Okay, so Sarah Palin's book was just released; she's doing a lot of talk show appearances; and once again the liberal pundits are firing away at her. Even the LA Times sees what is going on:

"Wow, for somebody who's supposed to be such a political joke, an Arctic ditz and eminently dismissable as a serious anything except maybe a stay-at-home hockey mom, Sarah Palin is sure drawing an awful lot of attention from Democrats and eager critics."

Critics such as Bob Schieffer on CBS:

"I think she's going to sell a lot of books. I think she'll be a great attraction out, you know, as an amusement....But I can't imagine that she has much future in politics. I really don't."

So, the test is 2010 and 2012 -- will candidates like Sarah Palin or Lynn Woolsey be elected?

Who is Lynn Woolsey? Well, if you live in our district you know who Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D) is and that she has held the 6th Cong. district seat for years. As a matter of fact my husband Duane tried to unseat her twice in '94 and '96. Why was he unsuccessful? The better question is -- why is Woolsey successful in holding on to the seat?

For one, we live in the next liberal district to San Francisco; the local press makes the New York Times look mild at times; she had the Clinton's backing and when he was president; and she enjoys the backing of the far left of her party, which is a perfect fit for this (or any) liberal-held district.

But, things are changing in the country and here in our district. Mainstream America is waking up and standing up! Will it be enough to unseat Lynn Woolsey and her commrades in office, and replace them with candidates like Sarah Palin? That will be the test.

So, what do you think? Will 2010 and 2012 change the political demographics in liberal districts like our's...and in the nation?

In case you missed it, we air our show with Rep. Lynn Woolsey at a townhall on healthcare today. After you hear it, I think you'll agree that the mainstream media isn't concerned with political wisdom and experience such as they claim Sarah Palin lacks. It's obviously not about that, it's about ideology. That's why Woolsey stays in office, and why Palin is a major target. Plain and simple. That's what I think.

© Sharon Hughes 2009


Sharon Hughes is Founder and President of The Center for Changing Worldviews and a radio talk show host on KDIA in San Francisco, and online at Salem Web Network’s Oneplace.com. Her articles appear in many recognized news sites and publications, including FRONTPAGEMAG. She also writes for NewsBusters.org, a division of The Media Research Center, and has appeared on FOX News and other national radio programs. For further information and other radio networks she is on visit her Websites www.changingworldviews.com, WOMANTalk.us, and Blog http://changingworldviews.blogspot.com. Facebook http://www.facebook.com/cwsharon, Twitter http://twitter.com/sharonhughes_ Or Contact: sharon@changingworldviews.com