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Psalm 66 part1

April 30, 2020

If you’ve ever visited Yosemite, or hiked in the Sierra Nevada, or seen The Grand Canyon in person, you know what majesty is all about. What an amazing a creative God we serve! Do you know what’s even more majestic than those beautiful landmarks? God’s majestic love for us!

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Past Episodes

There are many themes that run throughout God’s word, and one of them is what we’ll consider again today - deliverance. Whether it was God delivering His people from slavery in Egypt, or Jesus dying on the cross of Calvary to deliver us from  our sins, deliverance is something we cannot accomplish on our own. God delivers! Our series is in the Psalms, and we’re currently looking at Psalm sixty-five.
April 29, 2020
Today pastor Al is continuing a series in the Psalms, as we begin a look into Psalm sixty-five. It’s here that we read about the importance of the words we choose when we converse with God. As pastor Al will remind us, God is certainly concerned with the words we use when we communicate with Him, but He’s more interested in where our Hearst are!
April 28, 2020
Today on The Dwelling Place. We’re going to study Psalm sixty-three and sixty-four, and get a great picture of King David, and his trust isn God. At this point in his life, David had committed some terrible sins - adultery and murder just to name two, and he’s feeling guilty about them. Yet, we see a picture of a man after God’s own heart.
April 27, 2020
today on The Dwelling Place, Pastor Al Pittman will examine Psalms fifty-five and fifty six. And we’ll gain some biblical direction in regard to how we deal with the problems we see around us. This comes from David's observation of the world in which he lived. And as we’ll see today - the Psalms remind Christians of their sure foundation in Christ.
April 24, 2020
Today we’ll continue our study of Psalms fifty five. This beautiful Psalm was written by King David to express the love He had for God, and at the same time, the personal strife he faced due to the enemies who wanted to destroy him. We all face the ups and downs of everyday life, and though we may never face the dangers David faced, God will still care - and He’ll be there for us!
April 23, 2020
It’s a very powerful experience when a Christian first realizes that God is real, He is here with us, and He’s working in our lives! The presence of God is the topic of Psalm fifty five, a Psalm written by David to praise the Creator for being present in times of trial. Too many Christians today think their problems will disappear when Christ comes into their lives. King David is a great example for us to emulate, when it comes to turning to God in the tough times.
April 22, 2020
Our relationship with God is much like a recipe - there are certain steps we must take to not only establish that relationship, but also to maintain it. Pastor Al is currently taking us verse by verse through the Psalms, and today we’ll wrap up Psalm fifty-three, and cover Psalm fifty-four as well. 
April 21, 2020
As we look at Psalms fifty-two and fifty-three, we’ll be reminded of God’s amazing love and protection for His children. David wrote this Psalm, and his motivation was the way God protected him from his enemies. We may not have armies breathing down our necks trying to kill us, but we do have enemies.
April 20, 2020
Today on The Dwelling Place, Pastor Al Pittman will remind us that God has the greatest memory of all. He made a covenant with His people and has always stayed faithful. Our scripture text is Psalm fifty two today today, a Psalm of David in which David extolls God’s virtues, and warns his enemies of God’s power to protect His people.
April 17, 2020
One person we can rely on to always tell the truth and be there when we need Him is God. How foolish it would be for us to question God’s existence and His power! That’s the theme of Al’s study today in Psalm fifty-one, as we once again see David’s remorse over his sin with Bathsheba. 
April 16, 2020
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About Dwelling Place

The Dwelling Place features the teaching ministry of Al Pittman, where the aim is to help deepen your faith, one step at a time.

About Al Pittman

Al was born in Panama City, Florida in 1955. His father was a career soldier, so the family traveled extensively. In 1973, when Al was seventeen years old, the family returned from a tour in Germany and settled in Colorado Springs. Soon after, Al realized God’s call on  his life and began serving in the music ministry as a bass guitarist with a Christian band  called, “The Rays of Light.” It was during this time that Al met Norma, and they were married on July 19, 1975. 

Al attended Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, graduating in 1977 with a degree in Biblical Studies. In 1991 Al and his family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and two years later he joined the staff of Calvary Chapel Albuquerque as an assistant pastor and co-worship leader. In the spring of 1997 the Lord called Al and his family back to Colorado Springs to pastor Calvary Worship Center. In 2006, Al earned his Master’s degree and in 2012 he earned his Doctorate degree in Ministry from Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Al and Norma are the proud parents of three children, Renee, Nathan and Reggie, as well as proud grandparents. They covet your prayers for their family and ministry as they endeavor to live a life pleasing to the Father.

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