Dwelling Place

Al Pittman

Joshua 1 part 1

August 19, 2024

In the coming weeks we plan on going through the entire book of Joshua with you, chapter by chapter.  As pastor Al Pittman brings us an introduction today we can’t help but see how the book speaks of courage, confidence and conquest. The people of Israel are poised and ready to enter the Promised Land, but their leader Moses has died.  The baton of leadership is about to be passed on to Joshua, and that’s where we pick the story up now.

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Surviving the Storm
Nathan dropped to the ground suddenly in the middle of his first high school football practice, as parents Al and Norma watched. Through eight weeks of intensive care and many surgeries, Al and Norma Pittman faced a storm they never dreamed. Al had taught “Surviving the Storm” to his congregation, never realizing that shortly he would face the storm of his life. Power-packed and inspiring teaching that will help the reader come through any storm on the life preserver of God’s Word.


Pastor Al Pittman is taking us through First Thessalonians right now, and we’re studying chapter four.  Here the apostle Paul describes the Believer’s Walk.  We’ll learn through this study how to walk in a God-pleasing manner.  We most certainly need encouragement in this area as we’re bombarded with messages to go in the opposite direction in the world as we know it. 
August 17, 2024
Today we’re going to bring you pastor Al’s final message  in Ecclesiastes with a study in chapter twelve -  concerning something that we all will experience - physical death. It’s been rightly said that the statistics make it clear - one hundred percent of people born will die! The question is - where will we go from there? 
August 16, 2024
Today, Pastor Al Pittman reveals the blessing of affliction and how God uses it to teach us valuable life long and deep lessons.  We’re nearing the end of a study in Ecclesiastes - in fact we’ll wrap up the study tomorrow.  Right now though, let’s turn to the end of chapter eleven and the beginning of chapter twelve.
August 15, 2024
There are circumstances that occur everyday in life when we have to make a decision to do the right thing or the foolish thing. How are you doing in that department? Join us today for The Dwelling Place as we look at Ecclesiastes chapter eleven. 
August 14, 2024
Today on The Dwelling Place we’ll contrast the speech of a fool with that of the wise, and as we go along we’ll also discover how to protect ourselves from those that are out to rip us off trough charm-filled words.  We’ll turn to  Ecclesiastes, chapter ten.
August 13, 2024
Today on The Dwelling Place, we’ll observe that it takes many years to develop a good reputation, but just one foolish decision to ruin it.  Pastor Al Pittman takes us today to Ecclesiastes ten.
August 12, 2024
Today on The Dwelling Place Pastor Al Pittman offers an impassioned call for Christians to maintain sexual purity.  Can it be done? The answer is absolutely, YES! In First Thessalonians chapter four verses three through eight we are not only told how to,  but why we should. 
August 10, 2024
If you’re like many people today, you may be getting very little to no enjoyment out of life.  But life doesn’t have to be that way, if we’ll follow God’s blueprint for happy living. Our series of studies in Ecclesiastes continues today with a look at chapter nine. So if you’d like to get the maximum enjoyment out of life, as well as a great amount of wisdom to go with it, join us in Ecclesiastes nine.
August 9, 2024
Remember a TV show from a few years back called the “Simple Life,” with Paris Hilton? It was non stop sin and debauchery.  Their idea of the simple life, is far different than the one we’ll see painted today from Solomon in Ecclesiastes nine.  So if you’re looking for peace, satisfaction, and pleasure, you’ve come to the right place as we’ll show you where to find it today on the program.
August 8, 2024
These are stressful days we live in. Social upheaval, high gas prices, a toxic political environment. I think we could all use a little comfort today, and comfort for perilous times is always found in God’s Word. We’re nearing the end of pastor Al’s series in Ecclesiastes, and today he’ll share a very timely message on the sovereignty of God, and some valuable insights for those times when life doesn’t seem fair.
August 7, 2024
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Surviving the Storm
Nathan dropped to the ground suddenly in the middle of his first high school football practice, as parents Al and Norma watched. Through eight weeks of intensive care and many surgeries, Al and Norma Pittman faced a storm they never dreamed. Al had taught “Surviving the Storm” to his congregation, never realizing that shortly he would face the storm of his life. Power-packed and inspiring teaching that will help the reader come through any storm on the life preserver of God’s Word.

About Dwelling Place

The Dwelling Place features the teaching ministry of Al Pittman, where the aim is to help deepen your faith, one step at a time.

About Al Pittman

Al was born in Panama City, Florida in 1955. His father was a career soldier, so the family traveled extensively. In 1973, when Al was seventeen years old, the family returned from a tour in Germany and settled in Colorado Springs. Soon after, Al realized God’s call on  his life and began serving in the music ministry as a bass guitarist with a Christian band  called, “The Rays of Light.” It was during this time that Al met Norma, and they were married on July 19, 1975. 

Al attended Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, graduating in 1977 with a degree in Biblical Studies. In 1991 Al and his family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and two years later he joined the staff of Calvary Chapel Albuquerque as an assistant pastor and co-worship leader. In the spring of 1997 the Lord called Al and his family back to Colorado Springs to pastor Calvary Worship Center. In 2006, Al earned his Master’s degree and in 2012 he earned his Doctorate degree in Ministry from Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Al and Norma are the proud parents of three children, Renee, Nathan and Reggie, as well as proud grandparents. They covet your prayers for their family and ministry as they endeavor to live a life pleasing to the Father.

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