
Skip Heitzig

Flight ISA01 Part 3

March 15, 2021

on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip continues our series The Bible from 30,000 Feet. Isaiah is well known for his prophecies about the Messiah. Join Skip as he dives into some of those prophecies, how Jesus fulfilled them, and what they mean for you today. 

Featured Offer

Unleashing Peace: Experiencing God's Shalom in Your Pursuit of Happiness by Dr. Jeremiah Johnston
When you understand and follow biblical principles, you will begin to unleash shalom—God's peace—into every aspect of your life. Experience God's peace with this month's resource from Connect with Skip Heitzig, Unleashing Peace: Experiencing God's Shalom in Your Pursuit of Happiness by Dr. Jeremiah Johnston.


on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip continues his series The Bible from 30,000 Feet. The nation of Israel experienced extremely difficult times, some of which they brought upon themselves with their own disobedience. Join Skip as he shares how God still faithfully carried His people in those hard times. 
March 12, 2021
on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip resumes the series The Bible from 30,000 Feet. The prophet Isaiah's ministry lasted around fifty years and spanned the reigns of four kings in Judah. Join Skip as he shares about Isaiah's prophecies and what they mean for your future. 
March 11, 2021
on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip wraps up the series Jesus Loves People. God's love and wrath are integral parts of His nature. Understanding this is crucial so we don't distort Him to the world and mislead people. In the message "Jesus Loves People, BUT…," Skip shares how you can be bold spiritually. 
March 10, 2021
on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip continues our series Jesus Loves People. It's true that God loves people, but it's equally true that He hates evil and the practice of it. In the message "Jesus Loves People, BUT...," Skip considers several requirements for the church as we represent the God who loves people. 
March 9, 2021
on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip continues his series Jesus Loves People. Jesus has a radical love for all people, including those who struggle with addiction. In the message "Jesus Loves Addicts," Skip shows you that Jesus has a special plan to help addicts—and, as the body of Christ, we can be part of that plan. 
March 8, 2021
on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip continues the series Jesus Loves People. Addictive behavior is widespread and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities. That's why many addicts turn to Christ for help. In the message "Jesus Loves Addicts," Skip declares the good news that Jesus has for addicts. 
March 5, 2021
on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip continues his series Jesus Loves People. The book of Acts records the conversion of a terrorist who became a herald for the gospel. In the message "Jesus Loves Terrorists," Skip considers a biblical response to terrorism, reminding you that God wants to reach even terrorists. 
March 4, 2021
on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip continues the series Jesus Loves People. God loves all people from all walks of life, but many don't realize that means He loves terrorists, too. In the message "Jesus Loves Terrorists," Skip points out the stark reality of terror in our world, offering you the hope and comfort of Jesus. 
March 3, 2021
on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip continues his series Jesus Loves People. Reports show that the lack of proper moral training by parents has a direct correlation to crime. In the message "Jesus Loves Criminals," Skip shares how Jesus steps in to rescue even when we fail. 
March 2, 2021
on Connect with Skip Heitzig, Skip continues our series Jesus Loves People. Many people wonder if they've done too many bad things in order to be saved by God. In the message "Jesus Loves Criminals," Skip tells you the remarkable story of two criminals who were in Jesus' company. 
March 1, 2021
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Featured Offer

Unleashing Peace: Experiencing God's Shalom in Your Pursuit of Happiness by Dr. Jeremiah Johnston
When you understand and follow biblical principles, you will begin to unleash shalom—God's peace—into every aspect of your life. Experience God's peace with this month's resource from Connect with Skip Heitzig, Unleashing Peace: Experiencing God's Shalom in Your Pursuit of Happiness by Dr. Jeremiah Johnston.

About Connect

Study through the Bible verse by verse. Host Skip Heitzig is senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

About Skip Heitzig

Skip Heitzig ministers to over 15,000 people as senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque. He reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multimedia ministry. He is the author of several books including The Bible from 30,000 Feet, Defying Normal, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation, and How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It. He has also published over two dozen booklets in the Lifestyle series, covering aspects of Christian living. He serves on several boards, including Samaritan's Purse and Harvest.

Skip and his wife, Lenya, and son and daughter-in-law, Nathan and Janaé, live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Skip and Lenya are the proud grandparents of Seth Nathaniel and Kaydence Joy.


Contact Connect with Skip Heitzig

Mailing Address
PO Box 95707
Albuquerque, NM 87199-5707

