Facing Fear Head-On with Truth and Transparency in Daily Dialogue with God - Nicole Salmon
Overcoming your deepest fears and achieving your goals doesn’t have to be scary. With God’s help, you can embrace the truth about yourself and take your challenges to Him! This is the wisdom Nicole Salmon brings to the topic of courage. As an author, speaker, and purpose alignment coach, she has journeyed from the struggles of single motherhood and faced her fears head-on with God’s help. Fear is slick, and it dresses itself up in many ways, she says. Sometimes, fear can even dress itself up to look like wisdom. Don’t be deceived. Fear is not from God! She advises Christians to be truthful with themselves and to take those concerns to the Lord. No matter what you face, there is a response you can offer to turn your fear into a win.
Create a Bible-anchored response to the fear narrative that replays in your head
Have honest conversations with God and stop lying to yourself about what’s going on and embrace truth
Take small, actionable steps toward your goals
More time procrastinating doesn’t alleviate fear; it feeds it
Fear video: https://bit.ly/4hLMH1C
Covenant Eyes (get 30 days free with code TINA): https://bit.ly/3P60Omj
Courage and Confidence book: https://amzn.to/4ixEyxX
Website: https://www.nicoleosalmon.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicoleosalmon
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicoleosalmon
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nicoleosalmon
My Father’s World: mfwbooks.com/4tina
Pure Bella Vita (get $5 off with code TINA): https://bit.ly/PBVACCM
Restore Patch: https://bit.ly/CCMpatch
Capstone Legacy Foundation: https://capstonelegacy.org/
2023 Recap & 2024 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCM23ImpactReport
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Past Episodes
- A Heart For the Homeless
- Addressing Anxiety
- America's Concentration Camps
- Art and Music Foster Creativity
- Avoiding Deadly mRNA-Infused Food
- Be Prepared For Any Emergency
- Become An Organ Donor
- Best of Fall 2023 - Part 1
- Best of Fall 2023 Part 2
- Best of Fall 2024 - Part 1
- Best of Fall 2024 - Part 2
- Best of Spring 2023 - Part 1
- Best of Spring 2023 - Part 2
- Best of Spring 2024 - Part 1
- Best of Spring 2024 - Part 2
- Biblical Masculinity
- Biblical Resources for Kids
- Biblical Worldview Basics
- Boost of Encouragement
- Breaking Down Bullying
- Breaking The Chains of Addiction
- Celebrating Freedom
- ChatGPT And The Rise of AI
- China
- Christ-Centered Education
- Christ-Centered Identity
- Climate Change Hoax
- Combating Sex Trafficking
- Communism Invades America
- Communist China Infiltrates U.S.
- Connecting Moms and Daughters
- Covid Carnage
- Covid Shots Causing Sudden Death
- Darwinism Debunked
- Dead, Revived, and Transformed
- Deadly Hospital Protocols
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- Defeating Eating Disorders
- Deliverance
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- Discipling Our Children
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- Equipping The Persecuted
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- Escaping Domestic Violence
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- Faith Fitness and Fasting
- FEMA's Depopulation Plan
- Fighting the Fentanyl Epidemic
- Finding Financial Freedom
- Finding Freedom From Anxiety
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- Finding True Femininity
- Freedom in Forgiveness
- Gender Transitioning
- Ghastly Glysophate and GMOs
- Giving Thanks - 300th Episode
- Global Warming Debunked
- Godly Grandparenting
- God's Pruning Leads to Our Joy
- Grappling with Loneliness
- Hellish Hollywood Customs
- History of Secret Societies
- Honoring Our Fallen Heroes
- Hope for Longing Mothers
- Horrors of HAARP Technology
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- The Best of 2022 - Part 1
- The Best of 2022 - Part 2
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- The Power of Perseverance
- The Transgender Craze
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About The Counter Culture Mom Show
Former Hollywood actress, pop culture expert, Tina Griffin, gives detailed proof of the real agenda behind the entertainment industry and mainstream media featuring experts covering today's most critical topics. From cyberbullying, sex trafficking, and the coming cashless society, to grandparenting, safe tech tips, and homeschooling 101, this show is jam-packed with Biblical teaching and applicable steps to see positive change happen in your home.
About Tina Griffin
Former Hollywood actress, pop culture expert, Tina Griffin, left her Wisconsin dairy farm and headed to Hollywood at the age of 20 to earn a BA in Film and TV from California State University - Los Angeles. During her decade working as an actress in LA, Tina talked with countless celebrities about their behind-the-scenes lifestyles and the hypocrisy involved. She realized “these secrets” must be revealed to the masses. Tina has traveled globally for the past 21 years delivering her eye-opening show, Hollywood Exposed, explaining the real agenda behind the entertainment industry and its negative impact on the foundational development of today’s youth.
Besides being in countless movies, Tina has worked on TV shows such as Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Young and the Restless, Days of Our Lives, Lizzie McGuire, Drake and Josh, Malcolm in the Middle, Boston Legal, Roswell, competed in the Miss America pageant and worked at the OSCARS. She was a member of the Film Society as well as Women in Film and the Screen Actors Guild. She has opened for bands such as Colton Dixon, Third Day, Jeremy Camp, and Skillet.
When Tina isn’t traveling and speaking, you will find her cooking, schooling her four munchkins, planning the next big adventure for her family, or having a romantic date night with her husband Luke.
Contact The Counter Culture Mom Show with Tina Griffin
Counter Culture Ministries
P.O. Box 682803
Franklin, TN 37068-2803
ATTN: Tina Griffin