
Skip Heitzig

Needed: Real Men! Part 2

November 12, 2013
Skip Heitzig continues his series on Christian marriage. Joshua, the aged leader of the ancient Hebrew nation, called on the men of his generation to become real men. Let’s look at the three things that Joshua instructed those men to do. Join Skip for the conclusion of “Needed: Real Men!”
References: Joshua 24:1-5

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Unleashing Peace: Experiencing God's Shalom in Your Pursuit of Happiness by Dr. Jeremiah Johnston
When you understand and follow biblical principles, you will begin to unleash shalom—God's peace—into every aspect of your life. Experience God's peace with this month's resource from Connect with Skip Heitzig, Unleashing Peace: Experiencing God's Shalom in Your Pursuit of Happiness by Dr. Jeremiah Johnston.


Skip Heitzig continues the teaching series “Keep Calm and Marry On.” What is the definition of a “real man”? Well, that varies according to who is doing the defining. But one thing is certain: A man who is really godly, and a spiritual leader, and serves his family is RARE! Join Skip for “Needed: Real Men!”
November 11, 2013
Skip Heitzig continues the marriage series “Keep Calm and Marry on.” Today, the role of homemaker is looked upon with disfavor, even by some wives. But it’s really a centuries-old struggle. Why does God honor the role of the homemaker? Join Skip for the conclusion of “Homemaker of Homebreaker?”
November 8, 2013
Skip Heitzig continues his series on Christian marriage. In the world today, our marriages are surrounded by hostile influences. Society no longer supports marriage as it once did. How can the Christian home blossom today? Join Skip for “Homemaker of Homebreaker?”
November 7, 2013
Skip Heitzig continues “Keep Calm and Marry On,” a series on marriage. The husband holds the key to a flourishing relationship. It is his job to have both an initiating love and a cultivating love. Join Skip for the conclusion of “The Storm-Proof Shelter of a Husband’s Love.”
November 6, 2013
Skip Heitzig continues through his series on marriage, “Keep Calm and Marry On.” God's blueprint for husbands is for the man's love to become a strong shelter for his wife. This is the kind of love that makes it easy for a woman to submit. Join Skip for “The Storm-Proof Shelter of a Husband’s Love.”
November 5, 2013
Skip Heitzig continues his series on Christian marriage. Some women long for their husbands to be leaders in the home, but they never let them lead! Ask yourself: Could it be he’s not a good leader because I’m not a good follower? Join Skip for the conclusion of “The Hardest Word in a Marriage.”
November 4, 2013
Skip Heitzig continues his series on marriage, “Keep Calm and Marry On.” In marriage, “submission” is a four-letter word to some. But for our lives to be fulfilling and rewarding, we must function within God’s guidelines in our relationships. Join Skip for “The Hardest Word in a Marriage.”
November 1, 2013
Skip Heitzig continues his teaching series on marriage, “Keep Calm and Marry On.” There is no such thing as a perfect marriage. But if we understand the roles God gave to men and women, and how they work today, we can have a truly blessed married relationship. Join Skip for the conclusion of “Gender Wars.”
October 31, 2013
Skip Heitzig continues the marriage series, “Keep Calm and Marry On.” Men and women are very different from each other. We were designed that way by God. But when sin entered the human experience, it contaminated and complicated every relationship. Join Skip for “Gender Wars.”
October 30, 2013
Skip Heitzig continues his series on marriage, “Keep Calm and Marry On.” We live in a broken world, and every marriage is between two sinners. But God offers forgiveness through Jesus Christ, so the best marriages are between two forgivers. Join Skip for the conclusion of “Trouble in Paradise.”
October 29, 2013
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Unleashing Peace: Experiencing God's Shalom in Your Pursuit of Happiness by Dr. Jeremiah Johnston
When you understand and follow biblical principles, you will begin to unleash shalom—God's peace—into every aspect of your life. Experience God's peace with this month's resource from Connect with Skip Heitzig, Unleashing Peace: Experiencing God's Shalom in Your Pursuit of Happiness by Dr. Jeremiah Johnston.

About Connect

Study through the Bible verse by verse. Host Skip Heitzig is senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

About Skip Heitzig

Skip Heitzig ministers to over 15,000 people as senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque. He reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multimedia ministry. He is the author of several books including The Bible from 30,000 Feet, Defying Normal, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation, and How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It. He has also published over two dozen booklets in the Lifestyle series, covering aspects of Christian living. He serves on several boards, including Samaritan's Purse and Harvest.

Skip and his wife, Lenya, and son and daughter-in-law, Nathan and Janaé, live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Skip and Lenya are the proud grandparents of Seth Nathaniel and Kaydence Joy.


Contact Connect with Skip Heitzig

Mailing Address
PO Box 95707
Albuquerque, NM 87199-5707

