Encounter the Truth

Jonathan Griffiths

Waiting for a Homeland (Part 1 of 2)

June 14, 2024

Abraham’s decision to buy a parcel of land in the promised land to bury Sarah affirms his trust in the Lord’s promise that this land will be his and his children’s. Yet, the fact that Sarah dies there as a sojourner and the fact that so much of the covenant promise has yet to be fulfilled acts as a stark reminder that God’s people are sojourners on this earth, awaiting the fulfilment of all God’s promises in the land yet to come. Do we live in this world as sojourners, trusting in the promises of a homeland above?

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In a very great test of faith, Abraham is called to give up Isaac and trust God’s power to restore him. God does so by providing a sacrifice in his place. Here on the mount we are given a picture of what God will do to keep and fulfil his covenant—he will give his own Son to be the sacrifice and the substitution.
June 13, 2024
In a very great test of faith, Abraham is called to give up Isaac and trust God’s power to restore him. God does so by providing a sacrifice in his place. Here on the mount we are given a picture of what God will do to keep and fulfil his covenant—he will give his own Son to be the sacrifice and the substitution.
June 12, 2024
Despite all the improbability of an elderly and childless couple having a son, God keeps his promise and gives Isaac to Abraham and Sarah. His faithfulness to the promise has not been undermined by the sin and failure of his servants. In addition to this, God shows his faithfulness to Hagar and Ishmael. God is entirely faithful to his promises—more faithful than we can imagine or comprehend.
June 11, 2024
Despite all the improbability of an elderly and childless couple having a son, God keeps his promise and gives Isaac to Abraham and Sarah. His faithfulness to the promise has not been undermined by the sin and failure of his servants. In addition to this, God shows his faithfulness to Hagar and Ishmael. God is entirely faithful to his promises—more faithful that we can imagine or comprehend.
June 10, 2024
In a very unfortunate case of déjà vu, Abraham fears for his own safety on account of his wife as he leads his family into foreign territory. As he did in Egypt some 35 years before, he decides to pretend she is merely his sister to escape any trouble on her account. In the events that ensue, a Gentile king puts Abraham to shame by his good behaviour—and God shows his faithfulness to his faltering servant.
June 7, 2024
In a very unfortunate case of déjà vu, Abraham fears for his own safety on account of his wife as he leads his family into foreign territory. As he did in Egypt some 35 years before, he decides to pretend she is merely his sister to escape any trouble on her account. In the events that ensue, a Gentile king puts Abraham to shame by his good behaviour—and God shows his faithfulness to his faltering servant.
June 6, 2024
Here we see the ugliness of sin unveiled, the judgment of God revealed, and his mercy poured out. We see judgment on Sodom and mercy and salvation in the rescue of Lot and his undeserving family. Tragically, salvation from Sodom does not purge sin from the heart, as the sin of Lot’s family so vividly illustrates.
June 5, 2024
Here we see the ugliness of sin unveiled, the judgment of God revealed, and his mercy poured out. We see judgment on Sodom and mercy and salvation in the rescue of Lot and his undeserving family. Tragically, salvation from Sodom does not purge sin from the heart, as the sin of Lot’s family so vividly illustrates.
June 4, 2024
Divine messengers come to Abram’s home to bring the good news of the blessing of a child to come. But the same messengers who visit Abram with news of divine favour have as their next destination the sinful city of Sodom, where judgment will fall. It is a powerful reminder that the Lord who blesses is also the Lord who judges.
June 3, 2024
Divine messengers come to Abram’s home to bring the good news of the blessing of a child to come. But the same messengers who visit Abram with news of divine favour have as their next destination the sinful city of Sodom, where judgment will fall. It is a powerful reminder that the Lord who blesses is also the Lord who judges.
May 31, 2024
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Do You Find Yourself in Stormy Waters?
In this FREE PDF from Encounter the Truth Ministries, discover TRUE stability and hope that's found in God and how you can face the storms of life with confidence.

About Encounter the Truth

Through faithful teaching of the Scriptures, Encounter the Truth seeks to facilitate encounters with the truth of God’s Word—and ultimately, with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Truth that came down from heaven. Our prayer is that those who do not yet know Jesus will come to a saving knowledge of the truth, that believers will be established in the truth, and that, through this, local churches will be strengthened.

About Jonathan Griffiths

Jonathan Griffiths serves as Lead Pastor of the Metropolitan Bible Church in Ottawa, Canada, sits on the Council of the Gospel Coalition Canada, and gives leadership to the Timothy Trust, which exists to promote expository Bible ministry. He loves to train and mentor developing leaders for gospel ministry. Jonathan studied theology at the University of Oxford and completed his Ph.D. on Hebrews at the University of Cambridge. He takes a keen interest in current affairs, not least politics and economics. He and his wife, Gemma, have three children.

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