Pastor Rick's Daily Hope

Pastor Rick Warren

The Season of Temptation - Part Two

September 4, 2024

You’ll never be so great a Christian that you stop struggling with temptation. It’s never going to go away—but God has made a way for you through temptation. In this message series, Pastor Rick talks about how to handle temptation, according to God’s Word.

God has made a way for you to handle temptation—but don’t go into it unprepared! In this message, Pastor Rick walks through the ways God has provided for you to defend yourself against temptation.

Featured Offer

40 Days of Prayer Study Kit
At one point or another everyone faces disappointments, obstacles, and circumstances that seem impossible to overcome. Whether it’s a struggling marriage, health crisis, financial loss, wounds from our past, or something else altogether, life’s struggles leave us desperate for a breakthrough. God sees you, hears your cries, and is ready to respond. But breakthroughs don’t happen spontaneously, they happen when you seek them. And the way you seek them is through prayer. In his life-changing, 7-session DVD and workbook study, 40 Days of Prayer, Pastor Rick helps you cultivate a powerful prayer life! You’ll learn how to pray for a breakthrough—and how to pray with more confidence and greater faith than ever before! We want to help you experience your own breakthrough by sending you a copy of the 40 Days of Prayer study kit as thanks for your generous gift today to help more people trust in God and his promises through the ministry of Daily Hope. Simply request your copy with your gift below. May God use this study to lead you into a new season of breakthrough for your joy and his glory!


Your deepest needs can be met only through Jesus Christ. Join Pastor Rick as he walks you through God’s provision for you—from God’s constant presence, to his purpose for your life, to his preparation of a place for you in heaven. Be renewed by God’s promise to give you hope and a future! You’ll never be so great a Christian that you stop struggling with temptation. It’s never going to go away—but God has made a way for you through temptation. In this message series, Pastor Rick talks about how to handle temptation, according to God’s Word. Too often we see the problem in our lives as something external, when in reality we need to do some serious self-evaluation. Pastor Rick teaches that the biblical path to freedom requires you to stop fixing the blame and start fixing the problem.
September 3, 2024
Everybody goes through a season of financial stress, regardless of how much or how little money they have. In this message series, Pastor Rick explores the lessons God wants us to learn about financial stress and explains God’s promises of provision and blessing. God is more interested in your character than your comfort. He’s not going to give you things if you haven’t yet learned the principle of contentment! In this message, Pastor Rick helps you understand one of the greatest keys to being content.
September 2, 2024
Your deepest needs can be met only through Jesus Christ. Join Pastor Rick as he walks you through God’s provision for you—from God’s constant presence, to his purpose for your life, to his preparation of a place for you in heaven. Be renewed by God’s promise to give you hope and a future! Everybody goes through a season of financial stress, regardless of how much or how little money they have. In this message series, Pastor Rick explores the lessons God wants us to learn about financial stress and explains God’s promises of provision and blessing. Are you in financial need and waiting for God to help? Sometimes we can’t see how God is working—but sometimes God is waiting on us. Pastor Rick talks in this message about one of the reasons people see so few miracles in their lives.
August 30, 2024
If you want to know how to be a good parent and build a strong family, you don’t have to look online or go to a bookstore. In this message series, Pastor Rick explains why the Bible is the greatest book ever written on parenting. Do you endure your kids or do you enjoy them? The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 11:8, “People ought to enjoy every day of their lives, no matter how long they live” (NCV). Join Pastor Rick as he shows you how to celebrate your kids.
August 29, 2024
Your deepest needs can be met only through Jesus Christ. Join Pastor Rick as he walks you through God’s provision for you—from God’s constant presence, to his purpose for your life, to his preparation of a place for you in heaven. Be renewed by God’s promise to give you hope and a future! If you want to know how to be a good parent and build a strong family, you don’t have to look online or go to a bookstore. In this message series, Pastor Rick explains why the Bible is the greatest book ever written on parenting. Being more like Christ in your parenting means becoming a more compassionate person toward your kids—and everyone else! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to show compassion to your kids through the three ways they understand love.
August 28, 2024
Some people never directly deal with grief in life—and that’s why they’re still struggling with emotional stress 20 or 30 years later! In this message series, Pastor Rick teaches principles to follow that will help you recover from life’s losses. Losses and tragedies have a way of putting everything into perspective; they clarify your values and help you figure out priorities. In this message, Pastor Rick explains how you can keep from losing your joy over the unimportant things.
August 27, 2024
Some people never directly deal with grief in life—and that’s why they’re still struggling with emotional stress 20 or 30 years later! In this message series, Pastor Rick teaches principles to follow that will help you recover from life’s losses. When you experience loss, it’s important not to isolate yourself and try to get through your grief on your own. Pastor Rick uses this message to teach why you need other people’s support when you face a season of loss.
August 26, 2024
Your deepest needs can be met only through Jesus Christ. Join Pastor Rick as he walks you through God’s provision for you—from God’s constant presence, to his purpose for your life, to his preparation of a place for you in heaven. Be renewed by God’s promise to give you hope and a future! Some people never directly deal with grief in life—and that’s why they’re still struggling with emotional stress 20 or 30 years later! In this message series, Pastor Rick teaches principles to follow that will help you recover from life’s losses. Psalm 62:8 says, “Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge” (NLT). In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why you need to talk to God about your loss and how to release your grief so God can heal your heart.
August 23, 2024
Every person will experience loneliness at some point. In this message series, Pastor Rick examines how the apostle Paul overcame a season of extreme loneliness while in prison by being productive, refusing to become bitter, and using the time to grow closer to God. Loneliness is a time to become better acquainted with God. When God is all you have, you find that he is all you need! Join Pastor Rick as he explains how to experience God’s presence in your season of loneliness.
August 22, 2024
Every person will experience loneliness at some point. In this message series, Pastor Rick examines how the apostle Paul overcame a season of extreme loneliness while in prison by being productive, refusing to become bitter, and using the time to grow closer to God. Even a season of loneliness has a purpose, but it’s hard to remember that when you feel alone and can’t see how God is working. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to keep your loneliness from turning into bitterness.
August 21, 2024
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Featured Offer

40 Days of Prayer Study Kit
At one point or another everyone faces disappointments, obstacles, and circumstances that seem impossible to overcome. Whether it’s a struggling marriage, health crisis, financial loss, wounds from our past, or something else altogether, life’s struggles leave us desperate for a breakthrough. God sees you, hears your cries, and is ready to respond. But breakthroughs don’t happen spontaneously, they happen when you seek them. And the way you seek them is through prayer. In his life-changing, 7-session DVD and workbook study, 40 Days of Prayer, Pastor Rick helps you cultivate a powerful prayer life! You’ll learn how to pray for a breakthrough—and how to pray with more confidence and greater faith than ever before! We want to help you experience your own breakthrough by sending you a copy of the 40 Days of Prayer study kit as thanks for your generous gift today to help more people trust in God and his promises through the ministry of Daily Hope. Simply request your copy with your gift below. May God use this study to lead you into a new season of breakthrough for your joy and his glory!

About Pastor Rick's Daily Hope

Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope brings biblical hope and encouragement to people around the world. Through his daily audio and written devotional Bible teaching, Pastor Rick shares the hope of Christ and the biblical truths people need to fulfill God’s purposes for their life.

About Pastor Rick Warren

As founding pastor of Saddleback Church with his wife Kay, Dr. Rick Warren leads a 30,000-member congregation in California with campuses in major cities around the world. As an author, his book The Purpose Driven Life is one of the best-selling nonfiction books in publishing history. It has been translated into 90 languages and sold more than 50 million copies in multiple formats. As a theologian, he has lectured at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, University of Judaism, and dozens of universities and seminaries. As a global strategist, he advises world leaders and has spoken to the United Nations, US Congress, Davos Economic Forum, TED, Aspen Institute, and numerous parliaments.

Pastor Rick also founded the Global PEACE Plan, which Plants churches of reconciliation, Equips leaders, Assists the poor, Cares for the sick, and Educates the next generation in 196 countries. You can listen to Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope, his daily 25-minute audio teaching, or sign up for his free daily devotionals at

Contact Pastor Rick's Daily Hope with Pastor Rick Warren

Mailing Address:
Daily Hope Ministries
PO Box 80448
RSM, CA 92688
