Dwelling Place

Al Pittman

Overcoming Defeat part 2

September 13, 2024

There was failure among the children of Israel that lead to defeat at Ai. But God will use even their failure and incorporate it into a new strategy to give them a new victory. For our God is a God of new beginnings and great variety. That’s why it’s critical to always be seeking the Lord for new insight.

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Surviving the Storm
Nathan dropped to the ground suddenly in the middle of his first high school football practice, as parents Al and Norma watched. Through eight weeks of intensive care and many surgeries, Al and Norma Pittman faced a storm they never dreamed. Al had taught “Surviving the Storm” to his congregation, never realizing that shortly he would face the storm of his life. Power-packed and inspiring teaching that will help the reader come through any storm on the life preserver of God’s Word.


 In Joshua chapter eight the Lord comes to his leader and gives encouragement, instruction, and a new strategy that will lead him from defeat to victory. Our God - who is the same yesterday today and forever - wants to do the same for you.
September 12, 2024
God sees everything. So we need to learn that there are only two categories of sin - confessed and unconfessed - forgiven and unforgiven. A Fellow by the name of Achan took some valuable items during the amazing defeat of Jericho. But the Children of Israel were specifically commanded not to take anything. This incident lead to the discipline of Achan. 
September 11, 2024
We’ll be in chapter seven of Joshua - looking at a startling story that shows us the problem of trying to take care of ourselves - when God is more than willing provide what we need.  Our study again is based in Joshua chapter seven.
September 10, 2024
Pastor Al Pittman is taking us through Joshua, and finish our look at chapter six. The Children of Israel, under the leadership of Joshua are learning not only to walk by faith but to fight their battles by faith. Jericho was given to them by God but they would have to take it by faith. Not just your everyday faith -  but a faith that was obedient, focused and patient.
September 9, 2024
Today on The Dwelling Place, pastor Al Pittman takes us to First Thessalonians, chapter four, to give us some practical insight into some basic do’s and don’ts of the faith. I invite you to follow along in your Bible, as we join Pastor Al for a message titled, “Brotherly Love”.
September 7, 2024
In Joshua chapter six we have the very famous account of the fall of Jericho. We all face “Jericho’s” today - in  a manner of speaking.  Walking by faith - obedient faith focused on God - is still how the walls of Jericho fall today. 
September 6, 2024
Before we come to Joshua’s encounter with the Lord. The Children of Israel are  instructed in circumcision and in the celebration of the passover. Let’s make our way over to Joshua chapter five and we’ll pick things up in verse eight. 
September 5, 2024
I think we’ve all encountered things in life which required a gigantic step of faith.  The people of Israel certainly had one prior to their entrance into the Promised Land.  But God was more than able to handle their predicament, and He can handle anything that comes into our lives as well. Today we’ll be in Joshua five.  Let’s hand things over to pastor Al Pittman as resumes his study of Joshua.
September 4, 2024
Pastor Al Pittman is going to emphasize Joshua chapter four today as we continue our new series in this great Old Testament book.  Let’s find our place there now for a message called, “Memorial Stones.”
September 3, 2024
Today on The Dwelling Place, we’ll see that God had the people of Israel set up twelve stones of remembrance in strategic places.  They were to be a reminder of what God did at the Jordan, and how mighty and powerful God is.  Pastor Al Pittman will suggest we need stones of memory too, which remind us of those times when God met us in a special way. 
September 2, 2024
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Featured Offer

Surviving the Storm
Nathan dropped to the ground suddenly in the middle of his first high school football practice, as parents Al and Norma watched. Through eight weeks of intensive care and many surgeries, Al and Norma Pittman faced a storm they never dreamed. Al had taught “Surviving the Storm” to his congregation, never realizing that shortly he would face the storm of his life. Power-packed and inspiring teaching that will help the reader come through any storm on the life preserver of God’s Word.

About Dwelling Place

The Dwelling Place features the teaching ministry of Al Pittman, where the aim is to help deepen your faith, one step at a time.

About Al Pittman

Al was born in Panama City, Florida in 1955. His father was a career soldier, so the family traveled extensively. In 1973, when Al was seventeen years old, the family returned from a tour in Germany and settled in Colorado Springs. Soon after, Al realized God’s call on  his life and began serving in the music ministry as a bass guitarist with a Christian band  called, “The Rays of Light.” It was during this time that Al met Norma, and they were married on July 19, 1975. 

Al attended Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, graduating in 1977 with a degree in Biblical Studies. In 1991 Al and his family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and two years later he joined the staff of Calvary Chapel Albuquerque as an assistant pastor and co-worship leader. In the spring of 1997 the Lord called Al and his family back to Colorado Springs to pastor Calvary Worship Center. In 2006, Al earned his Master’s degree and in 2012 he earned his Doctorate degree in Ministry from Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Al and Norma are the proud parents of three children, Renee, Nathan and Reggie, as well as proud grandparents. They covet your prayers for their family and ministry as they endeavor to live a life pleasing to the Father.

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