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Single on Valentine’s Day: Episode 784

February 9, 2023

Enjoying Valentine’s Day as a single, plus Debra Fileta on healthy habits, and recovering from an ambiguous breakup.

Featured musical artist:  James Peden   

Roundtable: Valentine’s Day Won’t Kill You

Valentine’s Day when you’re single can feel lonely and “less than,” but it doesn’t need to be a day wasted. With a little creativity, the day can still be meaningful and fun, even if you don’t have a date lined up. Our guests (all single!) discuss ways to avoid mental ruts and self-pity on Valentine’s Day, how to make the most of the holiday, and their idea of an ideal Valentine’s Day date. 

Find True Love on Valentine’s Day 

Culture: Need a Life Tune-Up?

We’re more than a month into the new year, so maybe you’ve strayed a bit from your well-intentioned goals and resolutions. Fear not: To get back on track, we brought in our counselor and friend Debra Fileta to discuss how to press the “reset” button and establish healthy habits in multiple life spheres. In part one of our discussion, she’ll discuss wanting to change, starting with a pause, owning your faults, and why life is not a one-man show.

Inbox: Remind Me Why We’re Breaking Up?

She recently went through a breakup where there was a lack of clarity from the guy. He claims that he was attracted to her but the romance in their relationship was lacking. Now she’s wondering how important romance actually is for marriage. Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.

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Past Episodes

Getting closer to God solo and with others, plus Nick and Chelsea Hurst’s tips on marriage-minded dating, and discussing marriage with your parents.Featured musical artist:  Ellie Holcomb   Roundtable: You, God, and OthersGetting closer to God doesn’t happen by accident — you must make it a priority and have supportive friends who’ll spur you on in your faith. To offer practical ideas for growing in your walk with Jesus, our roundtable panelists share practices that have helped them personally, and discuss why community is critical to our spiritual growth.Culture: Marriage-Minded DatingNick and Chelsea Hurst’s love story started through a DM on Twitter. After meeting in person, they quickly got to know one another, fell in love, and felt God’s call to get married. But they still had things to work through as their relationship progressed. In this conversation, Nick and Chelsea address working through communication problems, handling secrets, and how to know if you’re spiritually compatible with your significant other. Marriage Minded: 10 Ways to Know If You’ve Found the OneInbox: Talking Marriage With Your ParentsHer boyfriend recently had a conversation with her dad about proposing to her. However, she’s not in the best place financially, and doesn’t feel comfortable discussing marriage with her parents. What can she do? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.See for privacy information.
February 2, 2023
Celebrating 15 Years of “The Boundless Show”: Episode 782The podcast turns 15 years old, plus founder Steve Watters on how the show started, and Lisa Anderson recounts several favorite episode momentsFeatured musical artist:   Liz ViceRoundtable: Happy 15th Birthday to “The Boundless Show”!Exactly 15 years ago today, on January 26, 2008, the first episode of “The Boundless Show” went live. We appreciate the ways you, the listener, have supported this podcast and made this special anniversary possible. To celebrate what God has done, we’re recapping some amazing memories and moments from the show. Join Lisa as she takes a look back at the show through the years.  Culture: “The Boundless Show’s” Origin StorySteve and Candice Watters started in 1998 as a “webzine” to help Christian young adults live out their faith. In this special interview, Steve joins Lisa to share how Boundless went from being an online magazine to also becoming a weekly podcast. He tells us how the podcast got started, why Lisa was chosen as the host, and gives advice to listeners on following Jesus Inbox: Lisa’s Favorite Show MomentsAfter 15 years of hosting “The Boundless Show,” we thought it would be fun to ask Lisa what some of her favorite moments have been throughout the show’s history. If you’ve ever wondered, this is your chance to find out. Episode 52: Fighting Against Sex Trafficking Episode 80: I Love Bill Gaither!Episode 254: All in the Family Episode 242: Randy Alcorn InterviewEpisode 288: Who is Lisa Anderson? Episode 341: Live From PursuitEpisode 385: Laurie Polich Short InterviewEpisode 386: Francis & Lisa Chan InterviewEpisode 549: How to Handle Conflict Well Episode 550: Tony Evans Interview - Part 1Episode 551: Tony Evans Interview - Part 2Episode 771: Why Church Matters (Part 1)Episode 772: Why Church Matters (Part 2) See for privacy information.
January 26, 2023
How therapy can improve your life, plus Debbie Laaser on trauma recovery, and hope for a strained sibling relationship. Featured musical artist:  About a MileRoundtable: When to Look for a CounselorCounseling isn’t just for people in crisis. All of us need a personal growth tune-up from time to time, and occasionally the best wisdom might come from a good Christian counselor. How can you know when it might be a good season to get help? And what should you look for in finding a counselor who’s a good fit? Our panel of three experienced counselors will share tips for making counseling work for you.Counseling ServiceFind a CounselorCulture: Healing From TraumaWhether it’s a breakup, losing a loved one, or feeling the sting of betrayal, your heart can take years to recover from a traumatic season or experience. Professional counselor Debbie Laaser has walked through several heart-wrenching events but learned how instead of staying stuck, God wanted to transform her through them. She’ll tell some of her story and give hope for healing beyond the darkness.From Trauma to Transformation: A Path to Healing and Growth Inbox: Sibling BullyingDiagnosed with schizophrenia, she’s experienced a spectrum of relational challenges, including bullying. Even her brother is making light of her condition, and it’s put a strain on their relationship. Is it time for a difficult conversation? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.
January 19, 2023
Small but measurable changes in productivity, plus the state of the pro-life movement post-Dobbs, and how to avoid online scams.Featured musical artist:  Jonathan Cain Roundtable: How to Increase Your ProductivityWhen you consider your habits and goals from 2022, what went well? What areas still need improvement? As we settle into a rhythm for 2023, our guests share small changes they’re making to accomplish their goals in the new year. Listen to the discussion on cutting the clutter, managing your time, and being more productive; then implement strategies for taking your own personal growth to the next level.Culture: What’s Changed Since the Roe v. Wade Reversal?Despite the Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs decision last June, tension has remained high around the topic of abortion in America. Some states have instituted more restrictive abortion measures while others have sought to expand abortion rights. Protests continue, but what’s the real story? Months after the ruling, what has actually changed, and what are the implications for women, babies, the courts and the future of life in our nation? Focus on the Family’s Robyn Chambers sets the record straight and offers guidance for how to champion life where it matters most.Option Ultrasound ProgramInbox: Preventing an Online Scam She was recently scammed by someone on Instagram who posed as a well-known Christian leader. She gave money to the individual and is now dealing with the repercussions. How did this happen, and how can she prevent it from happening again? Cybersecurity expert Rhett Saunders weighs in. PDF: 3 Steps to a Secure Online Presence
January 12, 2023
Setting relational goals in the new year, plus Jeanine Amapola’s breakup recovery tips, and how to politely say “no” to a second date.Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome Roundtable: Goals for Your RelationshipsSince a new year usually prompts conversations around goals and resolutions, we thought it would be fun to discuss our relational goals for the next 12 months. Whether in dating, friendship, family, or just general communication and interpersonal prowess, our guests take a look back at their relationships in 2022, the areas they hope to grow in this year, and how to have hope for your relational future in singleness, dating and more.I Wasn’t Born to Be a MomCulture: Jeanine Amapola on Recovering From a BreakupLet’s face it: Breakups are hard. If you’ve recently or not-so-recently walked through a relationship implosion, you know it’s not something you just “get over.” And it’s doubly tough when your friends are in a season of romantic bliss (or so it seems). Jeanine Amapola, host of the “Happy and Healthy Podcast,” has seen her share of heartache. She’ll talk through a couple of her breakups, honestly dissecting what she did both wrong and right. Her insights will give us encouragement as we navigate our own stories of relational loss.Happy & Healthy PodcastInbox: What If I Don’t Want a Second Date? She was recently asked out by a guy but isn’t excited about it. She’s willing to give him a chance, but is already questioning how to turn down a second date if he asks for it. Is she overthinking this, or is there a way she can prepare for the conversation? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
January 5, 2023
Ideas for a successful first date, plus popular misconceptions about dating, and the dangers of seeing every guy as a potential spouse.Featured musical artist:  Austin Stone Worship Roundtable: First Date Strategies for SuccessYou’re going on a first date! Just the thought sparks more questions than answers. Will we have a good conversation? Will he be a gentleman? Is she who I think she is? To help make your first date experience better, we brought in a group of friends to share some dos and don'ts for making a good first impression, infusing fun into whatever you do, having a meaningful interaction, and determining whether a second date is a good idea.Culture: Common Misconceptions About Dating and MarriageLast spring, Boundless’ show engineer, Alex Seeley, got married. For he and his wife, Megan, it’s been a fun and eye-opening journey of learning to adjust to married life. Looking back on their dating days, Alex and Megan share common myths people believe about dating and marriage (they even admit a myth or two that tripped them up). We’ll discuss dating choices, being “too picky,” maturity in marriage, and more.Roots Episode: Debunking Popular Myths About Dating and MarriageBusting 10 Christian Dating MythsInbox: Not Every Man Is a Potential Mate How can she stop viewing every cute guy as a potential spouse? It’s making her kind of crazy, and she wants more balance in the way she approaches the men she meets. Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
December 29, 2022
Expressing your faith on social media and in person, plus more from Tim Challies on processing grief, and should a breakup be part of your story?Featured musical artist:  AbandonRoundtable: Living Your Faith Online and IRLAs Christians, our identity is in Christ, so there’s no way we can separate our faith from who we are and what we do. As such, our faith is reflected in everything, including our interactions with others. As we consider how we show up in relationships — whether real or virtual — what should that look like? How do we set the tone, language, actions and reactions to everything we communicate? Our panelists talk through ways they’re learning to be open about their faith, whether face-to-face or via a post, meme or Reel. Listen in as they share how to glorify God and share the love of Christ through our communication and conversations.Culture: Grief When You Least Expect It (Part 2) On November 3, 2020, Tim Challies got the call every parent dreads — his 20-year-old son, Nick, had died unexpectedly while away at college. As the grief and shock hit and then continued in waves, Tim found incredible comfort in grieving through the seasons of the following year by writing out his thoughts and emotions. In part two of our conversation, Tim discusses the spring and summer seasons after Nick’s passing — including what should have been Nick’s wedding day — and shares hard-won peace in keeping an eternal perspective on the days we are given.Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God Inbox: Is a Breakup Necessary for Relationship Success?We all know someone who’s gone through a breakup; in fact, most people experience one before they ever meet their mate. But our listener is wondering: Is a breakup a necessary part of the dating process? She’s reluctant to date because of the pain she’s seen breakups cause her friends. Lisa Anderson weighs in.
December 22, 2022
Christmas shopping on a budget, plus blogger Tim Challies on processing grief, and appropriate age gaps for dating.Featured musical artist: Ecclesia Roundtable: A Budget-Conscious ChristmasAre you still trying to finish your Christmas shopping? You’re not the only one. And with inflation and other financial pressures, gift-giving this year can seem more of a burden than a blessing. But what if truly meaningful gifts aren’t always the most expensive ones? Our panel shares ideas for fun and creative Christmas gifts and activities that will still leave money in your pocket.Culture: Grief When You Least Expect It (Part 1) On November 3, 2020, Tim Challies got the call every parent dreads — his 20-year-old son, Nick, had died unexpectedly while away at college. As the grief and shock hit and then continued in waves, Tim found incredible comfort in grieving through the seasons of the following year by writing out his thoughts and emotions. In part one of our conversation, Tim talks about the early days after receiving the tragic news, how he wrestled with God’s sovereignty amid the intense grief, and what helped him get through the dark days of that fall and winter.Inbox: Appropriate Age Gaps in DatingMany of us know a couple where the man and woman are several years (or more) apart in age.  At what point does an age gap become too weird or problematic? Is there a formula for figuring out how to view age differences for relational success? Lisa Anderson weighs in.  Get the book "Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God " for your donation of any amount! 4 Things to Consider When Dating With an Age DifferenceWhat to Ask When There’s an Age Difference
December 15, 2022
Are you a planner or more spontaneous? Plus, five instincts of masculinity, and is it normal to be regularly annoyed at your boyfriend?Featured musical artist: Hollyn Roundtable: Structure or Spontaneity? While some people map out their daily routines, others prefer to be more “off the cuff” and ready for anything. Each tendency has strengths and weaknesses. Our panelists share their unique approaches to life, how they both maximize and guard their temperaments, and how they flex to accommodate those who are different.Culture: 5 Masculine Instincts and What They MeanWhat does it mean to embrace godly masculinity? Pastor Chase Replogle has written “The 5 Masculine Instincts” to explore this topic. Listen in as he and Lisa break down the manifestations of sarcasm, adventure, ambition, reputation and apathy in men — how they are not necessarily sinful, yet how they can go awry. Most importantly, Chase will show us what it looks like to submit each instinct to the Lord.Get the book "The 5 Masculine Instincts: A Guide to Becoming a Better Man" for your donation of any amount: She’s Annoyed With Her BoyfriendShe and her boyfriend have been together for almost two years, yet she finds herself regularly annoyed at him. Is this normal? Her friends tell her that annoyances get worse once you get married. Counselor Elaine Humphries weighs in.
December 8, 2022
Honoring people of different generations, plus going eyes wide open into marriage, and what if your parents don’t like your significant other?Featured musical artist:  Kerrie RobertsRoundtable: Showing Honor to Other GenerationsGen X, Baby Boomers, Gen Z and Millennials. Every generation is distinctive, each with its unique perspectives, habits, and cultural references. Is it possible for these generations to learn from each other and even — wait for it — get along? Members of four generations sit at the table this week to discuss the hallmarks of their own “tribe” but also to approach work, relationships, communication and more with generational differences (not to mention humility) in mind.Culture: Preparing for an Honest MarriageNobody walks into marriage perfectly prepared. Whether it’s baggage, misconceptions, pride or all three, all married couples must confront their brokenness if their relationship is to survive. With decades of pre-marital counseling experience and wisdom from his 40-plus-year marriage, Bob Lepine has mentored a wide variety of couples with an even wider scope of issues. He’ll offer insights on how to approach marriage with your eyes and heart open, and how to make the most important things the main things both before and after tying the knot.Build a Stronger Marriage: The Path to Oneness (Ask the Christian Counselor)Inbox: When Your Parents Don’t ApproveThe holidays are a great time to introduce your boyfriend or girlfriend to your parents. But what do you do when your mom and dad say they don’t approve of your match? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.
December 1, 2022
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About The Boundless Show

Boundless is a ministry of Focus on the Family that exists to see young adults mature in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family. Through our website, blog and weekly podcast, we help singles in their 20s and 30s navigate the path to marriage biblically and intentionally while providing sound resources and advice on key issues young adults face. We discuss everything from dating and relationships to faith, worldview, career and culture in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We’re also on Facebook ( and Twitter (BoundlessTeam).

The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.

About Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.  

Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.

When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.

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Focus on the Family
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Colorado Springs, CO 
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