The King Who Judges the Heart, Part 1
In an apparently shocking contrast, Jesus calls out the religious insiders for hypocrisy and exposes their sin, while ultimately welcoming an outsider who comes to him in humble faith. He makes it clear that religious ritual is worthless as a means to cleanse from sin. Only humble faith in the Son of David has any power. Where have religion and ritual become a mask for sin in our lives? Are we casting ourselves solely upon the mercy of Jesus for our cleansing and acceptance before God?
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In this FREE PDF from Encounter the Truth Ministries, discover TRUE stability and hope that's found in God and how you can face the storms of life with confidence.
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About Jonathan Griffiths
Contact Encounter the Truth with Jonathan Griffiths
2176 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa, ON Canada K2E 0A1
833-99-TRUTH (833-998-7884)