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The Creators of “The Chosen” (Part 2): Episode 688

April 8, 2021

Helping a friend through a hard time, plus part two with Dallas and Jerry Jenkins on dramatizing the life of Christ, and rebuilding friendships after sexual sin. 

Featured musical artist: Darlene Zschech

Roundtable: How to Help a Friend in Need

Having a true friend to help you through life’s tough seasons makes such a difference. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, a break-up, a bleak medical diagnosis or some other discouraging situation, God loves to use other Christians to help carry our burdens when we’re low. Our guests share how they’ve both helped others and been helped by others in practical and encouraging ways when life got especially tough.   

Culture: Behind the Scenes of “The Chosen” — Part 2

Many filmmakers have tried to tell the story of Jesus Christ and His disciples. Some have done a good job; others, not so much. The series making headlines today is called “The Chosen,” with season one surpassing 57 million views as of last fall, and season two just released this week. Lisa went to the show’s set in Texas and visited with series creator Dallas Jenkins to get the stories behind the production as well as a sneak peek of what’s to come. She also talked to Dallas’ dad, Jerry (mega-author of the Left Behind books), about the brand-new novel based on season one. Don’t miss this exclusive interview! (part two of two)      

Inbox: Friendship After Sexual Sin

Healthy friendships with the opposite gender can be great, but are they possible after a history of sexual sin? How do you start the process appropriately? And is there a point where it’s OK to date again? Counselor John Thorington weighs in.

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Past Episodes

Reasons to end a dating relationship, plus Dallas and Jerry Jenkins on dramatizing the life of Christ, and how to recognize a manipulator. Featured musical artist: Jeremy RosadoRoundtable: Dating Deal-BreakersLet’s be honest: None of us have it all together. Especially when dating, it’s easy for quirks and flaws to create tension between us and our significant other. But what about when an issue or sin is serious or persistent? Could it become a relationship deal-breaker? The fact is, some things are a big red flag that scream caution or even stop. Our guests share how to spot a deal-breaker in a dating relationship, and offer wisdom for how to address a serious situation when it crops up.   Culture: Behind the Scenes of “The Chosen” — Part 1Many filmmakers have tried to tell the story of Jesus Christ and His disciples. Some have done a good job; others, not so much. The series making headlines today is called “The Chosen,” with season one surpassing 57 million views as of last fall, and season two set to release any day now. Lisa went to the show’s set in Texas and visited with series creator Dallas Jenkins to get the stories behind the production as well as a sneak peek of what’s to come. She also talked to Dallas’ dad, Jerry (mega-author of the Left Behind books), about the brand-new novel based on season one. Don’t miss this exclusive interview! (part one of two)      Inbox: Spotting a ManipulatorYou meet someone who seems nice, but as you get to know them, something doesn’t feel right. They always seem to have a hidden agenda and often succeed in making you feel bad or “not enough.” Surprise! You may have found a classic manipulator. So what do you do? Counselor Patrick Hill weighs in.
April 1, 2021
Keeping friendships strong during the pandemic, plus more lies young adults believe, and what are essential habits to establish before marriage?    Featured musical artist: Daniel BashtaRoundtable: Preserving Friendships During a PandemicAs the world still reels from the effects of COVID-19, isolation is a common challenge nearly everyone is facing. Not being able to gather in public places, see family or visit friends has now become the norm. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, no one likes to feel completely cut off from everyone else. Is it possible to keep friendships alive during seasons of isolation? Our guests describe what the friendship journey has been like for them over the past year, and they give helpful tips for staying in touch, prioritizing in-person connections, and making good use of technology when necessary. Guests: Peter Gooch, Laura Williams, Bill ArbuckleCulture: Lies Young Adults Believe (Part 2)Many millennials and Gen Z adults are discouraged. The seemingly impressive accomplishments of our peers are only a click away. By fixating on others, it’s easy to feel like our lives aren’t special. Or that we’re not far enough along in our life plans. Paul Angone has a passion for helping young adults discover their true identity in Christ. In part two of our discussion, he’ll address why technology doesn’t necessarily make us better connected, the dangers of being too nostalgic, the difference between knowing information and being informed, and he finishes with positive declarations to debunk the lies of the world.      Inbox: Getting Myself Ready for MarriageGood habits and character qualities are important no matter what season of life you’re in. But what’s especially important to cultivate before tying the knot? What are those essential skills, habits and maturity markers to master in order to best ensure relational harmony with your future spouse? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
March 25, 2021
The struggle with impatience, plus lies young adults believe, and how does God speak into our dating experiences?   Featured musical artist: Kerrie RobertsRoundtable: The Sin of ImpatienceIt’s easy to judge someone who sins big. After all, we would never do that, right? But what about those sneaky, subtle sins that we excuse, ignore or explain away? The late Jerry Bridges called them “respectable” sins. But sin is sin. So what do we do? In part three of our roundtable series, our guests tackle the topic of impatience and irritability. Whether it’s losing your temper with a family member, obsessing about getting married, getting mad at your friends’ social media posts, or just not getting your way, impatience and frustration can creep in through many doors. Our guests discuss the subtle ways they’ve struggled with (and tried to excuse) these sins, and how God has shown them a way out. Guests: Steve Kammer, Charles Berry, Diana BlaschkeCulture: Lies Young Adults Believe (Part 1)Many millennials and Gen Z adults are discouraged. The seemingly impressive accomplishments of our peers are only a click away. By fixating on others, it’s easy to get discouraged and feel like our lives aren’t special. Or that we’re not far enough along in our life plans. Paul Angone has a passion for helping young adults discover their true identity in Christ. In part one of our discussion, he’ll debunk the myth of “I’m the only one struggling” and talk through missing chances on opportunities, the dangers of comparison, and what it’s really like to pursue our dreams.      Inbox: Did I Really Hear From God?She dated her boyfriend for over three years before they broke up, then prayed about whether or not they should get back together. After feeling like God told her yes, they dated for another six months, only to break up again. Did she hear God correctly? Or at all? Counselor Yale Kushner weighs in.
March 18, 2021
The struggle with discontentment, plus making Bible reading a daily habit, and what’s your role in finding a spouse?  Featured musical artist: David DunnRoundtable: The Sin of DiscontentmentIt’s easy to judge someone who sins big. After all, we would never do that, right? But what about those sneaky, subtle sins that we excuse, ignore or explain away? The late Jerry Bridges called them “respectable” sins. But sin is sin. So what do we do? In part two of our roundtable series, our guests tackle the topic of discontentment. It may look like obsessing over getting married, comparing yourself to your friends’ adventures on social media, or hating your job and wishing you had a better one. Our guests discuss the subtle ways they’ve struggled with discontentment, and how being grateful for God’s blessings makes the ultimate difference.Culture: Make Bible Reading a Daily HabitIn college, Stacey Thureen was a competitive swimmer who was poised for athletic greatness. But something was missing. After a friend introduced her to Jesus, she found the peace she was longing for. Yet even after becoming a Christian, reading her Bible consistently was a daily struggle, and her spiritual growth stalled. Maybe you can relate? Stacey shares her story of coming to Christ and how she’s learned to read her Bible consistently amid a busy life.      Inbox: Finding a Mate: God’s Job or Mine?  He’s single and wants to date, but feels like his options are limited right now. The big question running through his head is: Does God lead you to your spouse, or do you have to find one yourself? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
March 11, 2021
The struggle with self-control, plus more real-life dating advice from Jonathan Pokluda, and a listener’s boyfriend is estranged from his family. Featured musical artist: Nathan TaskerRoundtable: The Sin of Self-IndulgenceIt’s easy to judge someone who sins big. After all, we would never do that, right? But what about those sneaky, subtle sins that we excuse, ignore or explain away? The late Jerry Bridges called them “respectable” sins. But sin is sin. So what do we do? In part one of our roundtable series, our guests tackle the topic of self-indulgence. It may be with food or another addictive behavior; or maybe it’s spending money, or outbursts of anger. Our guests discuss their self-control struggles, how they’ve tried to minimize them, and how in God’s grace they’ve now committed to a daily fight against this stronghold of sin.   Guests: Kat Bittner, Diane Ingolia, Austin LightCulture: Dating in a 2021 World (Part 2)With the tech revolution, social media, smartphones and dating apps — not to mention a nasty pandemic all but squelching our opportunities for true connection — finding a mate is not for the faint of heart. But the question we’re all asking is: “What actually works?” Pastor Jonathan “JP” Pokluda offers excellent advice for how Christians should approach dating in an “anything goes” world. In part two of our conversation, he discusses how to stop playing games in dating, and debunks the myth of “you know when you know.”    Inbox: Family FeudHe seems like a godly young man, and she wants to keep dating him. But he’s estranged from his family, and her mom is especially concerned about it. Is this scenario a deal-breaker for their dating relationship? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in with wisdom for navigating this situation.
March 4, 2021
A compassionate conversation on same-sex attraction, plus Jonathan Pokluda’s real-life dating advice, and distinguishing sexual desire from lust. Featured musical artist: Aaron ShustRoundtable: God’s Grace Amid Sexual Identity StrugglesMany of us have struggled with same-sex attraction or gender identity confusion — or know someone who has. In a culture that consistently tries to cancel biblical truth, what’s the current conversation around homosexuality, transsexuality, and an application of God’s grace for it all? Our guests tell their stories of walking this journey personally and with friends and family members, offering hope and clarity on this ever-important issue.   Links to Resources:Speak to a CounselorBook: Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam AllberryBook: Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor by Glenn T. StantonHomosexuality ResourcesCulture: Dating in a 2021 World (Part 1)With the tech revolution, social media, smartphones and dating apps — not to mention a nasty pandemic all but squelching our opportunities for true connection — finding a mate is not for the faint of heart. But the question we’re all asking is: “What actually works?” Pastor Jonathan “JP” Pokluda offers excellent advice for how Christians should approach dating in an “anything goes” world. In part one of our discussion, he’ll address some myths about singleness and finding the “perfect” match. Inbox: Sexual Desire or Lust?Sexual desire is God-given. But Jesus clearly taught that lust is a sin. So what’s the difference? Is there a way to distinguish between normal sexual desires and lust? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in with helpful thoughts on this difficult topic.
February 25, 2021
Prioritizing sleep and rest, plus guarding your post-election mental health, and is dating a fellow business owner a wise idea? Featured musical artist: Mosaic MSCRoundtable: Why You Need Better SleepMany young adults pride themselves on doing life with little rest. Stay up late, get another project done, drink lots of caffeine, and just tough it out. But the truth is, we all need sleep and down-time if we’re going to thrive in life. Our guests discuss their own hang-ups around getting good rest, and give tips for proper sleep hygiene, time management, ways to fall asleep and more.    Culture: Staying Sane After the ElectionSeveral months after the 2020 U.S. election, residual passion and anger can still be felt around the country. If you’re glued to the news and social media around the clock, you’re bound to feel exhausted and upset. Is it possible to stay informed without letting it all drive you crazy? Psychiatrist Dr. Karl Benzio is back to provide helpful ideas for managing your mental health during this crazy time in our culture.  Check out the Lighthouse Network for more info!Inbox: Dating a Business PartnerShe co-owns a business with him and thinks he’s a great guy. Now that his latest relationship ended, she’s wondering if it’s time confess she likes him. She’s prayed about it, but would dating each other be bad for business? Human resources expert Jenn Scheck advises how to best approach this.
February 18, 2021
Choosing in a world of endless options, plus a pandemic self-care checkup, and not obsessing over someone’s unresponsiveness. Featured musical artist: Danen KaneRoundtable: Too Anxious to ChooseOur world is full of options. Whether it’s restaurants to try, subscriptions to purchase, or how to spend a Saturday, just settling on a decision can feel like work. But what about when you’re faced with bigger, life-altering choices: Do I take this relationship to the next level? Is this the  church I should join? Do I make this cross-country move or stay put? As the questions stir in our heads, it’s easy to let anxiety drive our decision-making — or keep us from making any decision at all. Our guests tell how they’ve learned to make wise choices in a sea of endless options, and give practical strategies for not overthinking big decisions.   Culture: Are You Still OK After a Year of COVID?As the weeks and months tick by, our nation and world still face the harsh realities of life in the COVID-19 pandemic. Many have lost jobs and some even lost family members and close friends to the virus. How are you holding up? Counselor Geremy Keeton discusses lessons we can learn from this past year and how we can have hope in these uncertain times. For those longing for normalcy, it’s an opportunity to pause and reflect on the necessary elements of life amid the unexpected.   For a free counseling consultation, visit our counseling page. Inbox: Did He See My Message? She really likes him and has sent him messages on social media. But even though she knows he’s logged into his accounts, he’s not replied to her. What gives? Lisa Anderson weighs in on the best way to respond to his non-responses.
February 11, 2021
Recognizing confidence versus arrogance, plus week two on embracing adulthood with grace, and should you splurge on stuff while single? Featured musical artist: Ginny OwensRoundtable: The Right Kind of ConfidenceWe’ve all met someone who just couldn’t tell us enough about his accomplishments. After tolerating his rambling, we searched for the nearest exit, hoping to not run into him again. For most people, especially in dating, arrogance is a gigantic turnoff. But is there a way to be genuinely confident without telling the world how great you are? Our guests discuss how they’ve learned to be confident (and recognize it in others) without crossing the line to being a jerk.   Culture: Adulting for Jesus — Part 2Let’s face it: Being an adult isn’t easy. We all want to find our life’s calling, but many of us feel like we’re making it up as we go. The good news is, God is here to help us through. Comedian Kristin Weber has learned a lot about embracing the responsibilities of adulthood in today’s world. In part two of our conversation, she discusses taming social media, embracing the Sabbath, dealing with loneliness, and finding contentment in an age of anxiety. Inbox: To Buy or Not to Buy?He’s single and enjoys decorating his place with higher-end stuff. But should he scrimp now and save his money for marriage and the expenses that will come then? What does wise stewardship and balance look like in his single season? Lisa Anderson weighs in with thoughts on managing your money well as a single adult, and when it’s OK to splurge.
February 4, 2021
Learning to enjoy your job, plus how to embrace adulthood with grace, and does her long-distance friendship have dating potential? Featured musical artist: James PedenRoundtable: On-the-Job JoyYour job is how you pay the bills, save for retirement and perform meaningful work. But work is a whole lot better if you enjoy doing it. The truth is, your job doesn’t have to be a daily grind. Our guests share their best strategies for making work fun — including taking breaks, prioritizing relationships over the next project, and finding a balance between staying sane and productive each and every day.    Culture: Adulting for Jesus — Part 1Let’s face it: Being an adult isn’t easy. We all want to find our life’s calling, but many of us feel like we’re making it up as we go. The good news is, God is here to help us through. Comedian Kristin Weber has learned a lot about embracing the responsibilities of adulthood in today’s world. In part one of our conversation, she discusses trusting God with your future, honoring Him with your work, and the value of persevering through hardship. Inbox: Long-Distance PotentialShe really enjoys being friends with him, and would love to date him — but they live in different states. With so many miles in between them, would dating be a smart decision? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in with some helpful tips she learned from her own dating journey.
January 28, 2021
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About The Boundless Show

Boundless is a ministry of Focus on the Family that exists to see young adults mature in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family. Through our website, blog and weekly podcast, we help singles in their 20s and 30s navigate the path to marriage biblically and intentionally while providing sound resources and advice on key issues young adults face. We discuss everything from dating and relationships to faith, worldview, career and culture in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We’re also on Facebook ( and Twitter (BoundlessTeam).

The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.

About Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.  

Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.

When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.

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