Encounter the Truth

Jonathan Griffiths

God's King Must Reign (Part 1 of 2)

August 13, 2024

Despite the frailty of human leaders and the sin of human opponents, God’s king, Solomon, is enthroned and his plan for his people is moving forward, all in accordance with the promises of his word.

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Do You Find Yourself in Stormy Waters?
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God’s “righteousness” is his character of total rightness, integrity, goodness and truth—and his “justice” is his expression of that character in his governance of the universe. And the two ideas, although distinct, belong together in the Bible’s portrait of God.
August 12, 2024
God’s “righteousness” is his character of total rightness, integrity, goodness and truth—and his “justice” is his expression of that character in his governance of the universe. And the two ideas, although distinct, belong together in the Bible’s portrait of God.
August 9, 2024
In an apparently shocking contrast, Jesus calls out the religious insiders for hypocrisy and exposes their sin, while ultimately welcoming an outsider who comes to him in humble faith. He makes it clear that religious ritual is worthless as a means to cleanse from sin. Only humble faith in the Son of David has any power. Where have religion and ritual become a mask for sin in our lives? Are we casting ourselves solely upon the mercy of Jesus for our cleansing and acceptance before God?
August 8, 2024
In an apparently shocking contrast, Jesus calls out the religious insiders for hypocrisy and exposes their sin, while ultimately welcoming an outsider who comes to him in humble faith. He makes it clear that religious ritual is worthless as a means to cleanse from sin. Only humble faith in the Son of David has any power. Where have religion and ritual become a mask for sin in our lives? Are we casting ourselves solely upon the mercy of Jesus for our cleansing and acceptance before God?
August 7, 2024
What does it look like to live as those who represent Jesus Christ in the world? If we are his people, then we must learn to pray and walk and speak faithfully in his name, commending him and his gospel to the world in our everyday interactions.
August 6, 2024
What does it look like to live as those who represent Jesus Christ in the world? If we are his people, then we must learn to pray and walk and speak faithfully in his name, commending him and his gospel to the world in our everyday interactions.
August 5, 2024
God is worthy of all praise because he has blessed us so richly, and without our merit. He has purposed to include us in Christ—even as he plans to bring all things in the universe under the headship of Christ—all for the praise of his glorious grace.
August 2, 2024
The Lord causes us to become steadfast and complete when he brings us through trial—and he makes us wise as we come to him in faith. Trust him in times of trial—call out to him for the wisdom you will need to navigate those times of trial with a godly perspective.
July 31, 2024
The Lord causes us to become steadfast and complete when he brings us through trial—and he makes us wise as we come to him in faith. Trust him in times of trial—call out to him for the wisdom you will need to navigate those times of trial with a godly perspective.
July 30, 2024
Here is a rebuke for the believer who has not made appropriate progress in the faith. And here is a warning that is designed to keep us close to Jesus—and to unsettle any who may not be truly converted. But the comfort is that true believers are safe in Christ because God’s promise and saving action in Jesus is our sure hope, an anchor for the soul.
July 29, 2024
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Do You Find Yourself in Stormy Waters?
In this FREE PDF from Encounter the Truth Ministries, discover TRUE stability and hope that's found in God and how you can face the storms of life with confidence.

About Encounter the Truth

Through faithful teaching of the Scriptures, Encounter the Truth seeks to facilitate encounters with the truth of God’s Word—and ultimately, with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Truth that came down from heaven. Our prayer is that those who do not yet know Jesus will come to a saving knowledge of the truth, that believers will be established in the truth, and that, through this, local churches will be strengthened.

About Jonathan Griffiths

Jonathan Griffiths serves as Lead Pastor of the Metropolitan Bible Church in Ottawa, Canada, sits on the Council of the Gospel Coalition Canada, and gives leadership to the Timothy Trust, which exists to promote expository Bible ministry. He loves to train and mentor developing leaders for gospel ministry. Jonathan studied theology at the University of Oxford and completed his Ph.D. on Hebrews at the University of Cambridge. He takes a keen interest in current affairs, not least politics and economics. He and his wife, Gemma, have three children.

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