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Janet Parshall Interview with Skip Heitzig

January 4, 2016
Skip Heitzig sits down with Janet Parshall in a special broadcast from Moody Radio’s daily program In the Market with Janet Parshall. In this interview, Skip discusses his latest book, Defying Normal, and challenges us to rise above the status quo and make an eternal mark for the kingdom of God.

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You Can Understand the Book of Genesis book by Skip Heitzig

Understanding Genesis is critical to understanding the rest of Scripture. In his book, You Can Understand the Book of Genesis, Skip Heitzig explores the meaning and message of this foundational book. Embark on an epic journey to understand the amazing story of God’s love and our redemption in Christ.

Past Episodes

In every war, strategy plays a role. Each side plans and makes movements in accordance with what it learns about the other side’s tactics. Skip considers the grand and most profound war of the universe as he shares the message “The Invisible War.”
January 1, 2016
Skip Heitzig shares from his series Homeland Security. Muslims revere Abraham’s son Ishmael more than Isaac. In fact, they claim that Islam began with Abraham and Ishmael. Skip explores their claim that Islam is older than both Judaism and Christianity as he shares the message “Abraham’s Other Son.”
December 31, 2015
Although Jesus didn’t encounter a homosexual, He did deal with a woman caught in sexual sin and those who condemned her. In the message “Jesus Loves Homosexuals (Part One),” Skip shows us how Jesus was compassionate toward all sinners.
December 30, 2015
When suffering strikes in your life, how do you deal with the fallout? Pastor Skip addresses the reality of spiritual depression and gives us some biblical guidance for handling this difficult aspect of life as he shares the message “Radioactive.”
December 29, 2015
Skip Heitzig sits down with apologist and evangelist Josh McDowell to discuss the Set Free Global Summit that’s happening in April 2016. The Set Free Global Summit exposes the impact and provides solutions to the problem of Internet pornography.
December 28, 2015
When the sun shines into your eyes, it can be unpleasant. Jesus was presented as “the light of men,” “shining in darkness.” But the world cries out, “Turn off that light!” In the message “The Light Has Come,” Skip explains how Jesus can enlighten your life.
December 25, 2015
When the sun shines into your eyes, it can be unpleasant. Jesus was presented as “the light of men,” “shining in darkness.” But the world cries out, “Turn off that light!” In the message “The Light Has Come,” Skip explains how Jesus can enlighten your life.
December 24, 2015
More than a precious present, myrrh was an item that was used extensively after a death. It seems like an odd gift to give to a child. In the message “The Gift of Myrrh,” Skip shows us how this gift was a prophecy of Christ’s work as well as a portrayal of worship.
December 23, 2015
We’ve had an opportunity to examine the three gifts the magi presented to the young child Jesus after His birth. Skip dives into perhaps the most unusual of these three substances as he begins the message “The Gift of Myrrh.”
December 22, 2015
Most of us don’t know why the magi brought these specific gifts to Jesus. Could there be a more noteworthy reason for the gift of frankincense than that it smelled nice? Skip explores the meaning of this second gift in the message “The Gift of Frankincense.”
December 21, 2015
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About Connect

Study through the Bible verse by verse. Host Skip Heitzig is senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

About Skip Heitzig

Skip Heitzig ministers to over 15,000 people as senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque. He reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multimedia ministry. He is the author of several books including The Bible from 30,000 Feet, Defying Normal, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation, and How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It. He has also published over two dozen booklets in the Lifestyle series, covering aspects of Christian living. He serves on several boards, including Samaritan's Purse and Harvest.

Skip and his wife, Lenya, and son and daughter-in-law, Nathan and Janaé, live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Skip and Lenya are the proud grandparents of Seth Nathaniel and Kaydence Joy.


Contact Connect with Skip Heitzig

Mailing Address
PO Box 95707
Albuquerque, NM 87199-5707

