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Don't Miss Jesus this Christmas!

December 18, 2024

Moms of the Bible Series, part 10. The Story of Elizabeth from the Bible, and she impacted Mary when she was told she was going to be the mother of Jesus. Elizabeth's story can teach us not to miss Jesus this Christmas!

Originally published December 2022.

Shownotes & Links

Bible verses to Read: Luke 1: 5-45


Check out the Love Worth Finding App & Voices of Christmas here:


For the Interactive Nativity for your family go to the bottom of our homepage:


My favorite Children’s Book Nativity Stories Amazon List:


To Join the 25 Day study for December: Go to


To Download the 25 Days of Anticipation Ebook go here:


A podcast for Christian moms. Meeting you in the midst of motherhood to encourage you to grow in your faith, so you can better point your kids to Jesus daily! Hosted by Mallory Allen, walking through a series of devotionals on different moms of the Bible and a variety of interviews. Check out today for more!


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Featured Offer

Casting of the Flowers Children's Book

Pastor Adrian and Mrs. Joyce Rogers celebrated their long-term marriage several times on trips to Switzerland through a tradition they called “Casting of the Flowers.” Inspired by their story, Mallory Allen of Faithful31Moms has created a children’s book. Description:  Little Adrian and his mom are off to enjoy a beautiful day together, with a picnic lunch on a mountainside covered in wildflowers! Adrian looks out over God's creation and asks questions about God, leading to the “Casting of the Flowers” as mother and son go through the alphabet sharing names and characteristics of God.

Past Episodes

Taking a look at the 3 gifts the Wise Men chose to bring Jesus and what their gifts can teach us about our own gift giving to our kids this Christmas. Originally published December 2023. SHOWNOTES: “Let’s Talk Christmas Traditions” Card Set: (use code F31M10 for 10% off your purchase!)   FREE Interactive Nativity and other resources:   Faithful 31 Moms offers free devotionals and resources for Christian parenting and encouragement for being a mom raising kids to live out their faith, as you point your children to Jesus. GIVE to this ministry HERE.   Faithful 31 Moms is on Feedspot’s Top 60 Christian Moms Podcasts List
December 4, 2024
Moms of the Bible Series, part 9. Studying Mary, the Mother of Jesus. She could have questioned the Lord, but she didn’t. She chose to trust over fighting for control. Shownotes & Links: Bible verses to Read: Luke 1: 26-55 on Mary & Luke 2:1-21 for the Birth of Jesus.   Check out the Love Worth Finding App & Voices of Christmas here:   For the Interactive Nativity for your family go to the bottom of our homepage:   My favorite Children’s Book Nativity Stories Amazon List:   To Join the 25 Day study for December: Go to   To Download the 25 Days of Anticipation Ebook go here:   A podcast for Christian moms. Meeting you in the midst of motherhood to encourage you to grow in your faith, so you can better point your kids to Jesus daily! Hosted by Mallory Allen, walking through a series of devotionals on different moms of the Bible and a variety of interviews. Check out today for more!
November 20, 2024
Amongst the busyness of mom life and chaos in our world, sometimes it seems impossible to find peace that passes all understanding, but it’s not! (From the 2023 Fruit of the Spirit Series)    Shownotes & Links Scripture referenced: John 14:27,  Isaiah 55:8-9 and Proverbs 3.   Sign up for our FREE 30-day Proverbs study HERE.   To Purchase the “WALKING IN THE SPIRIT” Bible Study CLICK HERE and use code F31M10 for 10% off your purchase!   To see a FREE sample of this study GO HERE.   Make a donation to this ministry HERE.   Faithful 31 Moms offers devotionals and resources for Christian parenting and encouragement for being a mom raising kids to live out their faith, as you point your children to Jesus with your life.    
October 23, 2024
Moms, we ALL struggle daily with our kids testing our patience! Sharing 4 ways you can Biblically and practically have more patience with your kids. (From the 2023 Fruit of the Spirit Series)  Shownotes & Links To Purchase the “WALKING IN THE SPIRIT” Bible Study CLICK HERE and use code F31M10 for 10% off your purchase!   To see a FREE sample of this study GO HERE.   Make a donation to this ministry HERE.   Faithful 31 Moms offers devotionals and resources for Christian parenting and encouragement for being a mom raising kids to live out their faith, as you point your children to Jesus with your life.   *For more products go to and use code F31M10 for 10% off your purchase!   Faithful 31 Moms is a ministry all about encouraging you mom, to grow in your faith so you can point your kids to Jesus. Faithful 31 Moms is a biweekly podcast of devotionals, interviews, mom stories and encouragement from God’s Word, hosted by Mallory Allen. For more information please go to   Faithful 31 Moms is on Feedspot’s Top 60 Christian Moms Podcasts List:
September 25, 2024
Sharing with you about a project very close to my heart that I have been working on with Love Worth Finding Ministries all year!    Get your copy of HEY LORD today for only $15:   HEY LORD is a devotional designed to walk your kids through the Old Testament, so you can lead them back to what God’s Word says in an interactive way!    Interested in sharing with your church or school?   We offer a church version that is 30 weeks of curriculum for your church or school, complete with a PDF teaching guide and a digital copy of the book. How does this work? We will first mail you a physical copy of the book that arrives with a QR code for these two downloads, so you can simply print as needed for teaching.
September 11, 2024
Moms of the Bible Series, part 8. A study of Lot’s wife from Genesis 19. Will you leave your kids a legacy of this world that is temporary or a legacy of Jesus that is eternal? Originally published October 2022. Shownotes & Links Scripture reading: Genesis 18 &19 Follow us on Instagram:   The Last Moms of the Bible Devo: Widow of Zarephath. Listen here:   Another What-not-to-do Mom of the Bible Podcast on Rebekah:   *For the Fruits of the Spirit and other Bible Studies mentioned: go to and use code F31M10 for 10% off your purchase!   A podcast for Christian moms. Meeting you in the midst of motherhood to encourage you to grow in your faith, so you can better point your kids to Jesus daily! Hosted by Mallory Allen, walking through a series of devotionals on different moms of the Bible and a variety of interviews. Check out today for more!
August 28, 2024
Faithful 31 Moms is excited to share a project very close to my heart that I have been working on with Love Worth Finding Ministries all year!    Get your copy of HEY LORD today for only $15:   HEY LORD is a devotional designed to walk your kids through the Old Testament, so you can lead them back to what God’s Word says in an interactive way!    Interested in sharing with your church or school?   We offer a church version that is 30 weeks of curriculum for your church or school, complete with a PDF teaching guide and a digital copy of the book. How does this work? We will first mail you a physical copy of the book that arrives with a QR code for these two downloads, so you can simply print as needed for teaching.
August 14, 2024
It’s August and back-to-school time is here! Before the busyness begins, sharing 5 ways to focus on being intentional as moms, making the most of this school year with our kids!    Shownotes & Links Message mentioned by Adrian Rogers: “Raising Kids that Count.” Listen here:   Printable message outline for “Raising Kids that Count” here:   Scripture referenced: Matthew 15:14-16   *For more products go to and use code F31M10 for 10% off your purchase!   Faithful 31 Moms offers advice and resources for Christian parenting and encouragement for being a mom raising kids to live out their faith, as you point your children to Jesus with your life. To check out other Moms of the Bible devotional podcasts and interviews go to:
July 31, 2024
Moms of the Bible Series, part 7. Studying the Widow of Zarephath. Learning to choose trust and faithfulness over worry, because God will provide a way for you, even from the most unexpected places!    Shownotes & Links Widow of Zarephath passage to read: 1 Kings 17:18-24   Link to the last Mom of the Bible Podcast: “Trust Like Naomi & Loyalty Like Ruth”:   3 Ways to Overcome Worry PDF download: scroll to the bottom of our website   *For more products go to and use code F31M10 for 10% off your purchase!   Faithful 31 Moms offers advice and resources for Christian parenting and encouragement for being a mom raising kids to live out their faith, as you point your children to Jesus with your life. To check out other Moms of the Bible devotional podcasts and interviews go to:
July 17, 2024
Moms of the Bible Series, part 6. How can you trust God like Naomi through difficulty and have unwavering loyalty like Ruth? These 2 moms have a lot to teach us!   Shownotes & Links My Challenges for You: 1.     Read the Book of Ruth for yourself—It’s just 4 chapters! 2.     Pray Lord through and ask the Lord for a Naomi mentor in your life. 3.     Tune in to our podcast interview next month on how to find and ask someone to be your mentor.   For more products go to and use code F31M10 for 10% off your purchase!   Faithful 31 Moms offers advice and resources for Christian parenting and encouragement for being a mom raising kids to live out their faith, as you point your children to Jesus with your life. To check out other Moms of the Bible devotional podcasts or our PDF "3 Ways to Have a Better Relationship With Your Mother-in-law” go to:
June 19, 2024
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About Faithful 31 Moms

Faithful 31 Moms offers a weekly podcast for moms with real life interviews and devotionals that are relatable and rooted in the unwavering truth of God’s Word. We want to encourage moms to remain faithful in the everyday things life brings, so they can plant seeds of faithfulness into their children. Faithful 31 Moms is a partner of Love Worth Finding Ministries founded by Pastor Adrian Rogers.

About Mallory Allen

Mallory is married to pastor, Josh Allen and mom of two boys, Jake and James where they reside in Memphis, TN. Her hobbies include sitting in carpool, being the family chef, professional bedtime story reader and always up for a quick game of chase or football in the backyard—okay, not really, but truthfully are the things that consume most of her days! She is passionate about encouraging and ministering to moms, as we learn together how best to show Jesus to our kids daily.

Contact Faithful 31 Moms with Mallory Allen

LWF Faithful 31 Moms
Attn: Mallory Allen 
PO Box 38300
Memphis, TN 38183-0300