Discovering The Jewish Jesus

Rabbi K.A. Schneider

Don’t Waste Your Wilderness: It’s Necessary

September 19, 2023

What does our attitude have to do with our problems? Rabbi Schneider shares the principles of going through difficulties while we learn to thank God for teaching, shaping, and preparing us for His lifelong blessings. Learn how God uses our wilderness to give us special understanding and also to train us. God is with you in your wilderness.


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Featured Offer

"Train Your Speaking. How Words Control You" Free Download
How can we train our speaking and control our lives? The book of James, chapter 3, says, "For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well. Now if we put the bits into the horses' mouths so that they will obey us, we direct their entire body as well." By controlling the horse's mouth with the bridle and reins, we can control the direction the horse goes. In the same way, if we control what comes out of our mouth—if we control our tongue—it will determine the direction our lives will go, shaping the trajectory of our spiritual progress.


Why do we have to walk through the wilderness? If God loves us, why such hardship? Rabbi Scheider shares in this episode of Discovering the Jewish Jesus that before God brings us into the fullness of our inheritance and all that He has planned for us, God needs to humble and test us to get us dependent on Him. We must learn to put God first in our life so that we are prepared for the abundance that He has for us.  God is not sad and angry, He's full of happiness and love and wants a life of happiness and love for you, too. But in the wilderness we learn humility, dependence, and to trust God's supernatural provision. Don't waste your wilderness. God has good things planned for you. Part 1 of 3.   Visit our website at
September 18, 2023
The Feast of Trumpets Begins at sunset on September 15 Ends at nightfall on September 17
September 16, 2023
The Feast of Trumpets Begins at sunset on September 15, 2023 Ends at nightfall on September 17, 2023 The Feast of Trumpets is established in Leviticus 23, when God told Moses that the people of Israel should have "a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets." But what is the blowing of the trumpets meant to remind the Israelites of? And what does this celebration have to do with us today? Rabbi Schneider answers these questions and more in this important episode on Yom Teruah (the Feast of Trumpets).   Visit our website at
September 15, 2023
Our souls long to connect with God in our innermost being. In this last episode of Authentic Prayer, Rabbi shares why asking for cleansing is one of the most pleasing prayers to God as we examine ourselves and journey to present to Him clean hearts.   Visit our website at
September 14, 2023
Unsatisfied? You aren’t alone! In this episode Rabbi shows us the reasons for prayer and how desiring the things of God and humbly presenting our prayers to God can satisfy us. Visit our website at
September 13, 2023
Not sure how to reach God's heart? Prayer at its core is an honest internal confession before the Father. As Rabbi continues the series, learn how to be cleansed through prayer and unlock the true authenticity that pleases God.   Visit our website at
September 12, 2023
Feeling unworthy? Does it seem like God is not hearing your prayers? In this episode, Rabbi teaches us how to meet God right where we are at.  Learn how to transform your prayer life.   Visit our website at
September 11, 2023
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." – Matthew 6:34
September 9, 2023
Yom Kippur Begins at sunset on September 24, 2023 Ends at nightfall on September 25, 2023 In Exodus 25 God instructed Moses to build a sanctuary so He could live among His people. God doesn't just care for you out of obligation, He desires to have a relationship with you. In this show you will learn how to let God fully into your life.   Visit our website at
September 8, 2023
The Feast of Tabernacles Begins at sunset on September 29, 2023 Ends at nightfall on October 6, 2023 Do you know where God lives? Most of us know that God is in Heaven, but this is only part of the truth. Join Rabbi Schneider as he continues to explore the Feast of Tabernacles. God is closer than you think!   Visit our website at
September 7, 2023
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Featured Offer

"Train Your Speaking. How Words Control You" Free Download
How can we train our speaking and control our lives? The book of James, chapter 3, says, "For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well. Now if we put the bits into the horses' mouths so that they will obey us, we direct their entire body as well." By controlling the horse's mouth with the bridle and reins, we can control the direction the horse goes. In the same way, if we control what comes out of our mouth—if we control our tongue—it will determine the direction our lives will go, shaping the trajectory of our spiritual progress.

About Discovering The Jewish Jesus

Discovering The Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus' Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of messianic prophecy. Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together, and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of God, are answered with exceptional clarity. Through understanding the Old Testament and its prophetic nature (with Yeshua as its fulfillment) your faith is strengthened, increased relationship and intimacy with the LORD is discovered, and an end-times vision of life is crystallized. This is an end-times ministry, strengthening the church and calling her to be a readied bride for the return of the Bridegroom, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah).

About Rabbi K.A. Schneider

Messianic Rabbi K.A. Schneider, a Jewish believer in Jesus and end-times messenger of the LORD, delivers the Word of the LORD with  true passion of the Holy Spirit.  At the age of 20 years old, the LORD appeared to him, supernaturally, as Jesus, the Messiah.  He has since pastored, traveled as an evangelist, and more recently, served as rabbi of a messianic synagogue.

Rabbi K.A. Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus’ Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of  messianic prophecy.  Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together, and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of The Almighty Yahweh, are answered with exceptional clarity.

Central to the LORD’s plan is Israel and the Jewish people.  Romans 11:11 explains that the Gentile believer has been chosen by God to bring the witness of the LORD to the Jewish people.  As this message of Yeshua is brought back to, and received by, the Jewish people, they will say, “Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai” – “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LORD!” and in so doing, usher in Yeshua’s return (Matthew 23:39).

Through understanding the Old Testament and its prophetic nature, with Yeshua as its fulfillment, the viewer’s faith is strengthened, increased relationship and intimacy with the LORD is discovered, and an end-times vision of life is crystallized.  “Discovering The Jewish Jesus” is an end-times ministry, strengthening the church and calling her to be a readied bride for the return of the Bridegroom, Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah).

Contact Discovering The Jewish Jesus with Rabbi K.A. Schneider

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Discovering The Jewish Jesus
P.O. Box 777
Blissfield, MI 49228