The Boundless Show

Lisa Anderson

Where Do I See God?: Episode 810

August 10, 2023

Recognizing God in daily life, plus cultivating a good relationship with your parents, and what to do when you disagree with your parents’ advice.


Featured musical artist:  David Dunn


Roundtable: Seeing God’s Hand in Everyday Life


We look at big, life-changing events and say, “Only God could’ve done that!” But what about the everyday moments? What about the situations that seem entirely ordinary? Is God in those, too? This week we’re talking about the many ways we’re currently seeing God’s hand in our lives, and we’ll give you a few ideas for recognizing Him in yours as well.


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Culture: Do You Get Along With Your Parents?


One of the hardest parts about becoming an adult is navigating the tricky relational shift with your parents. You want to honor and respect them, but what if they still treat you like a kid? What if you struggle to understand their lifestyle or decisions? What if they’re a bit too clingy or nosy? For Rhonda Stoppe and her son Brandon, the journey has had plenty of ups, downs, and lightbulb moments along the way. In our conversation, they offer hope for a healthy, mature and balanced parent-child relationship. In fact, they’ll even argue that parents and their adult children can (gasp!) become friends.


Moms Raising Sons to Be Men: Guiding Them Toward Their Purpose and Passion 


Rhonda’s Website


Inbox: When You Don’t Like a Parent’s Advice


Your parents may mean well, but what happens when you flat-out disagree with their advice? Is this a time to take it, ignore it, or call them out? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.

Featured Offer

Waiting Isn't a Waste
The Surprising Comfort of Trusting God in the Uncertainties of Life


Butting into a friend’s dating life, plus making church a haven for victims of abuse, and what if your best friend doesn’t like your other friends?   Featured musical artist:  Austin Stone Worship Roundtable: Getting Involved in Your Friend’s Dating Life Your friend is dating and you see something in the relationship that concerns you. Is it time to speak up? If so, how? How much input should you have in friends’ relationships, anyway? Our guests (one married, one engaged, one single) offer pointers on how to “meddle with grace” in situations like these. Leave us a Voicemail Culture: Is Church a Safe Place for the Abused? Dr. James Reeves felt God call him to make the church he pastored a place of healing for those who’ve been sexually abused. The impact of the church’s ministry has been felt throughout the Dallas community since its inception, and now it is leading the way for other churches to follow suit. Dr. Reeves and Focus on the Family counselor Geremy Keeton discuss why church should be the safest place for those who’ve been abused, and what it looks like to make that happen.       The Fearless Series Website   The Wounded Heart Link to Counseling Services Link to Articles for Help for Abusive Relationships Inbox: Best Friend vs. Other Friends Your best friend feels he or she doesn’t fit in with your other friends, and isn’t afraid to say so. Is this a problem with your bestie or with everyone else? How can you discuss this in a loving and constructive manner? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in. 
August 3, 2023
Struggling to find your dream job, plus recovery from religious trauma, and when you’re in a relationship but have a crush on someone else.   Featured musical artist:  Vertical Worship   Roundtable: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?   Figuring out your career path can be intimidating, and it’s rarely a straight line of opportunities and decisions. Few of us knew for certain what we wanted to do upon graduating from college, and some of us still haven’t found our career sweet spot. What’s the answer? Is it trial and error? Taking another career assessment? Prayer and fasting? All of the above? Our roundtable guests have been there, and they infuse this week’s conversation with practical tips and encouragement for trusting God with our vocational futures.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Hope After Spiritual Trauma   Most Christians have at some point experienced a version of church hurt. In many cases, it’s been emotionally and spiritually traumatic. Whether it’s abuse, rejection, betrayal, moral failure or a massive church split, spiritual trauma is real. In the midst of it (or in the aftermath), how do you stay close to God? How do you trust His heart, and how do you find healing? Counselor Rob Jackson has years of pastoral and clinical counseling experience and has worked with many people on recovery in this sphere. If you’re struggling with pain from church wounds, this discussion may help you move forward.   Walking with God through Pain and Suffering   Link to Counseling Services   Inbox: When You Have a Crush on Someone Else   What do you do if you’re in a serious relationship but you have a crush on someone else? Counselor Kari Aho weighs in.
July 27, 2023
Maintaining hope for your future marriage, plus ways to share the gospel online, and how do you break a cursing habit?        Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker   Roundtable: Why Marriage Is Worth It   With all the negative messages about marriage these days, it’s easy to wonder: Can marriage really work? Isn’t it easier to remain single? While singleness is itself a great calling, for those who are meant to marry some extra encouragement may be necessary. Our guests this week provide inspiration to stay the course and believe in marriage as a good thing. As Lisa says, “God’s still in the business of making great matches.” If marriage is in your future, there is hope.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Sharing the Gospel Online   Australian evangelist Ryan Hemelaar is taking advantage of life in an increasingly digital age to share the gospel with people around the world — all from the comfort of his home. As the founder of, he shares exciting stories of what God is doing in online conversations, and why technology is an increasingly effective way to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.        Honest Evangelism: How to talk about Jesus even when it’s tough   NeedGod.Net    Inbox: How Can I Stop Cursing?   Using profanity is a persistent struggle for many. Our listener admittedly has a cursing problem and wants strategies for how to stop. Counselor Jerry Jones weighs in.
July 20, 2023
Knowing God’s voice, plus part two of a conversation on self-control, and how to stop imagining worst-case scenarios.      Featured musical artist: Stu Garrard   Roundtable: Distinguishing God’s Voice From Mine   As Christians, we want to hear God’s voice, but how do we know it’s actually Him speaking? We second-guess a decision or direction, or we put out another proverbial fleece, or we wait for a bright light or booming voice — that never comes. Our guests break down their own challenges in hearing from God, including overcoming the paralysis of not knowing who or what to believe.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Learning Self-Control (Part 2)   You started the year with good intentions, but they were short-lived. Now more than halfway through 2023, all of your goals, resolutions, and “I’ll do betters” have fallen by the wayside. Fortunately, author Drew Dyck is here to help. He’s consulted both the Bible and brain science to find out why self-control is so hard, but also how we can strategically build the muscle to help us form good habits that will go the distance. In part two of our conversation, Drew talks about The Habit Loop, relying on God’s strength, and how to beat technology addiction.    Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science   Inbox: Help for Overthinkers   Our listener is struggling with overthinking things to the point where he imagines scenarios that don’t happen. Our producer, John Peardon, is no stranger to this — so he’ll encourage us with strategies that have helped him find peace of mind.
July 13, 2023
Don’t feel left out this summer, plus a conversation on self-control, and breaking up with a friend who isn’t good for you.   Featured musical artist: All Sons & Daughters   Roundtable: Left Out of Summer Fun?   You’re going about your summer and having a good time — until you discover some of your friends planned an event but didn’t invite you. Now that you think about it, a lot of things seem to be happening without you…at least if Instagram has anything to say about it. How do you respond? This week we talk about what makes us feel left out and how we can craft a contented summer regardless of who’s doing what.      Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Learning Self-Control (Part 1)   You started the year with good intentions, but they were short-lived. Now more than halfway through 2023, all of your goals, resolutions, and “I’ll do betters” have fallen by the wayside. Fortunately, author Drew Dyck is here to help. He’s consulted both the Bible and brain science to find out why self-control is so hard, but also how we can strategically build the muscle to help us form good habits that will go the distance. In part one of our conversation, Drew extols the virtues of self-control, explains why willpower isn’t enough by itself, and how a conversation with his wife helped him take some personal inventory.      Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science   Inbox: When a Friend Isn’t Good for You   You’re noticing that a friendship isn’t bringing out the best in you, and you’re wondering: Is it time to cut ties? Counselor Kari Aho weighs in.
July 6, 2023
How to live successfully with roommates, plus Gary Thomas on the desire for marriage, and is coffee addiction sinful?    Featured musical artist: Various Artists   Roundtable: Tips for Getting Along With Roommates   Having a roommate (or more than one) is a great option for young adults who want to save money, live in community, and grow as an individual. But not every roommate situation is created equal; some roommates are naturally easy to get along with while others can be difficult. This week we share the highs and lows we’ve experienced with roommates, how to vet potential candidates, how to have productive conversations (even around conflict), how to set expectations in a living situation, and even how to be a good roommate yourself.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Gary Thomas on Desiring Marriage   Seeing friend after friend get married can feel discouraging if you’re still single with virtually no prospects. Will it ever be your turn? Pastor Gary Thomas, author of “The Sacred Search,” offers advice to those who are in a season of hoping and waiting for marriage. He’ll also suggest ways to grow in maturity and purpose as you seek a spouse.   The Sacred Search: Updated & Revised   Inbox: Is Coffee Addiction a Sin?    We naturally label as “addiction” a dependence on things like drugs and alcohol. But what about caffeine? Is being coffee-dependent a sin? Lisa Anderson weighs in. 
June 29, 2023
Wrestling with doubts about your faith, plus Gary Thomas gives book recommendations, and prioritizing time with your family.    Featured musical artist: Abandon     Roundtable: What If I Have Doubts About My Faith?   At some point in your Christian walk, you’ll have questions about God, faith, the Bible and more. While seeking answers is a good thing, what about entertaining doubts? Does God want us to question Him? Is doubting a sign of a lack of faith — or of not being saved? Our guests open up about things they’ve struggled with and what has helped them seek and trust God amid questions, doubts and dark nights of the soul.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Book Recommendations From Gary Thomas   Summer is here, and with it comes summer reading. Pastor and author Gary Thomas (hello, “The Sacred Search”) is a popular guest who is also an avid reader. If you’re looking for great books to read this summer (or anytime!), be sure to listen in as Gary gives some of his top recommendations across a wide variety of genres.   The Sacred Search: Updated & Revised; When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People     Inbox: Spending More Time With Family   Time is a precious gift — and so is family — so how do you prioritize your loved ones when your days and weeks are jam-packed with work, activities, and other pastimes? Our host Lisa Anderson weighs in.  
June 22, 2023
What guys need in a friend, plus Alisha Plummer on singles in church, and are most Christian men on dating sites OK with premarital sex?      Featured musical artist:  Aaron Strumpel       Roundtable: What Men Need From Friendships   Friendships are essential for emotional and relational health; without them, our lives can easily become self-centered and empty. But what exactly do men and women need from their friends, and what should we be willing to give? This week, a group of guys discuss friendship from a male perspective. They share what makes a friendship meaningful, how to go deeper in friendship, and how to call each other out when necessary.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Including Singles at Church    With most churches programmed for couples and families, it’s easy for single adults to feel left out. But Scripture affirms singles as a vital part of the family as well as the body of Christ. Alisha Plummer is a Christian single with constructive ideas for how the church can better integrate its unmarried members. If you’re feeling alone at church, this will be an encouraging discussion.   Confessions of a Christian Spinster: Finding Purpose in a Perplexed and Paired-Up Church     Inbox: Men and Premarital Sex    Our listener says many of the guys she’s met on dating apps say their faith is important — yet they don’t have a problem justifying premarital sex. She’s pretty upset about it. Is this a male problem, or is there something bigger here? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
June 15, 2023
What girls need in a friend, plus Laurie Polich Short on trusting God’s timing, and tips for those struggling in their first job out of college.    Featured musical artist:  Covenant Worship       Roundtable: What Women Need From Friendships Friendships are essential for emotional and relational health; without them, our lives can easily become self-centered and empty. But what exactly do men and women need from their friends, and what should we be willing to give? This week, a group of ladies discuss friendship from a female perspective. They share what makes a friendship meaningful, how to go deeper in friendship, what to do when a relationship fizzles, and more. (Next week: the men!)   Leave us a Voicemail   Hear Laurie’s Story of Waiting for Marriage!   Culture: Trusting God’s Timing  What do you do when God says, “Wait”? Or maybe you’re wondering if He’s saying anything at all. Trusting God’s timing and plan is no easy feat. Laurie Polich Short has relied on God during several seasons of waiting, including years of being single (she got married for the first time at age 49). Laurie will share strategies for waiting well, how to listen to God in what seems like silence, and why letting God call the shots is always worth it.   Faith, Doubt and God’s Mysterious Timing: 30 Biblical Insights About the Way God Works     Hear Laurie’s Story of Waiting for Marriage!   Watch Laurie’s Video Series   Inbox: Launching a Career   She’s struggling with her first job out of college. Is there a way to get a jump-start and make progress when you’re new to the workforce? HR expert Marshonda Dixon weighs in. 
June 8, 2023
Reflecting on 800 episodes, plus more with Dr. Greg Smalley on preparing for a great marriage, and is church membership biblical?   Featured musical artist:  David Baloche   Roundtable: Celebrating #800   Thanks to you, our listeners, we’ve reached our 800th episode! To mix things up, show producer John Peardon and audio engineer Alex Seeley take a turn hosting the roundtable — with Lisa Anderson as their guest. They ask her to reflect on hosting 800 episodes, plus everything from which Bible character she’d want to trade places with for a day, to things she wants Christians to stop doing, and skills she’s used from previous jobs in her current role.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Preparing for Your Future Marriage (Part 2)    Many singles dream of finding a spouse. But after that comes…marriage. Marriage is fantastic, but not easy. Are there things to learn before marriage that will set you up for better success in marriage? To help frame our perspective on what makes marriage work, Dr. Greg Smalley instructs us how to think about love from a godly perspective. In part two, he’ll address how love needs time to grow, plus why true love embraces and endures.    Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage Podcast   Marriage Assessment   Inbox: Should You Join a Church?    Most Christians would agree that being part of a local church is important; but is it necessary to be a member rather than just attend? Is that biblical? Lisa Anderson weighs in.          Is Church Membership Important?
June 1, 2023
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Waiting Isn't a Waste
The Surprising Comfort of Trusting God in the Uncertainties of Life

About The Boundless Show

Boundless is a ministry of Focus on the Family that exists to see young adults mature in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family. Through our website, blog and weekly podcast, we help singles in their 20s and 30s navigate the path to marriage biblically and intentionally while providing sound resources and advice on key issues young adults face. We discuss everything from dating and relationships to faith, worldview, career and culture in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We’re also on Facebook ( and Twitter (BoundlessTeam).

The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.

About Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.  

Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.

When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.

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