shall never forget the sacrifices made by those before us so that we can remain “one nation under God."
May 30, 2023
On Memorial Day, let’s take a moment to stop and reflect on the incredible freedoms that we enjoy every day. Remember that we have those freedoms because there were those who believed and had conviction to fight for their country. They sacrificed their very lives for it. Never take for granted that we live in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton discusses the bravery of our nation's fallen warriors with Retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin. They emphasize that we shall not ever forget that our freedoms are not free. 
May 29, 2023
On today’s classic edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson continues his heartfelt conversation with Diet Eman, a courageous Holocaust survivor, who fought alongside her fiancé and the Dutch Resistance to help Jews escape western Europe during World War II. Even in the face of evil, Mrs. Eman remained faithful to God and followed what she knew was right.
May 26, 2023
Forgiveness is a choice and, without God, many would say it is impossible. On today’s classic edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson speaks with Diet Eman, a Holocaust survivor who was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp for her involvement with the Dutch Resistance, and helping Jews during World War II. Learn more as Mrs. Eman tells of the atrocities that she was made to endure, and how she not only came to terms with her experiences, but fought against the evil surrounding her. 
May 25, 2023
One of the greatest lies running rampant across our country is that we have the option to change our gender, based on our feelings. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Michele Bachmann and her husband, Dr. Marcus Bachmann, discuss the gender crisis in America, and the fallout our society is experiencing because of this lie. We know from Scripture that the “enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Therefore, we must be “alert and of sober mind” to keep from falling prey to the devil and his schemes. We must not turn a blind eye to this terrifying and horrific injustice of “trans-gendering.”
May 24, 2023
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About Family Talk

Family Talk is a Christian non-profit organization located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Founded in 2010 by Dr. James Dobson, the ministry promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development. Since its inception, Family Talk has served millions of families with broadcasts, monthly newsletters, feature articles, videos, blogs, books and other resources available on demand via its website, mobile apps, and social media platforms.

The Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI) is a Christian non-profit organization located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Founded initially as Family Talk in 2010 by Dr. James Dobson, the ministry promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development. Since its inception, Family Talk has served families with broadcasts, monthly newsletters, feature articles, videos, blogs, books, and other resources available on demand via its website, mobile apps, and social media platforms. In 2017, the ministry rebranded under JDFI to expand its four core ministry divisions consisting of Family Talk, the Dobson Policy and Education Centers, and the Dobson Digital Library.

Dr. Dobson's flagship program, "Family Talk," is aired on more than 1,300 terrestrial radio outlets and numerous digital channels that reach millions of people each month.

About Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson is the Founder and President of Family Talk, a nonprofit organization that produces his radio program, "Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk." He is the author of more than 30 books dedicated to the preservation of the family, including The New Dare to Discipline, Love for a Lifetime, Life on the Edge, Love Must Be Tough, The New Strong-Willed Child, When God Doesn't Make Sense, Bringing Up Boys, Marriage Under Fire, Bringing Up Girls, Head Over Heels and, most recently, Your Legacy: The Greatest Gift.

Dr. Dobson served as an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California School of Medicine for 14 years and on the attending staff of Children's Hospital of Los Angeles for 17 years. He has been active in governmental affairs and has advised five U.S. presidents on family matters. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California (1967) in the field of child development. He holds 17 honorary doctoral degrees, and was inducted in 2008 into The National Radio Hall of Fame. Dr. Dobson recently received the following awards: Winston Churchill Lifetime Achievement Award from the Faith & Freedom Coalition (2017), Daniel Award from AZ Christian University (2016), and the Defender of Life Award from the Justice Foundation (2015).

Dr. Dobson is married to Shirley and they have two grown children, Danae and Ryan, and two grandchildren. The Dobsons reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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