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The Word of Love - Part One

March 25, 2025

When Jesus was on the cross, he spoke seven words that define love in action. They hold the keys for finding fulfillment in your life, career, and relationships. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches this seven-part series, The Seven Greatest Words of Love.

God put you on this planet to learn how to love. And if you don’t learn to love, you’ll miss the point of life. Join Pastor Rick as he explains how you can learn to love God and learn to love your neighbor as yourself. 

The fact is, you can’t love like Jesus loves on your own. You can only do it by God’s power. In this message, Pastor Rick explains how God helps us learn to love others like he loves us.

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Past Episodes

When you become a believer in Jesus, you are assured of your salvation. But some Christians still question their salvation. In this message series, Pastor Rick explains how the word of “assurance” from Christ on the cross can give you confidence that God keeps his promises. Nailed to a cross next to Jesus, one thief asked Christ to remember him when the Lord came into his kingdom. “And Jesus replied, ‘I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise’” (Luke 23:43 NLT). In this message, Pastor Rick examines the four characteristics of salvation that will help you believe and trust in Jesus.
March 24, 2025
When you become a believer in Jesus, you are assured of your salvation. But some Christians still question their salvation. In this message series, Pastor Rick explains how the word of “assurance” from Christ on the cross can give you confidence that God keeps his promises. Here’s what happened on the cross: “God had Christ, who was sinless, take our sin so that we might receive God’s approval through him” (2 Corinthians 5:21 GW). In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why we needed Jesus to save us from our sins.  
March 21, 2025
When Jesus was on the cross, he spoke seven words that define love in action. They hold the keys for finding fulfillment in your life, career, and relationships. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches this seven-part series, The Seven Greatest Words of Love. When you become a believer in Jesus, you are assured of your salvation. But some Christians still question their salvation. In this message series, Pastor Rick explains how the word of “assurance” from Christ on the cross can give you confidence that God keeps his promises. How do you know for sure that you’re saved? How do you know you’re going to heaven when you die? What’s your assurance? Pastor Rick teaches why you can rest in the assurance of God’s promise to save you when you believe in Jesus Christ.
March 20, 2025
You may be carrying around guilt from hurting someone or bitterness from someone hurting you. But God never meant for you to live that way! In this message series, Pastor Rick teaches about the meaning of “forgiveness,” a word best demonstrated by the work of Jesus on the cross. “Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed” (James 5:16 TLB). The first step of forgiveness is admitting your guilt. In this message, Pastor Rick shares how to take the next step of forgiveness—by accepting responsibility for your sin.
March 19, 2025
When Jesus was on the cross, he spoke seven words that define love in action. They hold the keys for finding fulfillment in your life, career, and relationships. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches this seven-part series, The Seven Greatest Words of Love. You may be carrying around guilt from hurting someone or bitterness from someone hurting you. But God never meant for you to live that way! In this message series, Pastor Rick teaches about the meaning of “forgiveness,” a word best demonstrated by the work of Jesus on the cross. Holding onto guilt can eventually harm you—and that’s not what God has planned for you. Listen as Pastor Rick teaches how to stop defeating yourself and, instead, to bring the things you feel guilty about before God as you confess, ask for forgiveness, and receive God’s forgiveness.
March 18, 2025
Pastor Rick teaches you to see your problems the way God sees them—as temporary difficulties that God uses to help you spiritually mature. God uses problems both to protect you and to perfect you. Join Pastor Rick as he explains what this might look like in your life.
March 17, 2025
Discover God’s perspective! Learn how he sees you—and how you are called to view others through his eyes. As you learn to see through God’s eyes, you’ll begin understanding his purposes, even in the midst of your struggles and challenges. Pastor Rick teaches you to see your problems the way God sees them—as temporary difficulties that God uses to help you spiritually mature. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how God uses your problems to direct you and correct you as he transforms you into the person he created you to be.
March 14, 2025
Join Pastor Rick as he teaches this truth: God sees you through the lens of his infinite grace and love. God wants you to know you’re lovable. But he also wants you to understand that he sees you as acceptable and valuable. Pastor Rick explains how fully embracing these truths will be life-changing.
March 13, 2025
Discover God’s perspective! Learn how he sees you—and how you are called to view others through his eyes. As you learn to see through God’s eyes, you’ll begin understanding his purposes, even in the midst of your struggles and challenges. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches this truth: God sees you through the lens of his infinite grace and love. Pastor Rick explains how God sees you as acceptable, valuable, and lovable. Understanding and trusting these truths will transform the way you live.
March 12, 2025
Join Pastor Rick as he looks to Scripture to discover what happens when you add prayer to the recovery process. Have you ever been paralyzed by your emotions? In this message, Pastor Rick talks about the role prayer plays in emotional health.
March 11, 2025
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About Pastor Rick's Daily Hope

Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope brings biblical hope and encouragement to people around the world. Through his daily audio and written devotional Bible teaching, Pastor Rick shares the hope of Christ and the biblical truths people need to fulfill God’s purposes for their life.

About Pastor Rick Warren

As founding pastor of Saddleback Church with his wife Kay, Dr. Rick Warren leads a 30,000-member congregation in California with campuses in major cities around the world. As an author, his book The Purpose Driven Life is one of the best-selling nonfiction books in publishing history. It has been translated into 90 languages and sold more than 50 million copies in multiple formats. As a theologian, he has lectured at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, University of Judaism, and dozens of universities and seminaries. As a global strategist, he advises world leaders and has spoken to the United Nations, US Congress, Davos Economic Forum, TED, Aspen Institute, and numerous parliaments.

Pastor Rick also founded the Global PEACE Plan, which Plants churches of reconciliation, Equips leaders, Assists the poor, Cares for the sick, and Educates the next generation in 196 countries. You can listen to Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope, his daily 25-minute audio teaching, or sign up for his free daily devotionals at

Contact Pastor Rick's Daily Hope with Pastor Rick Warren

Mailing Address:
Daily Hope Ministries
PO Box 80448
RSM, CA 92688
