Encounter the Truth

Jonathan Griffiths

Taking Refuge in the Lord, Part 1

February 14, 2024

David knows that the Lord is committed to protecting those of his covenant community; he knows that God is a God of faithfulness to his people; a God of mercy to those who call on him. If we are sensible and wise people, we will want to join David and cry out to the Lord as he cries out, "Keep me safe, O God."

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Do You Find Yourself in Stormy Waters?
In this FREE PDF from Encounter the Truth Ministries, discover TRUE stability and hope that's found in God and how you can face the storms of life with confidence.


Patience is vital to our understanding of who God is and what he is like. Were it not for God’s patience, you and I would not be here at all. Each one of us is the beneficiary of the extraordinary patience of God.
February 13, 2024
Patience is vital to our understanding of who God is and what he is like. Were it not for God’s patience, you and I would not be here at all. Each one of us is the beneficiary of the extraordinary patience of God.
February 12, 2024
After baby Jesus is born, God makes him the fulfilment and embodiment of his plans for his ‘son’ Israel, whom he previously called out of Egypt. As the story progresses, we will see how he is faithful in that calling where Israel was not. Ultimately, Matthew will show us that the salvation of God’s people rests entirely on the faithfulness of Jesus in his calling to be God’s true ‘son’.
February 10, 2024
Our God is fundamentally and in his character a generous God. His inclination is not in the direction of miserliness—but in the direction of bounty. That’s an outworking of both his goodness and his love. I hope that we will learn to trust God in his generosity—and then delight in him more as we see his abundant goodness in his lavish generosity.
February 9, 2024
Our God is fundamentally and in his character a generous God. His inclination is not in the direction of miserliness—but in the direction of bounty. That’s an outworking of both his goodness and his love. I hope that we will learn to trust God in his generosity—and then delight in him more as we see his abundant goodness in his lavish generosity.
February 8, 2024
Whereas the world’s megalomaniacs grab hold of power and glory out of an ugly selfish ambition—whereas they grasp for something that is not theirs—the Bible would remind us that the God of heaven is supremely glorious in and of himself and perfectly worthy of all honour. And so, when the Bible tells us that God is a jealous God—it is simply telling us that he has an appropriate concern—a rightful zeal—for his own glory.
February 7, 2024
Whereas the world’s megalomaniacs grab hold of power and glory out of an ugly selfish ambition—whereas they grasp for something that is not theirs—the Bible would remind us that the God of heaven is supremely glorious in and of himself and perfectly worthy of all honour. And so, when the Bible tells us that God is a jealous God—it is simply telling us that he has an appropriate concern—a rightful zeal—for his own glory.
February 6, 2024
If there is a distinction between grace and mercy—it is that God’s mercy speaks of his goodness to us in our misery and distress when we cannot save ourselves, while his grace speaks of his goodness to us in our guilt when we deserve only his punishment. In mercy God spares us destruction—and in grace he forgives us and makes his children, lavishing his kindness upon us.
February 5, 2024
There is no escaping it: we will all be disappointed at times by politicians, teachers, bosses, and community leaders—people who hold the responsibility of directing us and promoting our best interests, but who turn out to be unable to carry it through. This psalmist admonishes us not to put our trust in human leaders. And then he draws our hearts to put our hope in the right place—in the Lord himself.
February 3, 2024
If there is a distinction between grace and mercy—it is that God’s mercy speaks of his goodness to us in our misery and distress when we cannot save ourselves, while his grace speaks of his goodness to us in our guilt when we deserve only his punishment. In mercy God spares us destruction—and in grace he forgives us and makes his children, lavishing his kindness upon us.
February 2, 2024
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Do You Find Yourself in Stormy Waters?
In this FREE PDF from Encounter the Truth Ministries, discover TRUE stability and hope that's found in God and how you can face the storms of life with confidence.

About Encounter the Truth

Through faithful teaching of the Scriptures, Encounter the Truth seeks to facilitate encounters with the truth of God’s Word—and ultimately, with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Truth that came down from heaven. Our prayer is that those who do not yet know Jesus will come to a saving knowledge of the truth, that believers will be established in the truth, and that, through this, local churches will be strengthened.

About Jonathan Griffiths

Jonathan Griffiths serves as Lead Pastor of the Metropolitan Bible Church in Ottawa, Canada, sits on the Council of the Gospel Coalition Canada, and gives leadership to the Timothy Trust, which exists to promote expository Bible ministry. He loves to train and mentor developing leaders for gospel ministry. Jonathan studied theology at the University of Oxford and completed his Ph.D. on Hebrews at the University of Cambridge. He takes a keen interest in current affairs, not least politics and economics. He and his wife, Gemma, have three children.

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