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The Judgment and Mercy of God, Part 1

August 26, 2023

Here we see the ugliness of sin unveiled, the judgment of God revealed, and his mercy poured out. We see judgment on Sodom and mercy and salvation in the rescue of Lot and his undeserving family. Tragically, salvation from Sodom does not purge sin from the heart, as the sin of Lot’s family so vividly illustrates.

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Past Episodes

We are so prone to arrogant speech—in judging one another and in speaking of our future plans. James reminds us that God is the Judge of our neighbour, and he is sovereign over the future. Such boasting is evil, and we do well to learn humility.
August 25, 2023
We are so prone to arrogant speech—in judging one another and in speaking of our future plans. James reminds us that God is the Judge of our neighbour, and he is sovereign over the future. Such boasting is evil, and we do well to learn humility.
August 24, 2023
We must decide whether we will be friends with the world or friends with God. We cannot be both. God’s Spirit demands our affection and loyalty. If we will submit ourselves to God and draw near to him, he will draw near to us.
August 23, 2023
We must decide whether we will be friends with the world or friends with God. We cannot be both. God’s Spirit demands our affection and loyalty. If we will submit ourselves to God and draw near to him, he will draw near to us.
August 22, 2023
In a society of disorder and discord, we desperately need the wisdom that comes from above. God's wisdom is pure and peaceable, and will lead to meek conduct, the fruit of godliness, and peace in relationships. James urges us not simply to pursue God’s wisdom, but to show it by our good conduct.
August 21, 2023
Divine messengers come to Abram’s home to bring the good news of the blessing of a child to come. But the same messengers who visit Abram with news of divine favour have as their next destination the sinful city of Sodom, where judgment will fall. It is a powerful reminder that the Lord who blesses is also the Lord who judges.
August 19, 2023
In a society of disorder and discord, we desperately need the wisdom that comes from above. God’s wisdom is pure and peaceable, and will lead to meek conduct, the fruit of godliness, and peace in relationships. James urges us not simply to pursue God’s wisdom, but to show it by our good conduct.
August 18, 2023
Although the human tongue is a small thing, it is immensely powerful. James highlights for us the power and the danger of the tongue, and he challenges us to exercise self-control. More than that, he urges us to consider the inconsistency of our speech: we can so easily use our tongue both to bless and to curse. And James challenges us that this ought not to be so.
August 17, 2023
Although the human tongue is a small thing, it is immensely powerful. James highlights for us the power and the danger of the tongue, and he challenges us to exercise self-control. More than that, he urges us to consider the inconsistency of our speech: we can so easily use our tongue both to bless and to curse. And James challenges us that this ought not to be so.
August 16, 2023
We might like to believe that we can have faith in Jesus but then ignore the call to obey Him, but James insists that true faith will lead to works of obedience. The works of obedience do not save, but saving faith will never be found in a life where there is no evidence of faith in works.
August 15, 2023
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About Encounter the Truth

Through faithful teaching of the Scriptures, Encounter the Truth seeks to facilitate encounters with the truth of God’s Word—and ultimately, with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Truth that came down from heaven. Our prayer is that those who do not yet know Jesus will come to a saving knowledge of the truth, that believers will be established in the truth, and that, through this, local churches will be strengthened.

About Jonathan Griffiths

Jonathan Griffiths serves as Lead Pastor of the Metropolitan Bible Church in Ottawa, Canada, sits on the Council of the Gospel Coalition Canada, and gives leadership to the Timothy Trust, which exists to promote expository Bible ministry. He loves to train and mentor developing leaders for gospel ministry. Jonathan studied theology at the University of Oxford and completed his Ph.D. on Hebrews at the University of Cambridge. He takes a keen interest in current affairs, not least politics and economics. He and his wife, Gemma, have three children.

Contact Encounter the Truth with Jonathan Griffiths

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2176 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa, ON Canada K2E 0A1
Telephone Number: 
833-99-TRUTH (833-998-7884)